Since the exploration option was not chosen I've written this.
Subject Name: Hibrus
Age: 16 Terran Years per testing.
Sex: Female
Birth World:
Odium **Sapphire Keep Sanitation Clan**
Short and pale as are most on Odium who are not descended from recently visiting voidship crews are, the subject displays the effects of light malnutrition, (Note: Food storage facilities suffering minor breakdowns in the depths of the Keep leading to minor spoilage, estimated time for repairs - 4 standard Terran years), and is missing most teeth on their right side along with their right cheek at time of intake, additionally eye teeth on both sides have been removed in keeping with sanitation clan tradition. At time of intake subjects hair is short, pale, and shows signs of having been burn to it's current length. Subject's wrists, upper back, and torso outlining the rib cage is covered in their tattoos of their clans' holy text, a mix of incinerator maintenance directions and ministorum scripture.
Preliminary Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Telepathy: Zeta (10)
Divination: Kappa (6)
Telekinesis: Xi (2)
Pyromancy: Delta (12)
Biomancy: Lambda (5)
Interrogation of subject and sanitation clan members of the Sapphire Keep's workforce reveals a standard life. Born to the menials who live below the Keep, Hibrus' line was in charge of maintaining the piping through which flow the fumes and other bi-products of the incinerator's work. Subject was educated in metallurgy as part of the clan's recycling efforts with discarded scrap, basic reading to understand incinerator status readouts, the scripture of the Emperor of Flame (the Ministorum approved Imperial Cult variation practiced below the Keep, sanctified in early M39, up for official review in 500 standard years), and basic combat using a small hammer and shield.
During a raid by the scribe clans in order to retrieve recently discarded velum, the subject was struck in the face by a round fired from a crude black powder pistol. When subject came to it was not only blood that rushed from her face but flame as she unleashed a pyroclastic roar which cauterized her wounds and incinerated two of the warrior caste of the scribe clan. This, coupled with a simultaneous psychic scream to "Stop", which emerged from the subject, halted the battle as both sides bowed to, what their faiths told them was a holy person. To the scribe clan Hibrus is now a Au'ow, "One who hears, and speaks the words of knowing" while to the sanitation clan she is a Speaker of Flame. The forces of the Keep moved quickly to secure the subject following the awakening, and Hibrus turned herself over to celebration from her clan mates, who had not known an honour so great as this in their lifetime.
So far subject displays strength in both pyromancy and telepathy, the later of which they are more enthusiastic despite the former being stronger as the lower Keep clan's service to the astropathic station has become entangled with their faith, and very minor divinatory abilities, no ability with telekinesis has thus far been observed, and it is unknown at this time if the very high level of platelets found in their blood are a result of latent biomancy abilities or are the result of human baseline deviation that can be found throughout the galaxy.
Suggestions Going Forward:
Beyond normal training for displayed talents, subject's compatibility with the Sanctic arts should be tested due to possible resonance with their clan's belief that psychic abilities are a holy gift from the Emperor.
Major reconstructive surgery has been scheduled, current suggestion is to used materials extracted from former Keep Servitor Theta-4-8-12-Nu, following damages received in the loading bay. While Lady Astrid has requested those injured in the keep be sent to her and her students first, the subject's nature, and still unclear levels of control, mean it may be safer to have the surgery preformed remotely with servitors instead of biomancy.
The establishing of a mandatory regular blood drive for the clans in the lower levels of the keep could be used to see if any markers of psychic bloodlines can be found therein and monitored closely for potential future recruits. Additionally, as large numbers of wyrdvanes will soon be living within the keep, blood extracted from the clans could be put to use by the medicae to keep up with the expected increase in injuries and demand for material.