Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest

I wonder if Durand's own actions (both the crushing of the Royalist Army at the Mauvais Plain to the point where both Nornish Legions got captured and the Leveler 'Grenade' publishing of the King's letters) affected the Nornish decision-making to declare war early.

It does feel like a severe bit of overconfidence on Norn's part to invade with just the Provincial Armies instead of just waiting the few weeks for the regular army to make the journey west unless there was some other factor they thought was forcing their hand.

[X] Plan Taking A Sledgehammer into The Gunfight
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It does feel like a severe bit of overconfidence on Norn's part to invade with just the Provincial Armies instead of just waiting the few weeks for the regular army to make the journey west unless there was some other factor they thought was forcing their hand.
Hmm, not sure I agree. On paper, the initial push had what it took to succeed: Von Trotha and Wachenheim outnumbered Durand 2 to 1, and their armies were not, in theory, considerably lower quality than the 5th.

Their mistake was splitting up, allowing Durand to defeat them in detail. But even then, Brutet was such a disaster that I do not think anyone could have predicted it. One of two armies getting deleted has a way to flip the board.
What is the reason for the 5th to move west instead of going to Rotholz Turn to fire? Rotholz means we are safe from any random charges and we are also more forward for fire support next turn.

I also still don't understand the hob movement.

If they want to intercept random cavalry attacks then ready fire is wholly unsuited for the job. You can get an interception by routing the enemy but that there will be quite a good chance you don't roll good enough for morale.

Simply having them ready charge instead would allow them to actually prevent cavalry charges into us and you do not need to spend pretty much all ap of both hobs on readying actions if you decide to ready charge.

As an example, having the 200th do Move NW, NE, Ready Charge cavalry in range, Ready Fire cavalry in range would prevent a charge by the 8th already
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I wonder if Durand's own actions (both the crushing of the Royalist Army at the Mauvais Plain to the point where both Nornish Legions got captured and the Leveler 'Grenade' publishing of the King's letters) affected the Nornish decision-making to declare war early.

It does feel like a severe bit of overconfidence on Norn's part to invade with just the Provincial Armies instead of just waiting the few weeks for the regular army to make the journey west unless there was some other factor they thought was forcing their hand.
I think the letter and the announcement that the King will be put on trial give Norn a good reason to move fast, yeah. Even a high level of dithering by the Convention can probably only push a verdict back a few months, and they could always be quicker than that or have it taken out of their hands by the mob. They don't really have weeks to spare if they're hoping to push far enough into Arné to threaten Loutharc, scatter the Convention and free the King.

And it does seem like they weren't expecting much resistance, which actually feels sort of reasonable? Arné is not in a great state for war-fighting at the moment. The army's stretched thin and poorly supported, the economy's a mess, political chaos is everywhere. Even if the King wasn't in immediate jeopardy it'd make sense to strike when the iron's hot instead of giving us time to remobilize and get our act together.

Their plan of attack against us made sense, I think. I can see another universe where Brutet is indecisive, von Trotha makes it across the river and marches to Antreville, and our army ends up cut off. A more conventional general in our place might've feared that scenario and decided to wait for Guillory before making any moves, ceding the initiative and allowing Norn to make some solid gains.

It'll be interesting to see how the strategic picture looks in the near future. This front is going well for now, but overall things will probably get worse before they get better. Arné should be able to raise a bunch more troops, but they're going to be needed all over the place. If/when the King's executed that'll probably cause a major escalation in the war. I'd expect that to trigger a wider coalition against the Revolution (probably Bruttia jumping in considering how they've already been funding royalist forces, possibly Ivernia, though they're pretty isolationist, and an even stronger commitment from Norn and their satellite states), along with more royalist unrest tying down troops at home.
Dear Berenicy de Toucy, Commanding Officer of the 55th,

I would like to send my thanks to you for saving my brother at Mauvis Plain and my congratulations on your well deserved promotion. I will forever be grateful for your actions on that fateful battle. My mother and father both died in service to the Revolution, and I do not believe my heart can take anymore news about the deaths of those I love.

So if it is at all possible, then I ask of you to advise my brother to be a more prudent solider. I have long given up on trying to have my brother serve the Revolution in a less dangerous role, so I only wish for him to be less reckless. If my brother wants be a soldier, then so be it, for I can not deny the joy he expresses when he protects the Revolution with his service nor the happiness in which he described seeing the surrender of the Norn invaders. However, I do not believe it will be possible for him to leave his life as a soldier alive if he continues on this path. So I hope you are able to temper his bravery and boldness with a degree of caution.

Bursaux Solle
@Photomajig, letter sent. And if it is reasonable, then I would also like to see Toucy have some time in an update.
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Scheduled vote count started by Photomajig on Feb 11, 2025 at 12:35 PM, finished with 93 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Taking A Sledgehammer into The Gunfight
    -[X] Visualization
    -[X] Infantry
    -[X] 200th Hob: Move 2 E, NE Facing NW, Brace, Ready Charge (any moving unit in range) / move on final tile after 55th Elv Hussars
    -[X] 251st Hob: Brace, 2*Ready Charge (any moving unit in range)
    -[X] 148th: 2* Charge 31st, Melee (3 checks) / WAIT for the artillery barrage & hussar charge!
    -[X] 72nd Hum: 1*Move (NW), 2* Charge (3 NW, W) / WAIT with the charge for the artillery barrage & hussar charge!
    -[X] 42nd Elv: 3*Move (NW, 2W)
    -[X] 16th Half Pfd: 2* Move (NE, NW), Fire 3 NE [90% for routing]
    -[X] Cavalry
    -[X] Guillory Hussars: Charge into the rear of the 33rd Dwa and near battery via hill, engage enemy cavalry if they are intercepting you [assuming one of them gets through and charges + melees, guaranteed rout due to the 1 disadv. + 3 morale checks (melee + 2 rear attacks)]
    -[X] 55th Elv Hussars 2* Charge 31st (W, 5 NW, 2NE, E, NE), Melee 75th (same deal with the 31st, guarantueed rout thanks to 15th being certain to rout) /WAIT for 16th Half to move and shoot
    -[X] 108th Elv Hsr: 2* Charge (W, 4 NW, NE, 2 NW, 4 NE) /WAIT for the 16th Half to move and shoot
    -[X] Artillery
    -[X] 5th Hob H. Art.: Move 2W, Fire at 31st Dwa
    -[X] 10th Hum Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace
    -[X] 84th Elv Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace
    -[X] 31st Elv Art: Fire at 31st Dwa, Brace