A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

[X] Plan: Getting Our House In Order
-[X] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[X] Recruit Rogue Psykers:
[X] Plan: The unfortunate souls and setting foundations
-[X] Recruit Rogue Psykers
-[X] Black Market Connections
-[X] Training against the scum - By the Book:
-[X] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies:
[X] Plan: Getting Our House In Order
-[X] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[X] Recruit Rogue Psykers:

Magnus the red approved plan
Well, considering that we don't have any students here just yet I think that makes the most of sense to focus on acquring equipment and lore so that when our pupils arrive we can have than groundwork is already established...
The students have not yet arrived at the Scholam Psykana, but the final stages of construction are nearing their end. You have been given time to prepare fully for the arrival.
And besides that, since we have not any studesnts under our wing this turn, this is the best moment to have Martha do her thing and get some useful Black Market Connections mainly becasuse we don't have any mouths to feed yet...

[X] Plan: Lore and Equipment
-[X] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[X] Black Market Connections:

The next turn we can focus on establishing the training regime...
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If people want to write in short backstories and/or names for freshly arrived Psykers, I would love it.

Just don't exceed Epsilon in terms of power for their strongest school.

Unless you add a serious downside or the like, like being mute, blind, etc. Then you can make them a delta or even Gamma.
[X] Plan: The First Step
-[X] Training from the Black Sentinels:
-[X] Combat-Biomancy feasibility studies:
-[X] Transcribe Telekinetic Teaching instructions:
-[X] Black Market Connections:
I think prioritization is key here. We know that next turn, our students will be here, and thusly we need to have all the basics ready for them when they arrive. I think I'll be keeping around the telekinesis textbooks, because fundamentally, Occam is the one writing them, and they should be perfectly acceptable, especially for low-level telekinesis.

If we need to free up our actions for something really important, I want the transcriptions so that we don't end up leaving our students to dry should we become caught up in something. Beyond that, while recruiting rogue psykers would be nice, I think it can wait until after we've secured those black market connections. Once we have ears on the ground, I think it'll be easier to get a feel for Nautilus, and it might improve our chances of succeeding on that action.

I don't see contacting the locals on acceptable targets is useful as a first-turn action. We've got to make sure our psykers in a good place, physically and with their psychic abilities, before we consider using them against live targets.
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[X] Plan: Lore and Equipment
-[X] A meeting with your Tech-Priest:
-[X] Visit the old Psykana section of the Sapphire Keep:
-[X] Black Market Connections:
Psyker Inductee: Cwenhild Sul

If people want to write in short backstories and/or names for freshly arrived Psykers, I would love it.

Just don't exceed Epsilon in terms of power for their strongest school.

Unless you add a serious downside or the like, like being mute, blind, etc. Then you can make them a delta or even Gamma.
Alright, I'll give it a shot.

Subject Identity: Cwenhild Sul

Birthplace: Adulation of Diligence, Carrack-class merchant vessel, designated holding under Chartist Contract Torvum-SU.M34.842.090-SW-Theta, last recorded Lord-Captain designated as [MAHLOT SUL].

Age: 22 Terran Years

Sex: Female

Relations: Mahlot Sul, Father(Deceased, see Incident Report HMX-aiov.lcseit.hrc-0234274534), Perla Sul, Mother(Deceased, see Incident Report HMX-aiov.lcseit.hrc-0234274534), Gisbern Sul, Brother(Deceased, see Incident Report HMX-aiov.lcseit.hrc-0234274534), Marcolph Sul, Brother(Deceased, see Incident Report HMX-aiov.lcseit.hrc-0234274534), Emil Sevagarn, Cousin of maternal family branch(Deceased, see Incident Report HMX-aiov.lcseit.hrc-0234274534)

Appearance: Subject 'Cwenhild' appears as a youthful Voidborn adult in good health, if left malnourished by her recent ordeal, standing a full head taller than Terran standard, with the evident lack of access to natural light for multiple generations manifesting as a marbled skin tone, with surface veins and capillaries readily visible from underneath as a discoloured web. Off-white eyes peek out from beneath bangs of blue-black hair, and micro-scars on the hands suggest the presence of a sixth digit, presumably surgically removed at birth. (Revisions: Post-psychic awakening, multiple anomalies recorded in subject's appearance; most notably, several portions of her body continue to manifest bloodstains despite no open wounds and repeated cleaning. In light of subject's audio receptors having burned themselves out in psychic awakening, the eyes have been replaced by augmetics connected to miniaturized transcriber cognis cores implanted in place of the now-useless ear canals.)

Psychic Aptitude Grading:
Upon induction, acolyte achieved the following grades of psychic potential.
Telepathy: Delta (12)
Divination: Eta (9)
Telekinesis: Xi(2)
Pyromancy: Kappa(6)
Biomancy: Zeta(10)

Attached File: Incident Report HMX-aiov.lcseit.hrc-0234274534)

The Adulation of Diligence was making its bi-annual run out of the Sector towards Subsector Thranx, Sirium Sector, Segmentum Ultima, delivering Torvum export goods. During a routine system stopover after Warp transit, vessel underwent a coordinated rebellion from crew menials using weapons smuggled onboard by as of yet unidentified sources in Sector Customs, soon accompanied by the arrival of a pirate vessel later identified as the Iconoclast-class destroyer, Ghoul King. Close timing of events suggest mutineers were deliberately planted in Adulation's crew some time ago in a ploy to capture the vessel undamaged as a prize ship.

It is during this time that the mutineers breached the bulkheads of the officer's quarters and were in the process of slaughtering all occupants within, that subject Cwenhild experienced her psychic awakening, manifesting her telepathic abilities in the form of a carrier wave that caused mass hallucinations in all living beings onboard, causing them to descend into madness, hysteria and throes of self-mutilation and suicide. Her biomantic abilities have thus far only been surmised from maintaining this carrier wave for three weeks with no food, water or sleep as she wept by the side of her family's remains. An Imperial Navy patrol arrived in the system after the Adulation had been reported as late to its destination and out of contact, confirming the presence of the Ghoul King before the pirate vessel abandoned its siege of the transport and transited into the Warp.

Subject did not consciously resist, but the carrier wave made no distinction of friend or foe, as the first boarding teams discovered. Psychic null assets, assigned there on recommendation of strategic prognostication for the past six months, were able to board the vessel and subdue Cwenhild.