A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

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Will biological optimization be permanent or we can able to make it permanent?

Is it possible to replace his mechanical part with organic ones?
Theoretically yes, but I think that falls into the category of "Only a master-level Biomancer is going to try it." It's one thing to do rejuvenat treatments and cosmetic enhancements a la that research option we gained, it's a bit more intensive to take wildly varying humans and turn them all into permanent near-peak-human or above conditions.
Is it possible for us to reach the level of mastery in biomancy like we reached in case of our primary? Also are we trying to create Temple Calix psykers?

Is it possible to get our hands on more esoteric lore?
Honestly I'd go for either the Brotherhood of Kel or the family. We don't need energy weapons when we're telekines with access to gravity manipulation, and frankly it's less risk. The Akella Cartel is a source of trainers, but aside from that...do we really anything from them? I value better equipment or more recruits more, especially when we can go work with the arbites for training later

[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
-[X] Procuring custom weapons for our Psychic Shock Troops, in exchange we are willing to make an exclusive contract with them for arming our Wyrdvanes.

...I think people might need to consolidate between one version of the other.
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Honestly I'd go for either the Brotherhood of Kel or the family. We don't need energy weapons when we're telekines with access to gravity manipulation, and frankly it's less risk. The Akella Cartel is a source of trainers, but aside from that...do we really anything from them? I value better equipment or more recruits more, especially when we can go work with the arbites for training later
Working with the Arbites requires us to send our people out into the city beyond and chase, fight, and capture assorted enemies.

If we can train our people to a higher standard before doing that kind of thing, we really should.

And you knock training a bit, but keep in mind Akala provides bodyguard services and muscle to almost all levels of Imperial society on this planet, both legal and not. So long as we vet jobs beforehand to keep our noses clean, we can do a lot of for-dummies socializing, schmoozing, and other "learn how to put a lid on the crazy" skills alongside people who are arguably the best equipped of the four to keep our dudes in line.
Is it possible for us to reach the level of mastery in biomancy like we reached in case of our primary? Also are we trying to create Temple Calix psykers?

Is it possible to get our hands on more esoteric lore?
1: Perhaps, but it would require dedicated focus.
2: what you're trying to make is a group like the Calix Templars. Only instead of melee guardians, it's a type of highly trained shock troop.
3: Esoteric lore for days.
Large, heavy fighters with enhanced bodies can wield VERY large Arbites-grade shotguns. Meanwhile, the Imperium has an EXTREMELY loose attitude toward smoothbore weaponry, operating on the principle of "if there's enough space, you can load anything into it." No joke—from radioactive flechettes and toxic rounds to actual krak-grenade-shells and dragon's breath rounds.
Autoguns and shotguns are definitely not given a lot of respect in the Imperium and hence tend to be very underrated in terms of development and the like.

Anyone who's played Dark Heresy and used a fully kitted out Autogun could tell you just how scary a high grade Autogun/shotgun with a modifications or two and special ammunition is.
Omake: Gourmetomancy New
Omake: Gourmetomancy

The secret ingredient is contempt.
~Primaris Psyker Jurgen Goresay.

It is said that cooking is one of the oldest inventions of mankind coming right after the advent of fire. It has started wars with the desire for new tastes and pushed the advancements of mankind forwards as a result.

So was it any wonder that it would also be affected by mankind's psychic awakening?

Said to be created by a psyker and a Ratling, and called the bastard offspring of biomancy and psy-artisanry by those overly critical of the psychic arts they aren't exactly wrong in their assertions. By using basic biomantic abilities combined with careful ritual like actions a properly trained psyker can make meals of supernatural quality and effects.

It is said the most basic act of gourmetomancy is the biomantic power of increasing the nutritional and protein content of a meal. While this is a basic ability a biomancer as to become near universal gourmetomancers go a step further. They, provided enough effort, can make dishes that cause rapid regeneration, snacks that increase physical strength, or literal brain food.

There are three known and widely accepted factors that influence this psychic discipline. The skill of the psyker, the ingredients, and, what many consider to be the most important, the emotional state of the psyker when working. A psyker with the wrong midset while cooking can completely alter the end results of the meal turning a healing dish into a deadly poison. While the psyker's skill as a chef or the quality of the ingredients can enhance the effects of a meal the mindset is what ultimately determines the outcome according to various psyker scholars.

Of course despite all the benefits of this psychic discipline it remains a rarity for one simple reason. Very few people are willing to eat a meal prepared by a psyker regardless of the potential benefits.

A.N: I did a silly let me know what you think.
[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
-[X] Procuring custom weapons for our Psychic Shock Troops, in exchange we are willing to make an exclusive contract with them for arming our Wyrdvanes
i feel weapons can come later, after training the psykers in their bodies, mind, and soul to where we feel they will not be distracted onto another thing to train and can be safe both in loyalty and control to be given more weapons
Just a few questions about this:
When your Psykers form a choir, all members will me capable of:

Biomantic Self-Optimization:

Using subtle Biomancy, the senses of the soldier are optimized and improved beyond baseline humanity. Soldiers can smell hormones in the air, see in near complete darkness, and hear the most minute of noises, and achieve levels of strength comparable to the Tempestus Scions and Sororitas. This is a passive improvement that can be adjusted as needed by the Psyker. Part of this includes a low-level healing factor that actively clears the muscles of lactic acid, and allows cuts and lesser bullet wounds to heal by themselves.

When your Psykers form a choir, all members will be capable of:

Telekine Personal Shields:

The Wyrdvane Choir pools their collective Telekine potential and spreads it evenly among their members, wrapping each soldier in a protective regenerating energy shield that deflects kinetic and energy small arms fire. The power of the shields can be adjusted by the Choir, or overcharged by an able Telekine among the Choir.
Will the Choirs be able to use these abilities concurrently or will they have to pick and choose between them?

Furthermore, can we expect such abilities to improve overtime or is this written with the expectation that this is already the limit of what they can be expected to achieve barring some unusual circumstances?
[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
-[X] Procuring custom weapons for our Psychic Shock Troops, in exchange we are willing to make an exclusive contract with them for arming our Wyrdvanes.

[X] The Alkata Cartel
-[X] Hire professional instructors offering above-board currency.

[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
-[X] Procuring custom weapons for our Psychic Shock Troops, in exchange we are willing to make an exclusive contract with them for arming our Wyrdvanes.

Im on board with either tbh. If we go with the Cartel, then we (potentially) get veterans of real wars to train our shock troops, which could be very helpful, and if we go with the Brotherhood we get cool future guns(or maybe not that futuristic, considering the 1911 is still in service 28,000 years later)
(or maybe not that futuristic, considering the 1911 is still in service 28,000 years later)
I'm hopeful that after we get Akala and talk to the Brotherhood in the next round after that, we can get caseless ammo weapons. In 40k years autoguns will have to have gone through several iterations, and while I'd expect superior propellant and whatnot even with cased ammo, I'd prefer features that actually demonstrate "yeah we grew up and surpassed our forebears on a revolutionary, not merely evolutionary, level" from somebody touted as making artisanal handguns.

Whether cased or caseless, one thing I'd expect to see is propellant gradients - successively higher stages of burn rates to increase velocity as it travels down the barrel while still keeping final muzzle velocity high, so we can have bigger guns for the same recoil.
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I'm hopeful that after we get Akala and talk to the Brotherhood in the next round after that, we can get caseless ammo weapons. In 40k years autoguns will have to have gone through several iterations, and while I'd expect superior propellant and whatnot even with cased ammo, I'd prefer features that actually demonstrate "yeah we grew up and surpassed our forebears on a revolutionary, not merely evolutionary, level" from somebody touted as making artisanal handguns.

Whether cased or caseless, one thing I'd expect to see is propellant gradients - successively higher stages of burn rates to increase velocity as it travels down the barrel while still keeping final muzzle velocity high, so we can have bigger guns for the same recoil.
Right, but

(From Lexicanum. Just Google stub gun 40k)
Quick question it seems like the Archeotech being pulled from the Pit should have run out long ago, how much of that tech is just Votan stuff that's traded as Archeotech?
[X] Brotherhood of Kel:
-[X] Procuring custom weapons for our Psychic Shock Troops, in exchange we are willing to make an exclusive contract with them for arming our Wyrdvanes.
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