Actually Feth and Nox would be a fun Combo for a Vampire build. Since Mist is a classic vampire power. Even has Mental Manipulation X2 which is genuinely the best power nox has.
Maybe for Shelley if we dont get Biokinesis by then?
Would depend on what Rosemary's Baby does since that's not leaving a lot of space and Nox really wants Eastwood both off tags and how the powers interact. As is, I think there are roughly 3 really nice cores for Feth with a few build choices.
Core: Féth Fíada/Crimson Soprano/Mr. Hunch
Options: (Wild Speaker + 1 cost TF) OR (Millions/Hydrocity/Multiplex/Daggermaw)
Explanation: Crimson Soprano's Solar Absorption seems perfectly suited for the power we know got stronger in the sun and giving good direct offense. Wild Speaker is hoping Ally Empowerment/Clairvoyance/Mental Manipulation gets True Telepathy, while the other side is basically just bumping up powers for good effects and making sure to grab Intangibility/Force Fields.
Core: Féth Fíada/The Outsider/Mr. Hunch
Options: (Millions + 1 of Daggermaw/Multiplex/Hydrocity) OR (Crimson Soprano)
Explanation: Crimson Soprano for sun boosting and direct offense but otherwise Millions for absorbing mines hidden in the mist + 1 to guarantee Force Fields alongside a choice of synergy fishing or good power ideas.
Core: Féth Fíada/Solferina/Mr. Hunch/Millions Minefield
Options: (Daggermaw or Multiplex)
Explanation: This has the True Telepathy fishing from the first build alongside Force Fields, where the final choice should nab Intangibility and its just a question of extra synergies vs power fit.