Operation Weihnachtswunder (A CK2 Style Quest to Save Christmas!)

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So did Midwinter somehow manage to stay ten klicks away while he was doing all this or were his Naughty senses just not strong enough to tell the relative Naughtiness between "started thinking of profit over charity" and "is going to betray all his friends to destruction, death or slavery" and mistook the latter for the former?
EDIT: As an aside, who else was on the Council of Christmas? Krampus was Martial, Jack was Intrigue and Midwinter was Stewardship but who were Diplo, Learning and Occult? Was Eldras among them?

A bit of both. Though Nick never upgraded the List to tell out more than Midwinter was Naughty. And the Stewardship position always had a bit of an issue due to profit versus charity throughout the years. Sometimes, it was cleared up. Sometimes, it wasn't. But nobody saw any issues with Midwinter other then a rather large blow up a few years ago over the finances. But everyone thought they had smoothed it over. (High Diplo Blake).

Will give names in a bit.

She's mentioned in Blitzen's Santa Blurb as having been the smartest of the reindeer, though she's mentioned in his flashback as very angry and in your summary of the Reindeer's titles she's called the Rage and Dasher is the Intelligence. As an aside, why did the Reindeer need a Rage?

Crap, I may have made a Plot Snarl. I'll give it a look. Though right now, I will say she is the Rage.

Also, sometimes Rage allows you to push past things you would otherwise wouldn't (I also thought it would be cool as fuck)

Also, I'm working on a Witches Omake where various immortal witches get together for a post-solstice meeting and notice La Befana isn't there (they assume she's laying low so as to not answer the question prematurely) is there a problem with the existence/current states/Winter Solstice Rituals of the following witches?

Seems good to me!
A bit of both. Though Nick never upgraded the List to tell out more than Midwinter was Naughty. And the Stewardship position always had a bit of an issue due to profit versus charity throughout the years. Sometimes, it was cleared up. Sometimes, it wasn't. But nobody saw any issues with Midwinter other then a rather large blow up a few years ago over the finances. But everyone thought they had smoothed it over. (High Diplo Blake).
Yeah, if we manage to reclaim the List at any point, we're definitely not pussyfooting with the counterintelligence potential.
I swear to Odin, if anyone makes a Blake Midwinter version of this as part of an Omake, I will reward them. I don't know how, and it probably won't be Canon. But there will be a reward.
Hm. Negaverse darkest timeline where Eldras sided with Midwinter in the coup for guaranteed protections for the elves? Is Midwinter an elf or a human or some kind of gribbly?
Hm. Negaverse darkest timeline where Eldras sided with Midwinter in the coup for guaranteed protections for the elves? Is Midwinter an elf or a human or some kind of gribbly?

EDIT: I mistook Midwinter for Eldras. I'd need to actually look at the video again to check.

Edit 2: after checking, they are human!
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Alright, I'm probably heading to bed! If there was anything I forgot to answer, I'll do so in the morning. Vote will continue till early Saturday, though I do reserve the right to end the vote early

I am so looking forward to what happens this Turn.
As an aside, why did the Reindeer need a Rage?

I would guess that the answer is that this is a world where Santa being attacked by packs of demons is a genuine concern, so the Nine needed at least one reindeer willing to just gore someone if they were trying to stop the present deliveries.

That grandma who got run over was an assassin in disguise, Vixen just knew it.
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[X]plan: staffing the new home of Santa, compromise with Occult advisor

Is the one I'm on board with so far of the options. Do I do a box thing to vote for the plan only? Or do I tick each option like it too? I wasn't quite sure what vote for a plan meant.
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plan: staffing the new home of Santa, compromise with Occult advisor

Is the one I'm on board with so far of the options. Do I do a box thing to vote for the plan only? Or do I tick each option like it too? I wasn't quite sure what vote for a plan meant.
If you want to support an existing plan, you can Just vote for the plan name, like this

[X]plan: getting the Christmas train-sleigh into gear MK1

If you want to create a new plan, you have to vote for the new plans name and make its content as subvotes.

[X] plan: staffing the new home of Santa, compromise with Krampustraining
-[X] Martial: Train With Krampus
-[X] Martial: Spent to Take Krampus With You on "Like Lightning"
-[X] Diplomacy: Reach Out To The Germanic Dwarves
--[X] Offer A Trade
--[X] Feast
-[X] Stewardship: Promote From Within (Stewardship - Jacob Marley)
-[X] Stewardship: Employ More Spirits
-[X] Stewardship: Shift Over
-[X] intrigue: Lay low (assigned to Promote From Within(Stewardship - Jacob Marley)
-[X] intrigue: spent to Lay low
-[X] Learning: Promote From Within (Learning)
-[X] Occult: Find Out More About Wesley
--[X] More Personal Examination
-[X] Occult: Like Lightning
--[X] Take Krampus With You
-[X]Free: Diplomacy: The Council of Christmas (Diplomacy)
--[X] used for Krampus Training
--[X] Hands To The Plow
---[X] The Council of Christmas (Diplomacy)

[X]plan: staffing the new home of Santa, compromise with Occult advisor
-[X] Martial: Employ a Master of Arms
-[X] Martial: Spent to Take Krampus With You on "Like Lightning"
-[X] Diplomacy: Reach Out To The Germanic Dwarves
--[X] Offer A Trade
--[X] Feast
-[X] Stewardship: Promote From Within (Stewardship - Jacob Marley)
-[X] Stewardship: Employ More Spirits
-[X] Stewardship: Shift Over
-[X] intrigue: Lay low (assigned to Promote From Within(Stewardship - Jacob Marley)
-[X] intrigue: spent to Lay low
-[X] Learning: Promote From Within (Learning)
-[X] Occult: The Council of Christmas (Occult)
-[X] Occult: Like Lightning
--[X] Take Krampus With You
-[X]Free: Diplomacy: The Council of Christmas (Diplomacy)
--[X] Hands To The Plow
---[X] The Council of Christmas (Occult)
--[X] Hands To The Plow
---[X] The Council of Christmas (Diplomacy)
Good Morning! Going to try and answer some questions I missed. If I still missed it, let me know! (My perception modifier is -3)

EDIT: As an aside, who else was on the Council of Christmas? Krampus was Martial, Jack was Intrigue and Midwinter was Stewardship but who were Diplo, Learning and Occult? Was Eldras among them?

Eldras did not hold a position in the Council. As for the other holders, they were actually people Nicholas had interacted with throughout the last few decades. So nobody famous. But they had really loved helping people, so when Nicholas revealed who he really was, they jumped on board. That included a teacher from America as Learning who seemed to be the only one who cared from her school, A diplomat from Kenya as Diplomacy that had the best interests of Africa as a whole at heart, and an occultist from Egypt who still knew the ways of the Egyptian Pantheon.

Jack Frost knew them all pretty well.

@Novus Ordo Mundi do we know this information in-character? if so, would it be possible to indirectly contest his claim over stuff like that (i assume the occult actions are to usurp being Santa, if it's not just brute force), either by actively denying this or purposely reinforcing our claim as being Santa?

While you may or may not know the exact details (I need to double check who knows what), you are working under the assumption that Midwinter has possessions of any gift unaccounted for, and is working on ways of bringing them under control. However, without being Santa Claus, it's going to take time and treasure. Even if they hold the Frankincense (not confirming one way or the other), Blake cannot just force-crit themselves to be Santa Claus off the bat, especially since the office is being held by you. Though killing you, or forcing you to renounce your claim, would make the job easier.

And you can contest the claims! By being Santa, you contest it automatically. And the more you do Santa things, the harder you contest it. Though the best way is also to get a hold of the physical items, [Spoilers], and staying alive and free.

Also, I am going to try and get together a list of what you know. Probably sometime this weekend. I need to go over the thread again to double check everything.

Yay, thank you. Wasn't sure. I have done some votes but not a lot, and usually they're individual votes not a plan.

Welcome! Voting by plan is generally done for more complicated votes, to keep things in order. Otherwise, it can get wild trying to figure out what people wanted.
Wait, they made a movie based off the song?
Even if they hold the Frankincense (not confirming one way or the other)
You already did:
Also, Midwinter doesn't have the Gold or the Myrrh. There goes the insane expansion and insurance policy. They still has the Incense and the Life, though the latter is pretty useless to them
This means the only items unaccounted for are the Sack and the Broom. As the Broom is capable of transportation and belongs to someone else, I'm still guessing that's the one they don't have. As an aside, did the option to learn what exactly they do mean that the Gifts of the Magi have additional powers beyond their consumable charges listed on the gifts update?
sounds like good news, thanks for clarifying Novus
as for plans, is anyone interested in increasing the dwarf bribe in mine? might be a bit late but i had that written down as a possible point of discussion. currently my idea's to just be chill for now and get ourselves and them introduced (since after that we should get the chance to talk about the artifacts and if they want a bunch of Christmas spirit for that we'd be more able to pay for it), though the third tier of bribe has a mystery effect so there's always the chance that'll give us it?
we have a nest egg right now so I guess it's a matter of if we're willing to spend it riskily in exchange for getting more done? might be a good call especially when we're starting out, but i wouldn't want to run out any time soon since right now it's hard to get back and it's needed for a bunch of stuff

the "like lightning" action also has an awkwardly high chance of failure. fingers crossed Krampus helps there, but it still could end up inconclusive and whatever it is being lost if things don't go well? we can't really boost the roll easily without making other sacrifices i don't want, but maybe if we're sending more to the dwarves it'd be fine to move feast there? which would help a little (i'm unsure if they're poor/needy when we don't know who (if anyone) is there, but still?)
(the ghost of Christmas future's changing fate may also be a help, but that's spontaneous so can't say for sure, shouldn't bet on it when it might come in handy elsewhere)
As an aside, did the option to learn what exactly they do mean that the Gifts of the Magi have additional powers beyond their consumable charges listed on the gifts update?
well, we know they recharge every 1k years for one
hmm. I don't have any evidence to support this, but I'm calling it now that if you gather them all in one place they do something special (or can be used for something special)
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sounds like good news, thanks for clarifying Novus
as for plans, is anyone interested in increasing the dwarf bribe in mine? might be a bit late but i had that written down as a possible point of discussion. currently my idea's to just be chill for now and get ourselves and them introduced (since after that we should get the chance to talk about the artifacts and if they want a bunch of Christmas spirit for that we'd be more able to pay for it), though the third tier of bribe has a mystery effect so there's always the chance that'll give us it?
we have a nest egg right now so I guess it's a matter of if we're willing to spend it riskily in exchange for getting more done? might be a good call especially when we're starting out, but i wouldn't want to run out any time soon since right now it's hard to get back and it's needed for a bunch of stuff

the "like lightning" action also has an awkwardly high chance of failure. fingers crossed Krampus helps there, but it still could end up inconclusive and whatever it is being lost if things don't go well? we can't really boost the roll easily without making other sacrifices i don't want, but maybe if we're sending more to the dwarves it'd be fine to move feast there? which would help a little (i'm unsure if they're poor/needy when we don't know who (if anyone) is there, but still?)
(the ghost of Christmas future's changing fate may also be a help, but that's spontaneous so can't say for sure, shouldn't bet on it when it might come in handy elsewhere)
I am absolutely in favor of maximum bribery. The Christmas Spirit we got from Nicholas has an expiration date (if, admittedly, not one that will come up soon) and the work of the Dwarves is explicitly called out as worth the price. They made most of the Gifts of Santa, plus such classics as Mjölnir Gungnir, the flying ship that can fold up to fit in your pocket, the infinitely copying gold ring, the golden wig made of actual gold that actually grew, a literally unbreakable ribbon and an actual living flying pig made of gold.

And that's before getting into the diplomatic and informational advantages they could give us, from potentially introducing us to Odin to giving us instructions for the Gifts we have and dossiers for the ones we don't, to possibly having a lead on where the Elves are (svartalfs being cousins of the light elves) or the sheer utility of having access to a heavily fortified ally in the Arctic circle.

The Like Lightning DC is also why I put Scrooge's +36 Hand on the Plow.
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I am absolutely in favor of maximum bribery. The Christmas Spirit we got from Nicholas has an expiration date (if, admittedly, not one that will come up soon) and the work of the Dwarves is explicitly called out as worth the price. They made most of the Gifts of Santa, plus such classics as Mjölnir Gungnir, the flying ship that can fold up to fit in your pocket, the infinitely copying gold ring, the golden wig made of actual gold that actually grew, a literally unbreakable ribbon and an actual living flying pig made of gold.

And that's before getting into the diplomatic and informational advantages they could give us, from potentially introducing us to Odin to giving us instructions for the Gifts we have and dossiers for the ones we don't, to possibly having a lead on where the Elves are (svartalfs being cousins of the light elves) or the sheer utility of having access to a heavily fortified ally in the Arctic circle.

The Like Lightning DC is also why I put Scrooge's +36 Hand on the Plow.
ah, the nest egg we have has an expiration date? good to know. vaguely remember something special but thought it was a positive bonus (idk, being immune to decay or something?). as good a reason as any to switch. i also thought it capped at +300 and you weren't able to pay all three increments to things. wow.

adding hand to the plow is a good way to boost stats to the occult action, but i'm prioritising training? especially with possibly being able to be sent stuff from the dwarves right away, since if jack heals soon it could mean we're ready for the Vixen/Mary mission quickly

what i can do for "like lightning" is reassign feast as mentioned, so fingers crossed we roll above 40 on that to hit the full DC for dwarves/the ghost of christmas future helps if not. not sure if this is a bad call, but it effectively only changes a 7/10 chance of success to a 6/10 chance, right? and if it's someone not evil(or at least who may not be fully innocent, but has been having a very bad time?) who's at cardiff, they might be in need of a warm meal for it to be more effective
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