I see it's been brought up a couple times about why Augur doesnt make his own Ambrosia if he knows about PP, and isn't that because he can't. Don't we need an Algernon-Type to do it because they need to use their power to make sure you don't kill everybody with the goldnine. The only reason JU can do it even so Nora is dead is because we have Ibis, and it seems the Augur doesn't have algernon powers since it's theorized he is either a time looper or has an incredibly powerful clairvoyance.
You know, it's kind of interesting that Augur knows enough about Project Prometheus to request a specific formula, but nit enough to be able to make his own.
Project Prometheus necessitates Ibis, an Algernon who has spent his career and power on studying genetics.

I don't imagine many other Algernons have that specialty or would be willing to spend their life or sanity in service of that. So it makes sense, honestly.
Wait, who is Valiant Blue? I only remember

Valiant Red: Japanese guy, the first superhero, founded New Dawn

Valiant Silver: Nora Kim, old JU leader

Valiant Gold: With us

Valiant Kabuto: Some sort of beetle, joke character?
Scarlet Maturity is outside the Apiary, right now!"
That definetly counts as an emergency

"Well, I'm not telling him."
You know he doesnt need the money, so either it's about the principle or he wants to make sure Song and Simão get paid. Based on him wearing the shirt he won like a scarf im assuming the principle.

Wait, who is Valiant Blue?
We dont really know. The 7th hour mentioned her as someone The Man with the Boyish Smile happened to, which is implied to be timeline fuckery, and we've sepculated that she might be alternate timeline Nora and/or the Lady in Blue whos trapped in the Stage

I'm assuming Augur
1 is a time traveler
2 his ability to time travel has non trivial costs, risks or limitations.
Partially because if there weren't any, this wouldnt be much of a game, but partially because he's so cautious and secretive.
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I don't imagine many other Algernons have that specialty or would be willing to spend their life or sanity in service of that. So it makes sense, honestly.
You probably could find one if you were desperate enough, but the genetic samples I think would also be pretty hard (pretty sure Augur isn't spending his memory on DNA base pairs, and even if he could there could be an arbitrary number of additional variables involved here).
I wonder: does augur want that ambrosia recipe because it's powerful, or does he want it because having it means no one else can use it?
We would need to know what the sample combo is I assume. Depending on what it is we could tell a lot.
Be it possible intentions
Possible powers and sinergies
Ohhhh, reference of other heroes? I knew Solferina was Kermie's but I didn't know Shelley knew of her. I don't read very single omake but I think I recall Solferina having twin children.
Shelley canonically met Solf's kid. It's a reference to that.

Oh, and I have. SO MANY THOUGHTS about this chapter. Expect a quoted out reaction within the next twelve hours.

(And btw I'm going to be voting for waves once moratorium ends.)
Obviously we should use the sample he gave on someone of our own just to spite him. (This is in no way a terrible idea and/or exactly what he wants us to do)

[X] . . . hear the sound of crashing waves

So there's not much to really go on here so it's vibes based, and I just like a nice beach scene.
[X] . . . hear the sound of crashing waves

What will this do? I dunno and the vagueness makes it fun. Water theming go!
[X] . . . feel the warmth of a well-tended hearth.

My guess is this may or may not be a decision on the element and enhanced senses that Yara might get, so I'm leaning a bit more towards fire than not. Draw a deliberate contrast between her and Yazmin.
I'm wondering if it's related to some of the names we've floated around for Yara. Jasmin (a flower) has been mentioned several times, and giving Yara water powers like her sister was very popular at one time.

Or, it could be which of Nora/Uiara/Radiant Silvergirl we get to see. Both Nora and Yasmin have an association with flowers and water respectively.
[X] . . . feel the warmth of a well-tended hearth.

Let's give the woman whose out in the cold a bit of warmth to come back to eh?
[X] . . . breathe in the scent of flowers.
I want to give Yara a magical girl outfit and this seems like it's a good first step.
[X] . . . hear the sound of crashing waves
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