Personally I'd have been asking "Why did you not bring this before me earlier?"
My read on the situation:
- This man is not Scorpion Paragon loyal to us. If he were Paragon levels of loyal, he would have mentioned something about this before now, rather than waiting until he could spring it on us at a time where it would cost us additional political capital to do the thing he wants us to do. It takes *time* to put this sort of thing together. "You should make me your advisor. See this thing I have established for you" is a fairly compelling argument, after all. Whether or not this is accurate, he *is* playing us.
- He's put in a fair bit of effort to build to this interaction one way or the other. Investigations to this level are not trivial. Forgeries to this level are also not trivial. The forging would probably be the easier of the two.
- At an OOC level, the fact that Susumu is mentioned, when our PC would have no reason to know who he was, makes me inclined to think that there's at least *something* there. It's entirely possible that he's taken a few pieces from a few different plots and stitched them together into something else, rather than crafting from whole cloth.
- The plot has three primary focii. The Lion heir to be killed and his regent framed for it, the Crab and Crane sent back to war, and us assassinated, with the Scorpion either framed or guilty of the assassination, found out (or "found out"), and burned to the ground (again).
- The Unicorn and Mantis *are* plotting something... though we don't know exactly what.
- This is the sort of thing that happens from time to time in Rokugan, and "Spider scheming" is exactly the sort of thing that *makes* it happen.
- Admitting openly that we believe this thing is a terrible idea. Ignoring this thing is *also* a terrible idea.
- Given that we've been told the plans, by the Scorpion, no less, much of this is shot already. The Scorpion aren't going to try to assassinate us when they know they're going to get stabbed in the back, if they try to start up the Yasuki war again, we can intervene to a degree, and we can absolutely intervene if the current Lion Heir dies to prevent his regent from being implicated.
- OOC, if this plot *is* being run by Susumu/Usharo, it almost certainly has radically different objectives than it pretends to. IC... why would they be scheming on behalf of the Mantis and Unicorn?
@gman391 - it doesn't look like there's a write-in here. My actual reaction was something along the lines of "it's not completely trustworthy, but I suspect there's at least some truth here. Take quiet steps to protect against this and investigate further, but don't act too openly". Is that not reasonable?