It Belongs to a Museum

Voting is open
Ok, since I prefer Marianburg to the Vampire Coast, I am dropping my vote for the Vampire Coast at this point.

(Hopefully that is what reposting with a different vote does?)

[x] Sith Rionnasc
[X] Altdorf
I want to collect silly things and put them on display so we get sacked or incite a riot.

[X] Vampire Coast
Zombie pirates are really fun and I want Boney to world build over in Lustria. Mathilde is probably never going to swamp town but if he comes up with something cool maybe we would have an excuse to go.
[X] Vampire Coast
No better way to RP a British Museum than as pale bloodsucking piratical monsters extracting surplus value even beyond the grave existing as a blight upon the world
[X] Altdorf
[X] Tilea

I'm finding myself drawn to the classical Altdorf experience, but also the idea of Renaissance art from Tilea.
Where Egyptomania might get your city besieges by angry mummies, where Conquistadors find themselves up against enormous frogs with enough magical might to shatter continents, where numerous pirate superpowers make any claim to rule the waves a hilarious dream.
At the start of the 24th century (by the Imperial calendar) a great incursion of Chaos was fought off by the civilized forces of the known world, with the the Humans and Dwarves of the Old World defeating the forces of Daemons,
*with the Humans and Dwarves

Some very fun options here. The bonus affinity for Altdorf is simply too funny not to toss a vote towards, I do enjoy seeing QMs build out magical traditions for the less-regarded human nations of the Old World so Tilea merits a vote too, and vampirates. Need I say more.

[X] Altdorf
[X] Tilea
[X] Vampire Coast
Say what you like about the Harkon's boys and girls, but they are the least unholy vampires out there. They even have a divine patron and everything. OK, sure it's the god of storms, sea monsters and human sacrifice, but it is a god. Not bad for beings born out of ultimate blasphemy.:V
[X] Altdorf
[X] Sith Rionnasc
[X] Vampire Coast

I'd be voting for the Marianburg perspective, but the hijinks promised by Altdorf's bonus affinity and the sheer absurdity of opening a museum on the Vampire Coast are both too good not to approval vote.
[X] Altdorf
[X] Sith Rionnasc
[X] Vampire Coast

All of the options made me cackle, but these are the ones I'm most interested in seeing.
Voting is open