Operation Weihnachtswunder (A CK2 Style Quest to Save Christmas!)

Kek. Very fitting.
Unnatural Grace - +10 Diplomacy. Counts as Fae Princess
Hm. I wonder if that would be helpful for breaking the reindeer contract. Pulling rank or something. Almost certainly useful for info gathering from the Small Folk.
Physical Diplomacy - +5 Martial, + 3 Diplomacy. Add Martial and/or Diplomacy to certain roles, such as Trials of Combat.
Being able to stack her two highest stats could be very useful, though I imagine the other candidates may have had similar options for other scenarios such as contract disputes or what have you. Also I think you meant "rolls"
Fae Breaker - +3 Martial and Occult. Double all bonuses against Fae. Steal Fae Traits.
Hot diggity shit, now that will be useful for helping Blitzen and is pretty much what I was hoping for when voting for her.
Complication: Steeped in Fae - Others may sense those Fae bits she stole
Hm. Shouldn't be too big a deal so long as we inform Blitzen that she smells like that because she's so good at beating the shit out of Fae rather than because she is one.

Do those Fae bits confer any Fae vulnerabilities or does she have the best of both worlds?

I lol-ed hard myself.

Hm. I wonder if that would be helpful for breaking the reindeer contract. Pulling rank or something. Almost certainly useful for info gathering from the Small Folk.

Ranks do matter, though it means a lot more if it's a higher rank of the same court. I'll actually need to see if it's the same.

Being able to stack her two highest stats could be very useful, though I imagine the other candidates may have had similar options for other scenarios such as contract disputes or what have you. Also I think you meant "rolls"

Yep. Everyone has one of these.

Hot diggity shit, now that will be useful for helping Blitzen and is pretty much what I was hoping for when voting for her.

Very true. You have a lot of new options on that front.

Hm. Shouldn't be too big a deal so long as we inform Blitzen that she smells like that because she's so good at beating the shit out of Fae rather than because she is one.

Do those Fae bits confer any Fae vulnerabilities or does she have the best of both worlds?

Good news, Blitzen rolled well. And right now she's fine. The more traits she steals, the more a problem it may become.
[X] Dwarves

casual reminder that like lightning is a *total* mystery box, so it's hard to expect how something good related to it might work out. it may be better to do something we can better anticipate?