A school for the cursed: A Psyker Quest. Warhammer 40k quest.

Hrmm. Analyzing the votes.

There is definitely a huge desire for Psychic Support, but the vote is split due to a Mercy option. But also a big want for some measure of combat, rooted heavily in concern that the Wyrdvanes won't be ready for Frontline duty. It is just the Mercury implant causing one vote to be bigger than the others.

Possible solution...?

I believe I'll make it so that Wyrdvane training is non-glamorous and absolutely a combat support role. So learning to heal troops, casting kine shields, and using divination, but it will be on the front, and your Psykers will learn how to fight and thrive in such a situation.

Opinions appreciated.
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Yep, combat medics I guess. Well, possibly body horror because well...biomancy can be used to heal and to possibly heavily mutilate a person.
Hrmm. Analyzing the votes.

There is definitely a huge desire for Psychic Support. But also a definite want for some measure of combat, rooted heavily in concern that the Wyrdvanes won't be ready for Frontline duty.

I believe I'll make it so that Wyrdvane training is non-glamorous and absolutely a combat support role. So learning to heal troops, casting kine shields, and using divination, but it will be on the front, and your Psykers will learn how to fight and thrive in such a situation.

So that after being in a Wyrdvane, your Psykers can become dedicated frontline combatants.
I mean, the plan [] Leading from the Front is clearly winning and it is kind of weird to make a mixup of the two leading options that are literally opposed doctrines to each other...

I would rather put a timer and the plan that wins wins, not this weird mix of opposed doctrines...
The only thing that makes me hesitate is that the Support vote is split due to a disagreement over the Mercy options. With just a single different option that's just meant to be for flavour.
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Oh my god, I am an idiot. I can just set a timer and let people swap from MASH to Trust, if they want that, or swap to Leading From the Front to reinforce it.

Ignore my brainfart. Setting a timer for six hours.
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[X] Plan: Trust & Discretion
-[X]Psychic support
-[X]Sanctified stakes
-[X] Quicksilver Nodule:
The Wyrdvanes will not know it, but implanted within each of their craniums will be a sealed capsule of blessed mercury. Upon the presence of daemonic energies, the mercury within will react violently enough to rupture the capsule and swiftly corrode every scrap of living tissue within the skull. For the unfortunate Psyker, it will be as though they simply fell to a slumber they shall never awake from. Does not cause decapitation or destruction of the head. Denies vessels for Daemonhosts. Requires access to Ministorum clerics entrusted with the rites to bless the mercury.
Honestly I find quite hilarious that our build is optimized to be punch wizard who thrives in close quarters engamentes and that there is so many people that go "screw that we are the support class now"
Honestly I find quite hilarious that our build is optimized to be punch wizard who thrives in close quarters engamentes and that there is so many people that go "screw that we are the support class now"
Well its for who and what you're training.

Think of it as training your pocket healers while you go out and fuck shit up. :D

Although a band of Psykers going together to fuck shit up is awesome too :O !
Honestly I find quite hilarious that our build is optimized to be punch wizard who thrives in close quarters engamentes and that there is so many people that go "screw that we are the support class now"
What do you mean we are the support class? This vote is literally about what our apprentices will be doing on warfronts while they're explicitly not strong/stable enough to operate on their own.

The option to go punchwizards cuts out like 70% of our pool of possible students, and throws the remainder face-first into exactly the kind of meatgrinders everyone on this site excoriates the Imperium for wasting lives in. Occam's punchwizard feats were done when he was already a full Primaris Battle-Psyker, not as a Wyrdvane.
What do you mean we are the support class? This vote is literally about what our apprentices will be doing on warfronts while they're not strong/stable enough to operate on their own.

The option to go punchwizards cuts out like 70% of our pool of possible students, and throws the remainder face-first into exactly the kind of meatgrinders everyone on this site excoriates the Imperium for wasting lives in. Occam's punchwizard feats were done when he was already a full Primaris Battle-Psyker, not as a Wyrdvane.
Yeah, and the survivors are going to be absolute nighmares to fight that can change the course of battles...

It may sound heartless, but I am fine with high attrition rates to have a unit of badass telekine Stormtroopers.

Remember this is WH40K, and in this setting rule of cool trumps over boring and practical 95% of times.
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Yeah, and the survivors are going to be absolute nighmares to fight that can change the course of battles...

It may sound heartless, but I am fine with high attrition rates to have a unit of badass telekine Stormtroopers.

Remember this is WH40K, and in this setting rule of cool trumps over boring and practical 95% of times.
A Diviner predicting an enemy ambush two hours (or even two minutes) in advance can change the course of a battle. A kine shield stopping a sniper round or airstrike aimed at a regimental headquarters or a munitions dump can change the course of a battle. These aren't things that regular Stormtroopers can do, but they sure do have plenty of tools for causing destruction on a mass scale.

Every faction in this setting goes for rule of cool, all the time. It's pretty damn telling that the Guardsman with a lasgun, armoured support and artillery coverage has won more wars than all of them put together. That it was the Macharian Crusade that expanded the Imperium's borders beyond even the bounds of what eighteen Space Marine Legions and nineteen Primarchs were able to conquer during the Great Crusade.

Moreover, I seriously dislike what it would say about Occam's character that he'll choose to take this new school, meant to alleviate the pressure on Terra from the sheer surging influx of Psykers needing training, and refuse to take in any but the best under his wing and throw them into danger so they can help make him look good to Imperial authorities.
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Current vote tally.
Adhoc vote count started by KingCrimson1081 on Jan 6, 2025 at 9:26 AM, finished with 136 posts and 57 votes.

The psychic shock troops vote is split up but it is still leading.
Moreover, I seriously dislike what it would say about Occam's character that he'll choose to take this new school, meant to alleviate the pressure on Terra from the sheer surging influx of Psykers needing training, and refuse to take in any but the best under his wing and throw them into danger so they can help make him look good to Imperial authorities.
You're not the only teacher. This is a group that you are personally training for an existing Scholam that has other teachers. By the time you actually -run- a Scholam on your own. You won't have just Wyrdvanes, you know? You'll have Wyrdvanes, regular Sanctioned Psykers, Primaris Psykers.

You could do the reverse of what I suggested earlier, and have it so that after doing Psychic Shock Troop service, you reassign Psykers to support duties now they're more well trained and therefore valuable.
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