My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

[x] Get up and join the fight…you're not getting left out at a moment like this!
I wonder if this Homonculus remembers that Adrenaline is a thing?

Ah well, not like they'll be around to get that explanation.
[x] Just sit back and watch the fireworks….this should be interesting.
Joining in
[x] Joining in

Slowly, but surly you get back up on your feet. You unenhanced human form might be a complete joke compared to your normal one….or even your human form when enhanced by magic, but that doesn't mean that you aren't willing to fight when one runs right up to you and shoots you in the face repeatedly….because that tends to be a sign that you have a fight on your hand….or well that you mother is throwing you a birthday party, but her idea of a good day involves a lot of fighting so it's only natural that it would start off with some kind violence., and you can't say you don't appreciate the gesture.

As you do so the woman before you undergoes her transformation. Nothing physical happens of course, almost certainly because this power is willpower based but her garb does change from the casual clothes that she had been wearing before. Instead her clothes take on a blue coloration and the physical shape chances to a chainmail shirt and protective pants…thank goodness for a moment there you were worried her transformation would be a bunch of sallow fan-service, this actually looks like it could be useful in an actual fight.

The girl in question wastes no time in going after the Homuculus delivering an uppercut straight into the constructs jaw that sends her strain up into the ceiling.

"Aggg!" The Homunculus grans are she lands. "That was a nasty right hook!"

You decide to take advantage of that opening by kicking her in the gut, it certainly does less damage than your new friends attack, but you do manage to force her back.

Once again the homunculus raises her hand…except this time she unleashes a withering hail of fire that by all means would be more than capable of downing most opponenets.

Unfortunately for her, your new friend is far from a normal enemy.

And she's within punching distance before you can even blink.

"It's time for you to leave!" She snarls at the Homunculus before gathering energy in her fist and delivering a powerful blow right to her enemies face. "Facemasher Punch!"

Really? Calling her attack? Well you suppose that is a bit of a tradition if a very strange one.

Either way the Homunculs crumbles before the power of the blow, bursting apart in a shower of a strange blue liquid and a variety of organ wire….you'd pretty sure you've just been covered in what amounts to blood and guts….niiiiiiiiiiice.

The girl takes a while to calm down, but once she does she immediately transforms back into her normal state.

"Hey!" You call out to her extending you hand. "Thanks for saving my life. I'm Jonathan Darkforest."

"Thanks for helping me out in that fight." She takes your hand in her own and shakes it. "I'm Julia Skullcrusher….yeah I know the last name is kind of weird, but what can ya do? It's a family name."

"Not much." You smile back at her. "After all you can't choose your family."

Moments later Mary in her magical princess form shows up and asks what happened. You make sure to cover for Julia and mention that an enigmatic warrior lady showed up to save the two of you before disappearing before she arrived….It's actually kind of funny to see Mary's embarrassment over being late to the action. Not that it's her fault mind you…the two of just happened to be really early due to actually being on sight when the attack start her response time was actually really good when you take all things into considered…not that you actually plan on telling her that mind you.

Ah it really was a good day….now all you have to do is decide what you want to do for the night.
[x] Investigate of the new warriors. (Choose between the one from today or the night before.
[x] Make a monster.
[x] The Lord of Thriving Fungi's presence here is infuriating….track down some of his agents.
[x] You smell an evil presence…you'd better go investigate.
Adhoc vote count started by undead frog on Oct 17, 2017 at 11:00 AM, finished with 21 posts and 16 votes.

  • [x] The Lord of Thriving Fungi's presence here is infuriating….track down some of his agents.
    [x] Make a monster.
    -[x] Something sneaky with good senses you can watch stuff from.
    [x] You smell an evil presence…you'd better go investigate.
    [x] Joining in
    [x] Investigate of the new warriors. (Choose between the one from today or the night before.
    [x] Make a monster.
    [x] The Lord of Thriving Fungi's presence here is infuriating….track down some of his agents.
    [x] You smell an evil presence…you'd better go investigate.
    [X] Investigate of the new warriors.
    -[X] Skullcrusher
    [x] Make a monster.
[x] The Lord of Thriving Fungi's presence here is infuriating….track down some of his agents.
I still want one that's cute. People dismiss cute things as being potentally dangerous/a problem. And it might just get picked up by someone who knows more than we do.

Also, I'm going to assume that there's an implicit "Take a Shower" in every single vote category, right?
[x] The Lord of Thriving Fungi's presence here is infuriating….track down some of his agents