It Belongs to a Museum

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There are so many cool options for unexplored parts of the setting and I'm still going to vote for Altdorf because I can't get past the lure of putting anything and everything no matter how obviously dumb in our museum.

Just think: if we get Nehekaran artifacts, and a tomb king comes to take them back, for a brief period in time our exhibit will be even MORE authentic! Granted, a very brief period in time, but that's how limited run exhibitions work.

[x] Altdorf
[X] Sartosa
[X]Sith Rionnasc
[X]Vampire Coast

As an Australian, I'm a firm believer in ranked choice voting. :V
How many parts will there be to character gen?

Three or four, I suppose? Currently my vague idea is something like: skillset, name/species/gender, options about starting exhibits and patrons, starting employees and maybe the other sort of patrons, as in regular visitors. There'd be another step if Tilea wins for the city-state subvote, and maybe a neighborhood subvote if Altdorf wins, but different considerations or other approaches might come up as I write out the steps and the options.
Now I *know* it wouldn't be super in-character - but the idea of a Greenskin curated museum that manages to cow Da Boyz into thoughtfully observing recovered relics, inspiring lots more 'special greenskins' and Hero units to form... well, tbf i guess the same sort of vibe could be reached by a local tribe of greenskins making a pilgrimage to whichever museum we choose.

'Oi, we'z iz cull-churd skollers, you gitz!'
The idea of an entire waagh seeming powered by an interest in pottery rather than like, fighter planes or whatever, sounds excellent fun
I'm keen on any of the things that let us go far far afield and more directly explore stuff that it maybe doesn't make as much sense to organically come up in DL, from points of view quite different from what we have in that quest. So:

[X] Sith Rionnasc
[X] Vampire Coast
[X] Sartosa

(Though also, the political possibilities of these three also really tickle my fancy - a megaproject to burnish legitimacy and hijack the ruling power's attempt to crowbar in a change of the society it is hosted in to potentially crowbar in a different change, all the while having to manage patrons and power blocs, where our main IC 'work product' all comes in the form of both diagetic and non-diagetic lore chunks... delicious.)
Voting is open