You have 2 Perk points available. Perks are unlocked at every 5 Levels, or every 20 Skill points.
Combat: Melee: 20 Perk. Trained Fighter. You are an above-average fighter. +10 to Combat Checks.
Combat: Melee: 40 Perk. Brawler. You are always armed. Provided you can use your limbs at least. +20 to Combat Checks.
Combat: Melee: 60 Perk. Commanding Officer. You are a skilled fighter, and those under your command know it. +30 to Combat Checks. +10 to morale rolls for forces you command. Requires one of the preceding Melee Perks.
Combat: Melee: 80 Perk. Crusher. You are a supremely skilled fighter. Your mere presence nearby is demoralizing to the enemy. +40 to Combat Checks. Malus of 10 to enemy morale rolls when arrayed against forces you command. Requires 2 of the preceding Melee Perks.
Combat: Melee: 100 Perk. Champion. You have achieved the limits of mortal combat when fighting in the close-range. You can embolden your forces and terrify the enemy by your mere presence, and the enemy champion is the only one that may do more than buy time with their lives should they get too close. +50 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 25 to morale rolls for forces under your command, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are present on the planet. Requires 3 of the preceding Melee Perks.
Combat: Melee: 120 Perk. Supreme Champion. You have exceeded the limits of mortal combat when fighting in melee. Your forces are emboldened by proximity to you, and enemies falter, as you are essentially death incarnate to any but a Warp Horror. +60 to Combat Checks. Bonus of 50 to morale rolls for your forces, Malus of the same to enemy morale rolls when you are in the same system. Requires 4 of the preceding Melee Perks.
Speech: Persuasion: 20 Perk. Persuasive. You are decent at convincing people to do as you want them to. +10 to Speech Checks.
Speech: Persuasion: 40 Perk. A Favor? You can call in favors from those you've helped in the past to smooth things over in the present. Bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.
Speech: Persuasion: 60 Perk. Appeal To Morality. Your arguments are convincing from a purely pragmatic point of view, as well as an emotional one. Decreases difficulty of Persuasion Checks by 50 if your target lacks a strong reason to refuse you, such as a direct order from a superior. Provides half this bonus to Diplomacy Checks if you possess the moral highground.
Speech: Diplomacy: 20 Perk. Charismatic. You possess strong charisma, which helps convince others to agree with your demands. +10 to Speech Checks.
Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Paragon. You always do the right thing, even when it's hard. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Karma.
Speech: Diplomacy: 40 Perk. Renegade. You always get results, even if others hate your methods. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.
Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk: White-tongued. You are the positive equivalent of the charismatic leader of a cult. Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Karma. Must have Paragon. Mutually exclusive with Black-tongued.
Speech: Diplomacy: 60 Perk. Black-tongued. There isn't all that much difference between you and that cult leader... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks equal to Infamy. Must have Renegade. Mutually exclusive with White-tongued.
Speech: Intimidation: 20 Perk. Intimidating. You are... impressive to look at, which makes people agree with what you say to make you go away quicker. +10 to Speech Checks.
Speech: Intimidation: 40 Perk. Menacing. Your deeds precede you... Provides a bonus to Speech Checks if you possess Infamy.
Speech: Intimidation: 60 Perk. S-Stay Back! You terrify everyone and everything capable of fear. Provides a bonus of 50 to Intimidation Checks if your counterpart lacks a strong reason to refuse you. Provides a bonus of 25 to Diplomacy Checks if you lack the moral highground.
Medicine: Surgery: 20 Perk. Steady Hands. You are almost supernaturally calm during an operation, probably because a wrong move could kill or cripple the patient. Reduced chance and severity of injuries sustained during medical operations regardless of the situation.
Forging: Weapons: 20 Perk. Folded. While folding metal merely spreads the impurities around to prevent a single major weak point from forming, it has its uses, as most metals can only be purified so much before involving the Warp or highly specialized arrays specifically for this purpose. The latter is difficult to maintain, and the former risks introducing far more unpleasant impurities. +10 Forging Checks.
Forging: Armor: 20 Perk. Alloyed. You can create alloys to take advantage of their properties in armor. +10 to Forging Checks.
Forging: Gear: 20 Perk. Repairsmith. While you can't forge the largest or more complex pieces, you can fix them just fine. You may repair items 30 Skill points beyond you to build, rather than 20.
Education: General: 20 Perk. Knowledgeable. You know a thing or two about... everything. Provides a +10 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.
Education: General: 40 Perk. Intriguing... Your knowledge opens doors that might otherwise be closed. Provides a +10 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.
Education: General: 60 Perk. I Know Lots of Things! Your knowledge base allows you to make connections most people can't. Provides a +10 bonus to Perception, Electronics, Explosives, Psyker, and Invention Checks.
[Taken] Education: General: 80 Perk. Scholar. You have an extensive knowledge base on every subject, allowing you to make connections even other scientists usually miss. +25 bonus to Tactics and Speech from outside knowledge.
[Taken] Education: General: 100 Perk. Expert. You have the deepest knowledge of anyone on the planet. You can make connections no one else would even think to look for. +25 bonus to Medicine, Forging, and Combat.
Education: Culture: 20 Perk. Basic Etiquette. You know the manners expected from many different hosts and can determine which set is appropriate unless taken by total surprise. Malus from 'snobbery' or supposedly looking down on those present (depending on the group) removed when dealing with humans.
Education: Culture: 40 Perk. Diplomatic Training. By emulating the great diplomats in (uncensored) vids, you can deflect minor insults and are more difficult to draw a reaction from. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Speech Checks.
Education: Culture: 60 Perk. Cultural Diffusion. From what you've seen of the diplomatic corps, they tend to pick up a few mannerisms and ideas from the cultures they interact with, but not to the point of identifying with said culture. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. Considered Major when resisting attempts at indoctrination. Gain +10 to Speech Checks.
Education: Culture: 80 Perk. Cultural Significance. There are many historical examples of diplomacy failing, not because of malice or stupidity, but of ignorance of the cultural significance of some item or person. You are determined to avoid such mistakes. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, no chance of accidentally causing an incident by doing the equivalent of burning down the Statue of Liberty (somehow) or similar levels of cultural insult.
Education: Culture: 100 Perk. Cultural Analysis. In a similar vein, you believe that one should know as much as possible about cultures you are interacting with, as a number of small insults can pile up. When dealing with unfamiliar cultures, you quickly compile a simple database of their mannerisms and avoid causing insult.
Education: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Warp Student. You've learned quite a bit about the Warp, though you have much more to learn. +10 to Psyker Checks.
Education: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Arcane Knowledge. The Warp has some logic to it, but there is a certain amount of mysticism as well. You suspect it's because most people attribute said mysticism to the psychically-reactive dimension. +10 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.
[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Patterns In The Soul. You will have to investigate further, but you believe you may have discovered something to do with why some people are psykers and some are not. +20 to Psyker Checks. Additional +10 to Esoteric Checks.
[Taken] Education: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Found The Pattern. Interesting, being a psyker does have something to do with one's DNA, but it also has to do with the makeup of one's soul. Of course, you have no idea how to go about making someone into a psyker, or the reverse, but identifying one is trivial. +40 to Psyker Checks. Additional +20 to Esoteric Checks. Either 40 or 60 Education: Esoteric Perk must be taken.
Education: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Force The Door. You think you've figured out how to widen the 'doorway' or close it a bit. You can't make someone who wasn't a psyker in the first place into one, but you can provide a small permanent boost to those with the control to remain uncorrupted, or the reverse to those who are at risk or corrupted. Huh, is this how Warp Horrors strengthen corrupted psykers? + 80 to Psyker Checks, and +10 to allied Psyker Checks. 2 of Education: Esoteric Perks 40, 60 or 80 must be taken.
Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Technomany. Technology can be controlled with psychic might directly, surprisingly enough. The more advanced the technology, the closer it is to possessing a mind like a sentient being, which in turn makes it vulnerable to mental domination. This is distinct from telekinesis. +10 to Electronics, Invention, and Explosives Checks.
Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk. Elementalist. Controlling the elements can be a potent weapon. Lightning, water, air, earth, fire, ice, light, and darkness all have their uses. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks.
[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 20 Perk: Biomancer. Manipulating your and others biology is a powerful force multiplier... or reducer. +5 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of 5 to enemy Checks in the same.
[Taken] Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perk Fleshcrafter. You have immense power over flesh, allowing your flesh and that of your allies to go far beyond it's limits, and causing the flesh of your enemies to rebel against them. +10 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.
Psyker: Manipulation: 60 Perk. Fleshchanger. Your powers over flesh have grown to allow you to restore lost limbs or cause cancerous growths, and similarly boost or weaken the flesh itself. +25 to Combat, Tactics, and Medicine Checks. Malus of the same to enemy Checks in the same.
Psyker: Manipulation: 40 Perks Locked until relevant Manipulation: 20 Perks selected.
Psyker: Willpower: 20. Strong-willed. Your will is like iron to the common man's bronze. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +5 to Psyker: Willpower Checks.
Psyker: Willpower: 40 Perk. Will of Steel. Your will is like steel. Gain Minor Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.
[Taken] Psyker: Willpower: 60 Perk. Will of Titanium. You will is like titanium. Gain Moderate Mental Resistance. +10 to Psyker Skill Checks.
Psyker: Willpower: 80 Perk. Will of Adamantium. Your will is beyond titanium. Gain Major Mental Resistance. +25 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have Will of Titanium.
Psyker: Willpower: 100 Perk. Unbreakable Will. Your will is in the realm of heroes. Gain Extreme Mental Resistance. +50 to Psyker Skill Checks. Must have WoT and WoA.
Psyker: Esoteric: 20 Perk. Diviner. You possess greater talents than normal in seeing the near-future, and can see both more accurately and further than most human diviners. +5 to Combat and Psyker Checks.
Psyker: Esoteric: 40 Perk. Rift Welder. You can force rifts any smaller than the planetary scale closed with some time and effort. Checks for closing rifts moderately reduced in difficulty.
Psyker: Esoteric: 60 Perk. Warp Whispers. You can hear whispers of things to come, or things long past. Gain Galactic Rumor Mill. Add visions of the distant past and future to RER table.
Psyker: Esoteric: 80 Perk. Warp Messages. You can project messages across the Warp if you are willing to risk it, and overhear messages from others. Adds Warp Messages action to Minor Actions options. This allows you to send messages across the galaxy similar to an astropath. (Currently you have no one to direct the message to.) Must have taken WW.
Psyker: Esoteric: 100 Perk. Warp Chats. You can hold conversations with any psyker within a few sectors of you, though the greater the distance, the more likely someone will overhear. Changes Warp Messages action to allow for real-time conversations with nearby (by galactic standards) systems. Must have taken WM.
Invention: Necessity: 20 Perk. Where Did You...? Pockets! You always have Crude Tools on hand, even if you don't have pockets. Don't think about it too hard. +5 to Forging, Tactics: Preparation, Electronics: Wiring, Explosives: Preparation, and Invention Checks.
Invention: Practicality: 20 Perk. Close Enough. Sometimes you have to make do with 'good enough' and you are decent at doing so. Crude materials are considered Simple for the purposes of crafting items.
Invention: Extravagance: 20 Perk. That Must Have Been Expensive. Reduces cost of Extravagant builds by 10%, or 1, whichever is more, barring reducing the cost below 1 of the necessary materials.
[Taken 2/3] Level 5 Perk. Talented. You are a talented individual. This is reflected in the growth of your Skills. May tag an additional Skill. This Perk may be selected up to three times.
Level 10 Perk. Experienced. While young, you have a surprisingly wide set of experiences to draw on. +25 to all Checks. +10 to all of your rolls.