Omake: Gourmetomancy
The secret ingredient is contempt.
~Primaris Psyker Jurgen Goresay.
It is said that cooking is one of the oldest inventions of mankind coming right after the advent of fire. It has started wars with the desire for new tastes and pushed the advancements of mankind forwards as a result.
So was it any wonder that it would also be affected by mankind's psychic awakening?
Said to be created by a psyker and a Ratling, and called the bastard offspring of biomancy and psy-artisanry by those overly critical of the psychic arts they aren't exactly wrong in their assertions. By using basic biomantic abilities combined with careful ritual like actions a properly trained psyker can make meals of supernatural quality and effects.
It is said the most basic act of gourmetomancy is the biomantic power of increasing the nutritional and protein content of a meal. While this is a basic ability a biomancer as to become near universal gourmetomancers go a step further. They, provided enough effort, can make dishes that cause rapid regeneration, snacks that increase physical strength, or literal brain food.
There are three known and widely accepted factors that influence this psychic discipline. The skill of the psyker, the ingredients, and, what many consider to be the most important, the emotional state of the psyker when working. A psyker with the wrong midset while cooking can completely alter the end results of the meal turning a healing dish into a deadly poison. While the psyker's skill as a chef or the quality of the ingredients can enhance the effects of a meal the mindset is what ultimately determines the outcome according to various psyker scholars.
Of course despite all the benefits of this psychic discipline it remains a rarity for one simple reason. Very few people are willing to eat a meal prepared by a psyker regardless of the potential benefits.
A.N: I did a silly let me know what you think.