Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Who rolled each roll?

Azhi Dahaka rolled the insanity which is 'roll your dots in insanity against the DC of opposing willpower, they get that many derangements'. Because that is just a wee bit broken on its own I added 'anyone of wizard level power and above gets to roll a contested willpower roll to not go mad'. That's what Akariel rolled. Naratively the host was about to bow down to the dread glory of death and then the Fallen Angel saying 'prior claim, this one's mine'.
Azhi Dahaka rolled the insanity which is 'roll your dots in insanity against the DC of opposing willpower, they get that many derangements'. Because that is just a wee bit broken on its own I added 'anyone of wizard level power and above gets to roll a contested willpower roll to not go mad'. That's what Akariel rolled. Naratively the host was about to bow down to the dread glory of death and then the Fallen Angel saying 'prior claim, this one's mine'.
Ok and since when we can teleport using a song?
@DragonParadox its a bit of an aside, but I wanted to ask about this again since it seems like we might end up in a fight with a Denarian soon and not taking our second signature is a pretty significant handicap in both Shintai modes.

Is something like this viable and would it do anything for the Abyssals?

Signatures are like supernal and apocalyptic charms, they operate on a deeper level and have special mechanics. The book invites you to homebrew options for charms that don't already include them. I suspect that even sacrificing our signature pick wouldn't be enough to oppose the curse, as it would be effectively one baby primordial-exalt hybrid arguing with all of the Neverborn, but trying to oppose by brute force isn't exactly on theme for Kakuri or the Ebon Dragon charm sets anyway.

The darkness of the infernal charmset isn't the same as the underworld's. It's a distorted mirror; the essence of corruption, betrayal, curses, and being a filthy fucking cheater. If we can't tell a convincing enough lie to trick the universe into forgetting the nameless curse, then could we instead trick it into believing they'd been given an additional poisoned blessing?

What I mean by this is to write the signature effect so that instead of "just" negating curses by masking them it instead allows mirrored opposition just like grandpappy used to make. For lesser curses this would be a strong enough effect to invert the penalty; a fomori with a power that tortures them when they use it to the tune of +1 difficulty on everything is tortured, but also feels a sense of joy and clarity that nets out to -1 difficulty instead.

For strong enough curses, like the nameless one, it instead mitigates as much as it can by adding to the end result instead of erasing it. Your fangs are stuck out? You're cursed with comically tiny ones until they recede. The sun hurts you? Well now it also sharpens you as it would a shadow, turning that +1 difficulty into a lesser penalty.

Just managing symptoms isn't everything, but it's a lot better than nothing.

Just for fun, let me try to write it out:

False Spring Beckon Signature:

While in her full Shintai form the infernal may weave her lie to the universe with superlative dexterity. Rather than smothering the torments of her target she whispers her poison into its shadow, crafting a distorted echo that subverts and disrupts its intended effects in a perfect disharmony.

In general this manifests by inverting the target conditions in technically helpful ways, as it is a curse coiling around a curse instead of a true blessing.

A fomori hurt by their own acid is given a pleasant feeling regeneration from consuming their own acid, but the pain of it is perfectly opposed and not soothed. A physical deformity might be twisted to a more helpful or less noticeable form, but not removed.
F-F-F-F... So he has World-Withering. Guy basically has nuclear weapons as far as supernatural entities are concerned. It's on par with Molly slurping immortals in how terrifying it is. Since you can just remove concepts from objects or people if you pay enough.
I wouldn't particularly Focus so much on that a lot of beings have their own counter magic and that is literally a shaping effect there's no way around it. Not to mention they might have their own perfect enough defenses against things like this. He also can't kill a creature outright or move a quality necessary for them to exist so he can't really negate Mab's perfect immortality only a spirit killer could.

Though he can destroy things on the level of a really intense entropy sphere spell with very little warning.
F-F-F-F... So he has World-Withering. Guy basically has nuclear weapons as far as supernatural entities are concerned. It's on par with Molly slurping immortals in how terrifying it is. Since you can just remove concepts from objects or people if you pay enough.
Only if he takes it as one of his two total Apocalyptic charms, which he can only select at essence two and essence four.

Right now "all" it does it delete inanimate objects.
Ok and since when we can teleport using a song?
Since Molly got her hell. That's the entry condition for her meditation and we can exploit it like a wizard walking a Way.
Okay, so what is the thread's general impression of this?

I think the FSB signature I wrote has a good balance of utility for the general case while still helping manage the Abyssals, but this is our second and last signature pick. Using it in this manner passes up a lot of personal combat power in favor of being able to empower - or simply soothe the pain of - others.

If we don't want to do this I think picking a combat applicable power when it'll be useable in the Denarian fight would be helpful.

Also, @Yog the essence cost of just our party is the same as adding ~15 minions. We're going to fight a Denarian cult cell with resident monster, so some guys would be nice.

The tricky part is the insanity field if the Mall Katana!Daybreak has already been converted, and the possible social penalty of being part of a large armed group.

Depends on how it's resisted really. @DragonParadox would people with reflexive countermagic be able to roll against the crazy field? I'd like to use a mix of war weavers for this if we can, though not exclusively because they're subject to Soul Eating Strike which this guy might have.

If they can use countermagic to resist, would it be a problem if I made a variation on the build that would make sense as a common IC model or would it be better to only add builds as part of turn votes to avoid perfectly tuned counters to our opponents?

To be more specific, I was thinking that if they can resist via their normal magic defenses I'd like to make an anti-sorcery subtype where the three dots in streetwise go to computer and the single dot each in etiquette and drive are moved to occult.

Given the ruling on them counterspelling with computer and the merit they have for that it'd make them less capable of operating in their traditional environment but much more effective at ignoring magical nonsense. Which seems like it'd be a pretty common problem the militaries of the FCF would want a cheap answer for.
I wouldn't particularly Focus so much on that a lot of beings have their own counter magic and that is literally a shaping effect there's no way around it. Not to mention they might have their own perfect enough defenses against things like this. He also can't kill a creature outright or move a quality necessary for them to exist so he can't really negate Mab's perfect immortality only a spirit killer could.

Though he can destroy things on the level of a really intense entropy sphere spell with very little warning.
I agree with you on this, but would like to point out that the scary version of this is an Apocalyptic charm. Resisting it should be extremely difficult outside of the rules the charm sets for itself.

Even then, the Abyssal can launder the power in other ways. If they can't attack you directly, attack the environment. Erase the gravity in a room or breathability of the air. That sort of thing.

It's not an I win button, but it's still very scary.
Depends on how it's resisted really. @DragonParadox would people with reflexive countermagic be able to roll against the crazy field? I'd like to use a mix of war weavers for this if we can, though not exclusively because they're subject to Soul Eating Strike which this guy might have.

If they can use countermagic to resist, would it be a problem if I made a variation on the build that would make sense as a common IC model or would it be better to only add builds as part of turn votes to avoid perfectly tuned counters to our opponents?

They can resist via counter-magic yeah and I would prefer if builds were done during turns because there are charms for being perfectly prepared like that, but Molly doesn't have them.
If they can't attack you directly, attack the environment. Erase the gravity in a room or breathability of the air. That sort of thing.
This is true but that's also dangerous to the Abyssal themselves. Exalted require charms to be immune to environmental effects and I'm unsure if they are actually immune to environmental effects or rather just damage from environmental effects so deleting gravity would just kind of slowly suspend the entire room into a non interactive Zone while people inside are just kind of waiting and fumbling around trying to kill each other while not being able to interact with anything without pushing away onto a wall or something.

Though yeah an Abyssal standing in a room full of unbreathable air and corpses sounds appropriately thematic.
This is true but that's also dangerous to the Abyssal themselves. Exalted require charms to be immune to environmental effects and I'm unsure if they are actually immune to environmental effects or rather just damage from environmental effects so deleting gravity would just kind of slowly suspend the entire room into a non interactive Zone while people inside are just kind of waiting and fumbling around trying to kill each other while not being able to interact with anything without pushing away onto a wall or something.

Though yeah an Abyssal standing in a room full of unbreathable air and corpses sounds appropriately thematic.
Yeah, I just wanted to point out that they have options and that even in a direct contest trying to stop WWM is a more significant than trying to stop a high tier shaping ritual:

Apocalyptic Charms
Apocalyptic Charms
The Abyssal Exalted were forged to be the final
calamities at the end of time: Essence-forged knives
plunged into reality's beating heart. The Essence of
the World of Darkness is thin and degraded compared
to what the deathknights worked with when they last
walked the Earth, no longer able to be forged into the ex-
tinction-provoking nightmares they could once unleash.
And yet, the Abyssals brought about the end of at least
one Age; that legacy of destruction can be neither erased
nor discounted. As an Abyssal grows comfortable wield-
ing her horrid might, some fragment of her inheritance
from the Age of Legends inevitably emerges, granting
her dreadful power. These are her Apocalyptic Charms.
An Abyssal's player may first select a Charm she
knows to be her Apocalyptic Charm at any point after
reaching Essence 2, and may select another at Essence
4. Her first Apocalyptic Charm must be drawn from
among her Caste Charms, but her second need not be.
Apocalyptic Charms grant some benefit to the Exalt
above and beyond what the Charm normally conveys,
and act to indelibly scribe the nature and character of
the Exalt's legend. Not all Charms have Apocalyptic ef-
fects listed, but players and Storytellers should feel free
to work together to create new Apocalyptic effects if
none of the ones in this book seem to suit a character.

Standing up to the touch of WWM in particular is essentially holding back the weight and legacy of the ending of ages.

In terms of what they do to the environment I think it has more to do with where they are and what's going on at the moment than anything else.

Erasing gravity in a fight with some gunman just makes things harder to manage, but doing it to your target's car while they speed down the freeway so that they fly off into the sky before crashing would be a lot more harmful.
They can resist via counter-magic yeah and I would prefer if builds were done during turns because there are charms for being perfectly prepared like that, but Molly doesn't have them.
Fair enough. Figured it was worth asking given the debate during the wizard event.

Still, our murder bots would be fairly resistant as they are.
Because it would not work, the Exaltations are too distinct and too weighty in the scales of fate, they would not fir in one vision.
Don't want to press this too much, but does seeing the second breath in action from the all seeing perspective of the crown count as a supernatural secret for essence regen? In particular the novel powers he demonstrated and how the fallen responded.

I don't think Molly knew exalts could bind spirits like that and take their abilities on for themselves, so that was new. As was seeing a Fallen step in like that when the host is caught dead to rights by a save or suck effect.
Standing up to the touch of WWM in particular is essentially holding back the weight and legacy of the ending of ages.

In terms of what they do to the environment I think it has more to do with where they are and what's going on at the moment than anything else.

Erasing gravity in a fight with some gunman just makes things harder to manage, but doing it to your target's car while they speed down the freeway so that they fly off into the sky before crashing would be a lot more harmful.
Oh yeah I completely agree it's just that the gravity example is weird, right because even in that example deleting gravity does nothing there because there are multiple downward forces and no upward forces involved. Wheels exert Force perpendicular to the rotation which means you would just accelerate faster or slow down slower If gravity was missing from vehicle because the air is still subject to gravity above the car pushing it down about 14.7 pounds per square inch.

Which if a car is on the small end about 6 ft long by about 5 ft wide and only get wider and longer from there you're talking about just about 200 pounds pushing down on the top of the car at minimum though it would make the car immensely easier to flip if the driver is not being careful with their turns.

It's one of those things where unless you're very careful about it gravity is such a fundamental force that you're begging for nothing or everything to happen all at once when you attempt to delete it from an object, entity or space.

In a hypothetical gunman scenario it would make snipers way more effective to use this on bullets because you would only have to worry about bullet drop due to atmospheric pressure rather than gravitational which means the effective range of any sniper or even just most guns would increase drastically.
@DragonParadox I realize that in terms of being able to write and play it, going through these Abyssals one at a time makes sense ... but if we were being realistic, the sensible thing would be to zero in on all 3 remaining ones and either send people after all 3 or at least prioritize
Erasing gravity in a fight with some gunman just makes things harder to manage, but doing it to your target's car while they speed down the freeway so that they fly off into the sky before crashing would be a lot more harmful.

Actually, I would erase their wheels' friction during a car chase.

Not that your idea is bad, just that I think it would be more dangerous to do, as there is less risk they fly above obstacles instead of right in them. It's also an indication of how many ways such a simple thing as *erasing something* can be used.
Also, @Yog the essence cost of just our party is the same as adding ~15 minions. We're going to fight a Denarian cult cell with resident monster, so some guys would be nice.
Yeah, agreed. Some backup would be good. The problem is not to spook him too much. If he hasn't sold out to the denarians (I hope not), us showing up with our own infernal legions might make him think we are more of the same.

It should be a delicate balance between "we are strong enough that joining us makes sense" and "we are not the same as all other shadowy conspiracies".
You would need to either do the ritual again or burn Silver Phantom as a focus, but you could do it sure.
Ok, I want to do this - probably the focus, I think. We are very reluctant to use characters as foci, but in this case it's warranted. I am a bit annoyed because if I knew we would only be getting one from a second-order focus, I would have used Silver Phantom in the first place instead of trying to be being clever, but still, what's done is done.

A lot of people already voted for me by name, so I find myself in a bit of trouble, ethically speaking, in regards to changing my vote...