My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!

Can we answer truthfully? I mean, i see no reason why we shouldn't tell her that we are the Prince of Werewolves. As long as she doesn't know said Prince of Werewolves is her best friend our mission statement stays fulfilled and we cut down on the levels of deception we need to run. If we make the Prince of Werewolves look like her ally it would allow us to really cut loose in our true form in the future.
[X] Your future boyfriend!

[X] Cheerfully in a strange accent

Lets allow her to think we are a foreigner who doesn't have a good grasp of their language. Just for the troll potential.
[JK] Wolverine!


[X] Your future boyfriend!

[X] Cheerfully in a strange accent
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."

[X] Criptic as possible.
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically
[Jk] Your Bestfriend

[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically
Can we answer truthfully? I mean, i see no reason why we shouldn't tell her that we are the Prince of Werewolves. As long as she doesn't know said Prince of Werewolves is her best friend our mission statement stays fulfilled and we cut down on the levels of deception we need to run. If we make the Prince of Werewolves look like her ally it would allow us to really cut loose in our true form in the future.
Wouldn't she know or find out fast that the prince of werewolves belongs to the Court of Black Weeds and therefore is an enemy?
Wouldn't she know or find out fast that the prince of werewolves belongs to the Court of Black Weeds and therefore is an enemy?
"Mother likes fighting things. She's not really picky. So she does what gets us the most fights. If that includes helping you against people who already want us dead... Don't be surprised if there's a severed head on your doorstep tomorrow. Contrary to human culture, that means she approves."
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically
[X] "You wish to know of me? Very well then: I am he who has mastered the mightiest of magical arts, specialist of supreme sorcery, and worker of weighty wizardry! I am a most marvelous magician of muscle, known as THE WIZARD OF PUNCH!!!"

[X] As hammy as possible.
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically
[X] Your future boyfriend!
[X] Cheerfully in a strange accent

I just want to see her reaction to it:p
And I can see octi face palm in the background :lol
[X] "Oh come now Fair Lady, you of all beings should know names have power. I am someone who loves and is loved by the night."
[X] Enigmatically

Im so tempted to go for the future boyfriend option for the hilarity and trolling her but this woupd be a better bet for establishing cover i think.