It Belongs to a Museum

Voting is open
[X] Plan: The Harkonnian Institute
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkon and his initial crew - Awakening)
-[X] Investigate (Luthor Harkon's many adventures)

Screw it, might as well submit it as a plan. The idea here being to get a bit more prepwork done to make for a better opening exhibition, and to get in some research to help plan out ways to make it even better.
[X] Plan Maximised Martial Mien
[X] Plan: Pirate Flags and Castle
[X] Plan: Castle Diorama Prep
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[X] Plan Slow and Steady
-[X] Relics
-[X] Research Relic: Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic: Lizardmen Bodies/Skeletons - Awakening

I like @picklepikkl 's plan. Let's start by setting up a decently good "Luthor Harkon conquers the Vampire Coast" exhibit and worry about splitting it up into more detailed ones once we've got more loot.
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[X] Plan: Castle Diorama Prep
-[X] Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkon and his initial crew - Awakening)

So get more relics, anything appropriately lizardy will do, maybe we'll get lucky and get something really interesting, or maybe we won't, but either way they will be useful at some point.
Get specific relic, the castle mostly digging it up from under vegetation and later construction i guess?
Get what we need to setup a faximile of the Harkon and crew for the exhibit.

Solid plan.
[X] Plan: Diorama Prep
-[x] Relics
-[x] Acquire Relic (Lizardmen Bodies/Skeletons - Awakening)
-[x] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkoon and his initial crew - Awakening)

[X] Plan: Castle Diorama Prep
Why is Luthor Harkon such a good name for a (vam)pirate king? I've been thinking about it but the name just fucking fits and i can't point out why. Like. Same way as Vlad von Carstein, but at least there its simple, its clear dracula reference so it gives legitimacy to the von Carstein which itself kinda fits because its noble naming scheme. But i can't for the life of me figure out why Luthor Harkon has vampirate king vibes.

EDIT: Is it the hard R's in the name? Is that all it takes to be suitable moniker?
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[X] Plan Slow and Steady

Not relevant right now, but I'd like to raise the idea of spending an action next turn learning about Lizardmen. If we're making an exhibit regarding them we should at least know what they're called.
[X] Haakon Vs Kaiju
-[X] Create Exhibit (Conquests of the Pirate King, using the Dread Abyssal and the Beast skeletons)
-[X] Skeleton (rare)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Lizardman skeletons via Awakening)

[X] Harkon the Pirate King
-[X] Create Exhibit (Conquests of the Pirate King, using the Dread Abyssal and the Beast skeletons)
-[X] Gems (via Aelsabrim)
-[X] Relics (via Aelsabrim)
[X] Plan Early Acquisitions v2
-[X] Acquire Relics - via Princess Aelsabrim Fallenstar (x2)
--[X] Beasts
--[X] Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle)

Submitting the plan I had in mind from before voting when live. We really want to make good use of our Contact, for reasons of action economy.

[X] Plan: The Harkonnian Institute
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkon and his initial crew - Awakening)
-[X] Investigate (Luthor Harkon's many adventures)
[X] Plan: Castle Diorama Prep
-[X] Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkon and his initial crew - Awakening)
It feels like a slight mistake to do multiple personal Acquire Relic actions. Pahtsekhen is only one guy, he doesn't have a large organization funneling cool stuff to him. We probably want to lean more into the bulk power of our Contact's acquisitions than into running around making a small number of artisanal selections, especially if the things we're picking up are side-piece items instead of centrepieces. There's a place for artisanship, but in these early turns, we probably just want to bring in loads of loot, so we have stuff to make future exhibits out of.

[X] Plan Harkon's Path
-[X] Acquire Relics From Princess Fallenstar - Lizardman relics
-[X] Investigate - Harkon's many adventures
-[X] Create Exhibit - Exhibit showing Harkon's arrival and conquest of of Lustria, built around the Niflhundr and the skeletons of the beasts he fought, but set up with "room" to expand at the beginning and end to incorporate his past adventures before Lustria and more recent battles, with the intent of eventually showcasing Harkon's life in full.
I maintain that it feels like a big mistake to do Create Exhibit right now. We don't have the right stuff. The skeletons don't have the right attribute tags to match the ship, so mixing the two means it's not a good exhibit. If you want to create an exhibit showcasing Luthor Harkon's life, great! But the way to get there would be one Investigate action, one personal acquire relic action (the Castle seems highly relevant to Harkon's arrival, for instance), and one Princess-powered acquisition (probably Lizardman relics, for being the likeliest Princess option to be compatible with the ship). Then we put what we get together next turn.

[X] Plan Slow and Steady
-[X] Relics
-[X] Research Relic: Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic: Lizardmen Bodies/Skeletons - Awakening
Can we even do Research Relic on an item we don't have in our hands yet? And even if we could, would we want to? Note that a bunch of the stuff we've gotten has come to us pre-researched, thanks to the skills of ourselves and our staff. We don't know how much research any new acquisitions will need, so this feels premature. I'd be more sympathetic to Research Relic if it targeted the skeletons we already have. Also, I think it's specifically a mistake to try to personally acquire skeletons. We've got a person for that, so for reasons of action economy it makes more sense to call on her for all our skeleton needs.
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[X] Plan: Diorama Prep
-[X] Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic (Lizardmen Bodies/Skeletons - Awakening)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkoon and his initial crew - Awakening)

[X] Plan: Castle Diorama Prep
-[X] Relics
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Suitable Preserved Corpses + Clothing & Deathmasks to represent Harkon and his initial crew - Awakening)

[X] Plan: Pirate Flags and Castle
-[X] Acquire Relic (Castle - Fire Serpent Island)
-[X] Acquire Relic (Pirate Flags of the Vampire Coast)
-[X] Skeleton (rare)
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I maintain that it feels like a big mistake to do Create Exhibit right now. We don't have the right stuff. The skeletons don't have the right attribute tags to match the ship, so mixing the two means it's not a good exhibit

I want to push back on this slightly. Yes, it's a suboptimal exhibit, and we will have to break it down and make a new one later, but the text of the update suggests that it will be just good enough to generate some goodwill, which we can then spend to recruit a crew or something next turn.

It's flimsy, but it would get people in the door and should scrape together just enough goodwill from the Pirate King for him to back you just a little bit further, though it will mean you're going to have to go back and rejig the entire exhibition at some future date to work in new acquisitions, possibly multiple times.

As such, I think going for the exhibit we have now is a good idea because it gets us an early recruit/contact, which then expands what items we can collect. Being able to collect more stuff would then give us more options when we decide to make a better exhibit.
I want to push back on this slightly. Yes, it's a suboptimal exhibit, and we will have to break it down and make a new one later, but the text of the update suggests that it will be just good enough to generate some goodwill, which we can then spend to recruit a crew or something next turn.

As such, I think going for the exhibit we have now is a good idea because it gets us an early recruit/contact, which then expands what items we can collect. Being able to collect more stuff would then give us more options when we decide to make a better exhibit.
First impressions matter, especially considering the long memories of our immortal clients. If our first exhibit is an unthemed mishmash whose centrepiece is unrelated to the rest, that egg will be on our face for a very long time. Luthor Harkon will not be impressed, and we don't have a replacement Patron lying around. Not to mention the bad action economy of setting something up that'll need replacing almost immediately.
First impressions matter, especially considering the long memories of our immortal clients. If our first exhibit is an unthemed mishmash whose centrepiece is unrelated to the rest, that egg will be on our face for a very long time. Luthor Harkon will not be impressed, and we don't have a replacement Patron lying around. Not to mention the bad action economy of setting something up that'll need replacing almost immediately.

A subpar exhibt on turn one isn't going to kill the museum, and making an exhibit, gaining the goodwill, and then breaking it down when we have better stuff has the same action cost as waiting to build an exhibit. I'd rather get the ball rolling on earning goodwill this turn than postpone the exhibit for a theoretically more perfect exhibit later. Goodwill is how we diversify our options, and getting a little amount we can spend now is better than getting a lot later.

And frankly, first impressions don't matter.
I want to push back on this slightly. Yes, it's a suboptimal exhibit
First impressions matter
Yea the skeletons are a not optimal, but the stuff we are getting in the votes are very Harkon themed and would make a better first impressions than just stuffing beasts into the mix.

Edit - As for exhibiting right now we don't have much just a ship and some bones, that's not really a exhibit.
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Important thing is we're not in a hurry (us, our patron and our staff have a lot of time on hands!) and under no monetary pressure. Let's do what feels right, we're fine. I think making a bit of polishing on our first exhibit is a right call.
Voting is open