Pre-Adamites. Just pre-Adamites. And that's the tip of the iceberg. But again, this criticism still doesn't get to the heart of the matter.
Look around - if there was a caring and kind god, there would be no Famine in Ethiopia, no Permian Extinction, and even no death at all. There is Evil in the world, and suffering caused by things that man cannot control. And this is the main problem with most religions. Christianity claims that God is absolute good and does not think evil - but where does Evil come from? Why is the Universe not structured according to the principles of the greatest good? One of the answers of theodoceia is because of the free will of people. But is it really free? And how does this relate to the locust invasion? In some (for example, in Judaism), God contains both good and evil. But then how can we rely on him? In others, God behaves like a tyrant and a murderer. Therefore, if the Creator exists, then he is either evil - or insane. All of Lovecraft's mythology is a logical conclusion to attempts to reconcile theism with our reality.