You weigh the question in your mind. Ultimately though its a near run thing between throwing a sop to the Mantis, and getting a decide that you will give Kaneka what he wants. That you, a red blooded seventeen year old male get to look at a lot of very attractive women, has absolutely no bearing on this decision. None what so ever.
"We will announce that I have asked my mother to seek a bride for me at the celebration. Please have my mother speak to me on what sort of woman is suitable."
Kaneka doesn't quite cough, but does make a noise of wariness.
"As you wish Emperor. I would remind you that your mother...has a very distinct way of seeing things, while it is of course her right to arrange for your bride, I would hope that you allow other points of view in the discussion." He says.
You blink, taking the criticism for what it is. Your mother is blunt, and honest, and will essentially steam roll through anyone if she thinks her way is right, and she often does. No doubt she has already planned in depth for what sort of Bride you should have, from whom and when.
"I will of course maintain my right to have final say Lord Kaneka of that you may have no doubt."
"Thank you my Emperor, shall I tell her to meet you in the Imperial Gardens at the Hour of the Goat?"
So that will give you about four hours to prepare for your mother...almost enough time.
"Yes" you say.
With that Kaneka bows to the floor again and departs, leaving you alone with your Seppun Guards. The ceremony to invoke your ascension was supposed to take all day. However when the Sun and the Moon declare you Emperor you don't argue.
Still, that does leave you with some time to fill, you aren't supposed to receive your court in full until tomorrow. You rise from the Throne, likely this is going to be the last bit of free time you have for a while, so you'll spend it doing something you genuinely love to do.
[] Painting
[] Playing a Musical Instrument
[] Ikebana
[] Sculpting
[] Sword Practice
[] Martial Arts
[] Reading
[] Divination
Hours pass, and you feel like you barely started. Guess that's what happens when you manage to achieve Zanshin even for a little while. Looking to the side, a small lunch has been prepared for you and you vaguely recall a pretty serving girl bringing it out sometime ago. Cleaning yourself up you go over to eat the food, taking out the chopsticks as you do so.
One of the perks of being Emperor? You get the best sushi. You get the best everything really...which in a round about way brings you back to the question of your wife. Whoever she is, she'll have to be politically viable, as well as a host of other things. Can you like her though? Well that is the question isn't it? Love is not in the cards. If Benten-no-kami wants it, it will happen, but marriage isn't about love. If you want love, you can hire a geisha like your grandfather did.
Meal finished you make your way over to the Imperial Gardens. While not anywhere near the old gardens of Otosan Ochi or Doji's Gardens. They're still lush with greenery, even during the cold months and arranged so that one could spend days here without ever quite managing to see it all.
Naturally your mother is waiting for you right at the entrance. Somewhat shorter than most Crab, her frame belies the immense strength and sturdiness that you've seen her use. Albeit, that was one a certain Sensei decided to tease her...ah memories. However, even now you know that she's considered by many to be a fine woman. A part of you dreads the requests for her hand in a year.
She bows.
"Hello my Emperor."
You don't bow back, it would be improper to do so.
"Hello Mother, want to get straight to business then?" You ask.
"Just so, if my Emperor will walk with me into the gardens?" She asks.
You sigh, that was an order not a request. It seems even grown up, your mother still sees you as a child. Such is life you suppose. At least she's still willing to talk to you. There are stories of some Hantei never speaking to their mother again after they were crowned. The mother found it too improper.
Walking beside her, you see your guardsmen disappear. You know from your other senses that they are still watching, ready to give their lives for you. A part of you idly wonders if they ever stop not to think about that.
"I am glad to see that you are taking your dynastic responsibilities seriously. It will do Daio good to have some nephews and nieces counting on him." She says.
Nephews and nieces?
"Mother, how many children do you expect me to have?"
"Oh at least six" she says, without breaking her stride.
"At least six." You say with a faint sort of horror.
As if not noticing your discomfort she continues
"Well maybe only two on your wife, but concubines can make up the difference"
"Concubines? My father never had concubines, my grandfather never had concubines. Why would I have concubines?"
"Your father, should have had them, he refused because he did not trust anyone into his bed after the incident with Otomo Hokutehime "
You don't frown, but you do acknowledge the point with a nod of your head. You never did find out what happened there, no one knew accept them. Whatever it was, it had permanently soured things between them. Last you heard the Otomo Daimyo had retired early to become a Nun of Nagriko-to
Still, did you want concubines? There were arguments for it, it wasn't like they would have a bad life in the palace...and the Toturi line was thin. On the other hand defying your father and granfather's example sat ill with you.
"Mother let us talk about my wife, I do not want to hear this talk of concubines again." You say.
If the need for concubines arises because you lack heirs in the future, you will deal with it then.
Your mother doesn't say anything for moment, clearly trying to figure out how to say you're being a stubborn child without committing lèse majesté. Finally she gives up and walks forward.
"Very well. Then we shall go over the kinds of wives that I can plausibly ask for."
You stop at a small pond and wait for her to speak.
"Naturally I can ask for you to receive an equal in the courts. Who will assist you in the Ways of Air as your sensei called it. No doubt she will make sure that your endeavour succeeds so long as she is loyal. In truth though your skill with words is enough that I do not believe you need this"
Mother draws another breath.
"I could also ask for a priestess, such as your Grandfather had, albeit not an Oracle this time. I think we learned our lesson there. Such a woman would no doubt help you be more pious and ensure that the Heavens bless your actions towards them...although you may not want a woman who can command the elements themselves to decide she does not like you. I would be wary of this, we cannot afford another Isawa Sezaru-san."
You wince that was unkind, but on the other hand. Your uncle had a history of mental you couldn't blame her for the words, even if they were cruel. Another Toturi deciding to go 'Fuck this place in particular' and make it not exist...well it would harm the dynasty,
"My own preference is for a woman of skill and talent at war. You are a fine son, and I know that you are talented at fighting, but it is not your first, best talent. Having one at your side that can fight and protect you would make me a happier woman."
A breath from you as you considered that. True, you had learned the arts of sword, spear and bow, but she was right in that you had always preferred the Courts to the field of battle. Although you considered both worthy endeavours. You file that away and motion for her to carry on.
"Outside of those options, you of course could search for woman like skilled at building and managing lands into making more and more. It would be indication that you have a certain type but that's necessarily a bad thing. Such a woman would ensure your plan to rebuild the Empire would go better."
Your mother shrugs.
"Last but least in my opinion is that you could seek out a wife that assists you on matter of trade, and the lower classes, to make the Empire's population better through her wisdom...but I would not do this."
[] "I would like a woman who can help me in the courts"
[] "I would like a woman who can help me with the Heavens and the Kami"
[] "I would like a woman who can fight at my side and for me."
[] "I would like a woman who can administrate and build like I can."
[] "I would like a woman who can help with trade and the heimen."