[X] Plan Early Acquisitions v2
-[X] Acquire Relics - via Princess Aelsabrim Fallenstar (x2)
--[X] Beasts
--[X] Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle)
Submitting the plan I had in mind from before voting when live. We really want to make good use of our Contact, for reasons of action economy.
[X] Plan: The Harkonnian Institute
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkon and his initial crew - Awakening)
-[X] Investigate (Luthor Harkon's many adventures)
[X] Plan: Castle Diorama Prep
-[X] Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkon and his initial crew - Awakening)
It feels like a slight mistake to do
multiple personal Acquire Relic actions. Pahtsekhen is only one guy, he doesn't have a large organization funneling cool stuff to him. We probably want to lean more into the bulk power of our Contact's acquisitions than into running around making a small number of artisanal selections, especially if the things we're picking up are side-piece items instead of centrepieces. There's a place for artisanship, but in these early turns, we probably just want to bring in loads of loot, so we have stuff to make future exhibits out of.
[X] Plan Harkon's Path
-[X] Acquire Relics From Princess Fallenstar - Lizardman relics
-[X] Investigate - Harkon's many adventures
-[X] Create Exhibit - Exhibit showing Harkon's arrival and conquest of of Lustria, built around the Niflhundr and the skeletons of the beasts he fought, but set up with "room" to expand at the beginning and end to incorporate his past adventures before Lustria and more recent battles, with the intent of eventually showcasing Harkon's life in full.
I maintain that it feels like a
big mistake to do Create Exhibit right now.
We don't have the right stuff. The skeletons don't have the right attribute tags to match the ship, so mixing the two means it's
not a good exhibit. If you want to create an exhibit showcasing Luthor Harkon's life, great! But the way to get there would be one Investigate action, one personal acquire relic action (the Castle seems highly relevant to Harkon's arrival, for instance), and one Princess-powered acquisition (probably Lizardman relics, for being the likeliest Princess option to be compatible with the ship). Then we put what we get together next turn.
[X] Plan Slow and Steady
-[X] Relics
-[X] Research Relic: Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic: Lizardmen Bodies/Skeletons - Awakening
Can we even do Research Relic on an item we don't have in our hands yet? And even if we could, would we want to? Note that a bunch of the stuff we've gotten has come to us pre-researched, thanks to the skills of ourselves and our staff. We don't know how much research any new acquisitions will need, so this feels premature. I'd be more sympathetic to Research Relic if it targeted the skeletons we already have. Also, I think it's
specifically a mistake to try to
personally acquire skeletons. We've got a person for that, so for reasons of action economy it makes more sense to call on her for all our skeleton needs.