Which of the other starter choices do you want to see interludes from most?

  • Dishonored

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Legend Of Zelda

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Shadow Of Mordor

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Preacher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Fist Of The North Star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kill Six Billion Demons

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • The Zombie Knight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mob Psycho 100

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Author's Choice

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting will close tomorrow at 12 pm GMT, and right now, Start() has taken a, frankly surprising lead, I was honestly expecting Spiral and Rebirth to keep up their tie until one of them won, but shows what I know.

You have until then to guess the last three options, that's Wraith, Vox Deus, and aberrant, and the overall order of the choices.

A full sweep gets you something~
Voting will close tomorrow at 12 pm GMT, and right now, Start() has taken a, frankly surprising lead, I was honestly expecting Spiral and Rebirth to keep up their tie until one of them won, but shows what I know.

You have until then to guess the last three options, that's Wraith, Vox Deus, and aberrant, and the overall order of the choices.

A full sweep gets you something~
[] Wraith. Their Minds Will Be Forfeit.
[] Vox Deus.

Hmmm don't know about vox deus all i got from it was Vox Dei which was latin for "the voice of the people is the voice of God." and a deus ex place called club vox (google not much help for me right now with this one), the aberrant one I think would probably fit Exalted/New world of darkness maybe and Wraith I think would probably be from shadow of mordor.
Hmm... Wraith...

The Wraith from SGA had telepathic abilities? Doesn't really seem to fit, it's a bit on the nose and wasn't what they were best known for, but it's my best guess...
Character Sheet
Name: Jaune Arc


Age: 17

Your Semblance (As You Understand It)
Semblance: Higher-Order Calculation.

Higher-Order Calculation, in the most bare-bones terms, grants Jaune the ability to grasp mathematical concepts far beyond Remnant's current knowledge base, and from there, pretty much everything else. You are, for lack of a better comparison, a poor Tony Stark.

On top of this, it works by itself as a sort of... virtual machine. It will take in questions that Jaune doesn't even realise he's asking, and eventually give him answers, one in the form of the Transistor, the other in the form of the Process. It is reliant on the processing power at Jaune's natural disposal- namely, his brain. Overuse of Calculation causes, at best migraines, at worst, possibly fatal aneurysms. With the advent of the Transistor, this is mitigated due to the connection between the two. Once the Process was brought into existence, this part simply... shut down. It's done.

That's not to say you don't still suffer from migraines if pushed too far or disconnected from your second brain for too long. Should you ever be disconnected from the Transistor for any reason, you have maybe an hour before migraines settle in properly, and another hour after that before it becomes too much for you to function normally. That's assuming you're actually somewhere fairly quiet, mind.

Function Use is a subset of Transistor assisted-Calculation and is the act of altering the world around you through sets of code known as Functions, hence the name. On a smaller scale, this is, for the most part, a purely combat-based skill- most Functions are used to fight, kill, and destroy any enemies in the way of the user. While some Functions work purely for utility purposes, they are much rarer than those meant for battle. The main limit on Function Use is processing power- you are essentially creating and manipulating pure energy and matter through the power of code alone. Working that kind of math purely on a human brain will inevitably lead to either a fatal aneurysm or a backfire, leading to... very undesirable consequences. Hence, the use of a focus- The Transistor.

War Gear:

Head: Nada. You are perfectly domeable.

Torso/Arms: One (1) black suit jacket, One (1) white vest, One (1) black shirt, One (1) red tie, and steel/ceramic chest plate, and One (1) Formshift armpiece. Damn sight better than that 3D printed stuff. (Overall Armour Durability: 9. Overall Armour Malus: Level 2 Harm (Kinetics)

Legs: One (1) pair of white dress trousers. {God help you if you eat anything with marinara.} Two (2) thick leather belts. No armoured pieces.

Weapon (main): The Transistor. {Hey.} (Base Attack (Melee)- 2. Traits: Heavy Attack-Exclusive, Blunt, Artillery Piece. Base Attack (Functions)- See Functions Threadmark for more information.)

Weapon (offhand(ha)): Zero Hour- A formshift gauntlet that unfolds into a kite shield with razor-sharp edges. Semi-named for the computing science concept of a Zero-Day vulnerability. (Base Attack- 2. Traits: Melee-only, Defensive, Bladed, Formshift.)


DOSH: 6,400 Lien.

One (1) Scroll- The main form of digital communication in Remnant, bar the CCTS. If you could run the OS on your Transistor, you'd drop this thing in a heartbeat.

One (1) Wallet- ID, bank card, physical medical papers in case somebody doesn't take a PDF version for some reason. Don't lose this!

One (1) Æther Dust Crystal- A gift from Penny. Converted into a night lamp by your sister. Currently on top of your nightstand.

One (1) Full Set Of Medical Supplies- A well-equipped bag of general first-aid supplies, plus a can of Bleedstop and an antitoxin kit, all packed away within a hip bag roughly the same size as your head. Barely used.


Do something stupid? That's an achievement. Do something awesome? That's an achievement. Do something so unexpected I have to start improvising storylines from whole cloth or throw others out the window? That is, in fact, an achievement. (Please do not aim for that achievement.)

This Is A One-Party Quest: Win a vote unanimously, eliminating all opposition in your way. Winner/General Secretary Of The State- DreamerGhost

Full House!: Grab a team of four people and keep them all alive until the end of the exam. Somehow, this achievement was easier for an armed combat test than it was for my final maths exam.

Almost-Superman: Don't fall below half Aura for an entire combat scene.

I- you- HOW ON EARTH-: Roll a nat 20 to an opponent's nat 1 and pull off something dumb as shit in the process.

WE'RE NUMBER FIVE! WE'RE NUMBER FIVE!: Place in the top six of Signal's final combat exam. It's joint first, but not first first.

: Grab the Process several months early by getting a crit roll after the GM gives you a bonus
in the same damn update.

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[X] Start() "... Hey. Look, whatever you're thinking, do me a favour; don't let go."

I stopped lurking and created an account just to vote for this. I really want to see where this goes.​
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I'm kind of disappointed that nobody really wants Spiral Power anymore. We get more powerful the hammier we are! orz
Damn, while Link makes much more sense I was hoping it would be Domon or Master Asia from G-Gundam.

EDIT: Voice of the people is God... Is Vox Deus from Persona 5?
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So I from searching up abberant soul glutton i came to a couple of entries which are from shadowverse and buffyverse

I honestly got no clue about the other except for that werewolf thriller game i got when I inputted Vox populi, Vox Dei game into google.
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I'm kind of disappointed that nobody really wants Spiral Power anymore. We get more powerful the hammier we are! orz
You also have no gunman, so no mecha for a while, at least.

You would be rather limited for... really quite a long time, relative to the other options. There has to be some balance, y'know.

Vox Dei means Gods Voice in Latin, it could be referencing Metatron.
You are very close, super close!

Now you just need to narrow it down a bit. What versions of the voice of god are there in fiction?

So I from searching up abberant soul glutton i came to a couple of entries which are from shadowverse and buffyverse
Alright, you get one hint.

If something is aberrant, it could be called an...?
[X] Wraith

I mean come on people don't you want an army of Grimm to fight for us?
Not when we can out weapon geek Ruby!

You are very close, super close!

Now you just need to narrow it down a bit. What versions of the voice of god are there in fiction?
The troll quest answer would be the Narrator like from the Stanly Parable, but another potential one would be the god that is the voice of the people at the end of Persona 5. A complete shot in the dark, since I havnt played the games at all, Ar Tonelico.
You are very close, super close!

Now you just need to narrow it down a bit. What versions of the voice of god are there in fiction?

Alright, you get one hint.

If something is aberrant, it could be called an...?

For the voice of god I am going with something tied to the word Metraton and the only thing I was able to find was a game called El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron. Another possibility an enemy from the show Accel world.

As for the aberrant hint I am going with abnormal?
Not when we can out weapon geek Ruby!

The troll quest answer would be the Narrator like from the Stanly Parable, but another potential one would be the god that is the voice of the people at the end of Persona 5. A complete shot in the dark, since I havnt played the games at all, Ar Tonelico.

That's what we have Minnions for though!
For Aberrant, Crossbreed Priscilla from Dark Souls? Though I guess that the players character from that could also be called a soul stealing monstrosity.
Alright, you get one hint.

If something is aberrant, it could be called an...?

I can think a few aberrants that involve souls. There's the Dark Souls characters, there's Bloodborne -kinda-, there's Bleach's Hollows. I can't think of any soul eating mutants, though. Except the Bloodborne ones. This troubles me.