Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Dec 17, 2024 at 11:50 AM, finished with 187 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan Foundation Establishment
    -[X] Molly Prime
    --[X] Fortress construction: Organize, improve, create defenses around the portal to Sanctuary, 1 AP + 2 bonus AP
    ---[X] Devote 2 of Sanctuary management SGI AP to helping this
    ---[X] Involve Olivia in this
    -[X] NEW A God for Chicago: The city could use a protector for when you're not around and you even know where to start... you think (0/12 AP), 1 AP
    -[X] Secure the Shard of Gold: The Temple of Ra Descending holds a mechanism of ancient wonder at the heart of which rests a shard of power born of past ages. While they have been good swards to it until now it still worried you that such a thing should be protected only by mortal magic and faith. See if you can get them to accept more protections
    -[X] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes: As many many ships of the damned as you sank last month plenty of rats managed to abandon them in time, 2 AP total
    --[X] True Magi: From Africa and Asia, from Europe to Australia... and even some talk of Nazis in the Nevernever of all things , 1 AP
    --[X] Evil Bob: Last you heard he was somewhere in Egypt, or at least the monster he bargained with was, 1 AP
    -[X] A friend in need. You promised Rosie that you would help and so you will, with problems material and ethereal
    --[X] NEW Convention Time: You did promise and Rosie is doing a lot better. There's the baby to consider sure, but you have a whole world in your soul, keeping Amanda there on the go should be fine, 1 AP
    -[X] Molly Clones, 24 AP total
    --[X] [SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 6 SGI AP
    --[X] [SGI] Making money, 4 SGI AP total
    ---[X] Updated [SGI] A Big Score, your Crown isn't really made for picking out random numbers in a mundane draw, but it is still your power so you can push it that one time to win a lottery... any lottery. You will have to find the balance between payout and anonymity and some place to park the money but that seems reasonably doable with some help from mom and dad, and unlike some of your other plans they are unlikely to object to this form of cheating at gambling
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Big Screen: Work on turning your movie studio productive. Olivia is studying to be a professional performer, so she might be a good future star, or know aspiring talents you might want to recruit. And surely Sanctuary has both the stories to tell, and special effects far in advance of the best of Hollywood, which can be applied through the already established studio.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Entertainment from the courts: – cartoons, video games, card and board games are a worldwide phenomenon, present in all cultures, and far easier to transfer from Sanctuary to Earth due to the nature of both happening in imaginary worlds. You can use Harry and Alphas to test what works best for Earthly players.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Advanced materials: High temperature superconductors, advanced steels and alloys, nanotubes and more exotic materials still – your Courts understanding of material science is far superior to the best Earth has to offer. Time to start leveraging that advantage. Look into starting exports and/or production Earthside of materials that Earth doesn't have analogs of. Nothing too advanced at first, of course.
    --[X] Real Estate. 3 SGI AP
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Chicago Real Estate: With the real estate crash merely blunted and delayed, but not averted, and seed money coming in, it's time to start investigating what to buy.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: no matter how fictitious it is, having claim on the Earthside land around the portal, or at least preventing Red Court from having it prevents at least some troubles from arising
    --[X] NEW [SGI] Gun Running: Coordinate giving Saint Giles some real backing in a mix of material transfers and operational support. 1 AP/Each, 2 AP total
    ---[X] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of.
    --[X] Personal Actions. 3 SGI AP
    ---[X] [SGI] Attend school you have friends at school and you would like the memories of senior year and graduation even if they won't be teaching you anything worthwhile
    ---[X] [WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] IMMIGRANT SONG: Ensure the Mendozas are settled in and secure. 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] Family activities. 1 SGI AP
    --[X] Magic. 7 SGI AP
    ---[X] [SGI] Alchemy, 5 SGI AP total
    ----[X] Alchemical production, 5 SGI AP
    ---[X] Ancient Studies: Teach Harry, Lydia, and Tiffany, if she can learn, Awakened Eye of the Dragon Ancient Sorcery, 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] From the pen of: start writing books "soulgazing made safe" book. 1 SGI AP
    -[X] Free actions
    --[X][CRAFTING] Attune and Study the Dark Rider: 1 AP
    ---[X] NEW... or you could give it to Harry as a loan [Free Action]
    -[X] Updated New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential, a wild seed so near to the world of form is no easy thing, but once it's done you are sure it will pay for itself in full FREE ACTION
    --[X] 1 AP from Tiffany
    --[X] Crown Questions
    ---[X] What does Mab know concerning the subject of your exaltation? (use the recording of your talk with Mab when she referred to you as Green Sun)
    ---[X] Who was Hollow Man referring to when he offered to tell Molly of other people like her in exchange for his life? (use record of his word)
    ---[X] How (by what means) has Mikaboshi seized the power from its previous owner? (use freed Wicked City slaves)
    ---[X] What are the consequences of Harry becoming the Warden of Demonreach that the spirit of Demonreach is unable or unwilling to tell him about?
    ---[X] What has Thorned Namshiel learned from their encounter with us?
    --[X] Get Tiffany to boost Molly's and Lydia's physical parameters to 5 permanently
    --[X] Quartermaster's prep: assemble items for later use via DPM
    ---[X] Weapons: guns, explosives and such
    ---[X] Mundane protective equipment: gas masks, fire extinguishers
    -[X] MOLLY PRIME: 6 AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE]In the Sky a Thousand Eyes: Satellite cyberdevils. 1AP
    --[X][PERSONAL TRAINING] The Bridges of the Spirit: Continue your training in the Bridge of Dreams. 1AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] A Friend in Need. You promised Rosie that you would help. 1AP
    ---[X]Write-In: Conventional Visitation: World Horrorcon Toronto
    --[X][CRAFTING] Attune and Study the Dark Rider: 1 AP
    ---[X] NEW... or you could give it to Harry as a loan [Free Action]
    --[X][CRAFTING] Updated New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential(8/10 AP) [+ 1d4 Joe + 1 Tiffany]: 0 AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] Secure the Shard of Gold: See if you can get them to accept more protections. 1AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] The Queen and the Kingdom: Get to know one of your lands and peoples. 1AP
    ---[X] Introduce the Jade Dogs in general to your kingdom, some will likely prefer a world where they dont have to hide
    --[X][WRITE-IN INVESTIGATION]Crown Question: Focus: 1st Namshiel Recording. What did Namshiel learn about Molly?
    --[X][SCHOOL][SGI] Attend school: 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] Updated [SGI] A Big Score: Crown Lottery. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] High explosives and similar materials, Medical equipment
    ---[X] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of.
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] [SGI] Crown and Scepter: See what good your talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 2 SGI AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes: 2 SGI AP
    ---[X] True Magi: From Africa and Asia, from Europe to Australia... and even some talk of Nazis in the Nevernever of all things
    ---[X] Evil Bob: Last you heard he was somewhere in Egypt, or at least the monster he bargained with was
    --[X][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] NEW Introductions To More of You: Twin jokes aside it's going to take time and care: 1 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] UNDER PRESSURE: Forthill and Von Triers both confirm an ongoing smear campaigns at the Church by an unknown third party. Investigate. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] IMMIGRANT SONG: Ensure the Mendozas are settled in and secure. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] HELLMOUTH: Study how to close the portal to Sanctuary in the Amazon. 3 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: CRAFTING] ALCHEMY: Making potions of Astarte Veneria, Nabu Mercury and Malcoffee: 4 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION]: WHOLE NEW WORLD: Introduce Rosie to Sanctuary and more of your safer new friends and associates(Cauldron, Olivia, Lydia,Thomas, Harry, Tiffany, reintroduction to your family with baby): 3 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: ARCANE ALLIES]: TOYS FOR TOTS: Off the shelf armor(Fae mail equivalent, Armor 3, no penalty) + other starter gear for baby Wardens in training. 1 SGI AP
    -[X] MOLLY PRIME: 6 AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
    --[X] NEW A God for Chicago: The city could use a protector for when you're not around and you even know where to start... you think (0/12 AP), 1 AP
    --[X] New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential, a wild seed so near to the world of form is no easy thing, but once it's done you are sure it will pay for itself in full (8/10 AP) Crafting a place of potential (8/10 AP) [+ 1d4 Joe + 1 Tiffany]: 0 AP
    --[X] Prodigious Artifacts: Crafting - 1 AP
    ---[X] Warding Garments of Death ●●● Splendor - Lydia's Blood
    ---[X] The Long Arm ●● Prodigy Prima Metallum Greatsword
    ---[X] Extended Hands of Mercy ●●● Splendor - Tiffany's Pinion
    ---[X] The Refined Cauldron ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] The Alembic of Refining ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] Peach Tree of Immortality ●●● Splendor - Arianna Ortega
    ---[X] Ever Ready Draft Roller ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] Lock in Choker ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] The True Staff ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] S.T.O.N.E. Structural Tectonic Optimization and Navigation Engine Invention
    ---[X] Ring of Will ●●● Splendor - Gossamer
    ---[X] High Quality Prima Metallum-Weave Armour ●● Prodigy x4
    ---[X] Tempestes Domini ●●●● Splendor - Lord of Outer Night
    ---[X] Internal Synthetic Infernal Symbiote ●●● Variant Golem Arcana
    ---[X] Storm Heart ●●●●● Splendor - Heart's Blood of Iku Turso
    --[X] Fortress construction: Organize, improve, create defenses around the portal to Sanctuary, 1 AP
    --[X][PERSONAL TRAINING] The Bridges of the Spirit: Continue your training in the Bridge of Dreams. 1AP + 1 Malcoffee AP
    --[X] Trading in lore, you have started down the path of learning alchemy from Bob... and revealing some of the deepest secrets of Yomi Wan, both very good things as far as you are concerned. (0/25) 1 AP+ 1 Malcoffee AP
    --[X] NEW Convention Time: You did promise and Rosie is doing a lot better. There's the baby to consider sure, but you have a whole world in your soul, keeping Amanda there on the go should be fine, 1 AP
    --[X] [SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 6 SGI AP
    --[X] [SGI] Making money, 5 SGI AP total
    ---[X] Updated [SGI] A Big Score, your Crown isn't really made for picking out random numbers in a mundane draw, but it is still your power so you can push it that one time to win a lottery... any lottery. You will have to find the balance between payout and anonymity and some place to park the money but that seems reasonably doable with some help from mom and dad, and unlike some of your other plans they are unlikely to object to this form of cheating at gambling
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Big Screen: Work on turning your movie studio productive. Olivia is studying to be a professional performer, so she might be a good future star, or know aspiring talents you might want to recruit. And surely Sanctuary has both the stories to tell, and special effects far in advance of the best of Hollywood, which can be applied through the already established studio.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Entertainment from the courts: – cartoons, video games, card and board games are a worldwide phenomenon, present in all cultures, and far easier to transfer from Sanctuary to Earth due to the nature of both happening in imaginary worlds. You can use Harry and Alphas to test what works best for Earthly players.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Advanced materials: High temperature superconductors, advanced steels and alloys, nanotubes and more exotic materials still – your Courts understanding of material science is far superior to the best Earth has to offer. Time to start leveraging that advantage. Look into starting exports and/or production Earthside of materials that Earth doesn't have analogs of. Nothing too advanced at first, of course.
    --[X] Real Estate. 3 SGI AP
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Chicago Real Estate: With the real estate crash merely blunted and delayed, but not averted, and seed money coming in, it's time to start investigating what to buy.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: no matter how fictitious it is, having claim on the Earthside land around the portal, or at least preventing Red Court from having it prevents at least some troubles from arising
    --[X] NEW [SGI] Gun Running: Coordinate giving Saint Giles some real backing in a mix of material transfers and operational support. 1 AP/Each
    ---[X] Sutra cyber attack squads stealing everything they can get their hands on from the red court and funneling it their way.
    ---[X] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of.
    --[X] Personal Actions. 3 SGI AP
    ---[X] Babysit for Rosie: Young Amanda is precocious and you are her godmother. Babysit for her so Rosie has time for further education. 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] [SGI] Attend school you have friends at school and you would like the memories of senior year and graduation even if they won't be teaching you anything worthwhile
    --[X] Magic. 7 SGI AP
    ---[X] [SGI] Alchemy, 5 SGI AP total
    ----[X] Alchemical production, 5 SGI AP
    ---[X] Ancient Studies: Teach Harry, Lydia, and Tiffany, if she can learn, Awakened Eye of the Dragon Ancient Sorcery, 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] From the pen of: start writing books "soulgazing made safe" book. 1 SGI AP
    -[X] Free actions
    --[X][CRAFTING] Attune and Study the Dark Rider: 1 AP
    ---[X] NEW... or you could give it to Harry as a loan [Free Action]
    --[X] Crown Questions
    ---[X] What does Mab know concerning the subject of your exaltation? (use the recording of your talk with Mab when she referred to you as Green Sun)
    ---[X] Who was Hollow Man referring to when he offered to tell Molly of other people like her in exchange for his life? (use record of his word)
    ---[X] How (by what means) has Mikaboshi seized the power from its previous owner? (use freed Wicked City slaves)
    ---[X] What are the consequences of Harry becoming the Warden of Demonreach that the spirit of Demonreach is unable or unwilling to tell him about?
    ---[X] What has Thorned Namshiel learned from their encounter with us?
    --[X] Get Tiffany to boost Molly's and Lydia's physical parameters to 5 permanently
    --[X] Quartermaster's prep: assemble items for later use via DPM
    ---[X] Weapons: guns, explosives and such
    ---[X] Mundane protective equipment: gas masks, fire extinguishers
    [X] Plan Foundation Establishment + Craft
    -[X] Molly Prime
    --[X] Fortress construction: Organize, improve, create defenses around the portal to Sanctuary, 1 AP + 2 bonus AP
    ---[X] Devote 2 of Sanctuary management SGI AP to helping this
    ---[X] Involve Olivia in this
    -[X] NEW A God for Chicago: The city could use a protector for when you're not around and you even know where to start... you think (0/12 AP), 1 AP
    --[X] Prodigious Artifacts: Crafting - 1 AP
    ---[X] Warding Garments of Death ●●● Splendor - Lydia's Blood
    ---[X] The Long Arm ●● Prodigy Prima Metallum Greatsword
    ---[X] Extended Hands of Mercy ●●● Splendor - Tiffany's Pinion
    ---[X] The Refined Cauldron ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] The Alembic of Refining ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] Peach Tree of Immortality ●●● Splendor - Arianna Ortega
    ---[X] Ever Ready Draft Roller ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] Lock in Choker ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] The True Staff ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] S.T.O.N.E. Structural Tectonic Optimization and Navigation Engine Invention
    ---[X] Ring of Will ●●● Splendor - Gossamer
    ---[X] High Quality Prima Metallum-Weave Armour ●● Prodigy x4
    ---[X] Tempestes Domini ●●●● Splendor - Lord of Outer Night
    ---[X] Internal Synthetic Infernal Symbiote ●●● Variant Golem Arcana
    ---[X] Storm Heart ●●●●● Splendor - Heart's Blood of Iku Turso
    -[X] Secure the Shard of Gold: The Temple of Ra Descending holds a mechanism of ancient wonder at the heart of which rests a shard of power born of past ages. While they have been good swards to it until now it still worried you that such a thing should be protected only by mortal magic and faith. See if you can get them to accept more protections
    -[X] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes: As many many ships of the damned as you sank last month plenty of rats managed to abandon them in time, 1 AP total
    --[X] Evil Bob: Last you heard he was somewhere in Egypt, or at least the monster he bargained with was, 1 AP
    -[X] A friend in need. You promised Rosie that you would help and so you will, with problems material and ethereal
    --[X] NEW Convention Time: You did promise and Rosie is doing a lot better. There's the baby to consider sure, but you have a whole world in your soul, keeping Amanda there on the go should be fine, 1 AP
    -[X] Molly Clones, 24 AP total
    --[X] [SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 6 SGI AP
    --[X] [SGI] Making money, 4 SGI AP total
    ---[X] Updated [SGI] A Big Score, your Crown isn't really made for picking out random numbers in a mundane draw, but it is still your power so you can push it that one time to win a lottery... any lottery. You will have to find the balance between payout and anonymity and some place to park the money but that seems reasonably doable with some help from mom and dad, and unlike some of your other plans they are unlikely to object to this form of cheating at gambling
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Big Screen: Work on turning your movie studio productive. Olivia is studying to be a professional performer, so she might be a good future star, or know aspiring talents you might want to recruit. And surely Sanctuary has both the stories to tell, and special effects far in advance of the best of Hollywood, which can be applied through the already established studio.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Entertainment from the courts: – cartoons, video games, card and board games are a worldwide phenomenon, present in all cultures, and far easier to transfer from Sanctuary to Earth due to the nature of both happening in imaginary worlds. You can use Harry and Alphas to test what works best for Earthly players.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Advanced materials: High temperature superconductors, advanced steels and alloys, nanotubes and more exotic materials still – your Courts understanding of material science is far superior to the best Earth has to offer. Time to start leveraging that advantage. Look into starting exports and/or production Earthside of materials that Earth doesn't have analogs of. Nothing too advanced at first, of course.
    --[X] Real Estate. 3 SGI AP
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Chicago Real Estate: With the real estate crash merely blunted and delayed, but not averted, and seed money coming in, it's time to start investigating what to buy.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base.
    ---[X] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: no matter how fictitious it is, having claim on the Earthside land around the portal, or at least preventing Red Court from having it prevents at least some troubles from arising
    --[X] NEW [SGI] Gun Running: Coordinate giving Saint Giles some real backing in a mix of material transfers and operational support. 1 AP/Each, 2 AP total
    ---[X] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of.
    --[X] Personal Actions. 3 SGI AP
    ---[X] [SGI] Attend school you have friends at school and you would like the memories of senior year and graduation even if they won't be teaching you anything worthwhile
    ---[X] [WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] IMMIGRANT SONG: Ensure the Mendozas are settled in and secure. 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] Family activities. 1 SGI AP
    --[X] Magic. 7 SGI AP
    ---[X] [SGI] Alchemy, 5 SGI AP total
    ----[X] Alchemical production, 5 SGI AP
    ---[X] Ancient Studies: Teach Harry, Lydia, and Tiffany, if she can learn, Awakened Eye of the Dragon Ancient Sorcery, 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] From the pen of: start writing books "soulgazing made safe" book. 1 SGI AP
    -[X] Free actions
    --[X][CRAFTING] Attune and Study the Dark Rider: 1 AP
    ---[X] NEW... or you could give it to Harry as a loan [Free Action]
    -[X] Updated New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential, a wild seed so near to the world of form is no easy thing, but once it's done you are sure it will pay for itself in full FREE ACTION
    --[X] 1 AP from Tiffany
    --[X] Crown Questions
    ---[X] What does Mab know concerning the subject of your exaltation? (use the recording of your talk with Mab when she referred to you as Green Sun)
    ---[X] Who was Hollow Man referring to when he offered to tell Molly of other people like her in exchange for his life? (use record of his word)
    ---[X] How (by what means) has Mikaboshi seized the power from its previous owner? (use freed Wicked City slaves)
    ---[X] What are the consequences of Harry becoming the Warden of Demonreach that the spirit of Demonreach is unable or unwilling to tell him about?
    ---[X] What has Thorned Namshiel learned from their encounter with us?
    --[X] Get Tiffany to boost Molly's and Lydia's physical parameters to 5 permanently
    --[X] Quartermaster's prep: assemble items for later use via DPM
    ---[X] Weapons: guns, explosives and such
    ---[X] Mundane protective equipment: gas masks, fire extinguishers
    -[X] MOLLY PRIME: 6 AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE]In the Sky a Thousand Eyes: Satellite cyberdevils. 1AP
    --[X][PERSONAL TRAINING] The Bridges of the Spirit: Continue your training in the Bridge of Dreams. 1AP + 2 Malcoffee AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] A Friend in Need. You promised Rosie that you would help. 1AP
    ----[X] NEW Convention Time: You did promise and Rosie is doing a lot better. There's the baby to consider sure, but you have a whole world in your soul, keeping Amanda there on the go should be fine, 1 AP
    --[X][CRAFTING] Attune and Study the Dark Rider: 1 AP
    ---[X] NEW... or you could give it to Harry as a loan [Free Action]
    --[X][CRAFTING] Updated New Artifact Workshop: Crafting a place of potential(8/10 AP) [+ 1d4 Joe + 1 Tiffany]: 0 AP
    --[X] Prodigious Artifacts: Crafting - 1 AP
    ---[X] Warding Garments of Death ●●● Splendor - Lydia's Blood
    ---[X] The Long Arm ●● Prodigy Prima Metallum Greatsword
    ---[X] Extended Hands of Mercy ●●● Splendor - Tiffany's Pinion
    ---[X] The Refined Cauldron ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] The Alembic of Refining ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] Peach Tree of Immortality ●●● Splendor - Arianna Ortega
    ---[X] Ever Ready Draft Roller ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] Lock in Choker ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] The True Staff ●● Prodigy
    ---[X] S.T.O.N.E. Structural Tectonic Optimization and Navigation Engine Invention
    ---[X] Ring of Will ●●● Splendor - Gossamer
    ---[X] High Quality Prima Metallum-Weave Armour ●● Prodigy x4
    ---[X] Tempestes Domini ●●●● Splendor - Lord of Outer Night
    ---[X] Internal Synthetic Infernal Symbiote ●●● Variant Golem Arcana
    ---[X] Storm Heart ●●●●● Splendor - Heart's Blood of Iku Turso
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] Secure the Shard of Gold: See if you can get them to accept more protections. 1AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] The Queen and the Kingdom: Get to know one of your lands and peoples. 1AP
    ---[X] Introduce the Jade Dogs in general to your kingdom, some will likely prefer a world where they dont have to hide
    --[X][WRITE-IN INVESTIGATION]Crown Question: Focus: 1st Namshiel Recording. What did Namshiel learn about Molly?
    --[X][SCHOOL][SGI] Attend school: 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] Updated [SGI] A Big Score: Crown Lottery. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Las Vegas Real Estate: Basing rights involve having actual base. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FINANCES AND INFRASTRUCTURE] NEW [SGI] Earthside portal real estate: 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] High explosives and similar materials, Medical equipment
    ---[X] Export grade weapons of the types they already have samples of.
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] [SGI] Crown and Scepter: See what good your talents can be put towards in Sanctuary. 2 SGI AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATION] NEW [SGI] Hunt Down Foes: 2 SGI AP
    ---[X] True Magi: From Africa and Asia, from Europe to Australia... and even some talk of Nazis in the Nevernever of all things
    ---[X] Evil Bob: Last you heard he was somewhere in Egypt, or at least the monster he bargained with was
    --[X][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] NEW Introductions To More of You: Twin jokes aside it's going to take time and care: 1 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] UNDER PRESSURE: Forthill and Von Triers both confirm an ongoing smear campaigns at the Church by an unknown third party. Investigate. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] IMMIGRANT SONG: Ensure the Mendozas are settled in and secure. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION] HELLMOUTH: Study how to close the portal to Sanctuary in the Amazon. 3 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: CRAFTING] ALCHEMY: Making potions of Astarte Veneria, Nabu Mercury and Malcoffee: 4 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: INVESTIGATION]: WHOLE NEW WORLD: Introduce Rosie to Sanctuary and more of your safer new friends and associates(Cauldron, Olivia, Lydia,Thomas, Harry, Tiffany, reintroduction to your family with baby): 3 SGI AP
    --[X][WRITE-IN: ARCANE ALLIES]: TOYS FOR TOTS: Off the shelf armor(Fae mail equivalent, Armor 3, no penalty) + other starter gear for baby Wardens in training. 1 SGI AP
    ---[X] Spirit Speaker, Mortimer Lindquist is the real deal
    --[X][INVESTIGATIONS] Updated [SGI] Higher Education: Engage with mundane side of getting into Harvard: 2 SGI AP
    --[X][INVESTIGATIONS][SGI] Crown and Scepter, see what good your unique talents can be in Sanctuary: 6 SGI AP
    --[X][ARCANE ALLIES] Cauldron Bubble, your new friends in the Ordo Lebetis could use more help
    ---[X] Updated [SGI] Online presence, See if you can convince the others to set up a strong online presence. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] Updated Family Unknown, Even if they didn't you have other more distant family in Boston that it would be cool to meet. 1 SGI AP
    --[X][FAMILY TIME] [SGI] NEW Introductions to more of you: Twin jokes. Get your family used to other yous: 1 SGI AP
By the way, @DragonParadox what month is Molly's school prom in? Just so we are not blindsided by it. As the culmination of spending a year in school, and school line in general, we should probably visit in person.
Arc 15 Post 22: A Gentleman of an Odd Sort
A Gentleman of an Odd Sort

28st of February 2007 A.D.

Expectations when it comes to John Marcone were low, at best you expected bluster and a grudging acceptance of Jade Dog territory down in the tunnels, sort of like a malk with automatic weapons, which is to say a less dangerous one. At worse you were expecting a reprieve of the kind of offers Harry god over the years, work for him or work with him, even just let it be understood that you are not working against him. Having dealt with the White Court, the Jade and even Broken Seeker you can hardly claim to have never cut a deal with monsters, but that's the rub, they were always powerful monsters, beings with something to offer, be it knowledge or power or just the understanding that they wouldn't be shoving your friends in the back of a van anymore.

Regular old criminals seem almost quaint by comparison, but you force your thoughts from that furrow. Nothing good ever came from thinking 'they're just mortals', either when it comes to their countless victims or the criminals themselves. From Dad's stories alone you know that Marcone helped foil the plots of the Denarians, and from Tiffany you know you owe Marcone as much as Gard herself for saving Harry from the Capricorpus. For that if nothing else you owe the kingpin of the Chicago underground a bit of courtesy.

You didn't expect to see that courtesy returned quite like this.

"He wants us to help him centralize criminal activity throughout the state? OK, there has to be a reason he thinks we'd do that and it can't be something simple like money if he knows about Chicago Synthetics," you ask Dancer in Glass Shadows. On the surface this has something of the air of a corporate report, of one discounts the fact that it's taking place in a crystal and brass chamber surrounded by the projections of her various meetings over the course of the month and that she and you are the same person.

"He made a reasonably compelling argument: Firstly that there will always be criminals as long as there are laws and there's money to be made in breaking them, secondly that criminals are always going to be a weak point for infiltration by supernatural bad actors 'psycopaths and useful idiots' is how he put it, which you have to admit..."

"Has a certain charm to it yeah," you allow.

"So the way he sees it someone has to keep order." She flicks the projection to a particular part of the conversation where a man with salt and peper hair and laugh lines burned by the sun like an old surfer turned CEO spoke with measured enthusiasm: "People admire wolves for their power and tenacity, or they fear them for their fierceness, me I do neither because I've always known something that science is only now starting to catch up on..." the smile in those faded green eyes lets on to the fact he's in on the joke, while still holding firm the reigns of the conversation. "Wolves are nature's garbage men, just as every other apex predator, they go after the weak, the old, the diseased, they scavange the dead before they can become sources of sickness. Take wolves out of an environment and all you are left with is coyotes, vicious opportunists with something to prove. Help me take over criminal enterprises in the state and you can rest easy at night that the they will not serve as vectors for vampiric influence, malefic cults or... worse things. Your friend Mr Dresden has no doubt told you about the buisness with Sells, well what he hasn't told you because he didn't know himself is just how many like Sells I've dealt with since becomeing aware of the problem..."

Sophia stops the recording. "He does have the proof to back it up. He's been protecting his turf from more than out of town gangs. He wiped out the remains of Bianca's organization, killed a Skavis who was targeting long term care facilities, send his head to Lara with a note, got a thank you note in return by the way, he even saw off what might have been some Pathfinder scouts looking to set up shop in town. And that's excluding the stuff we knew about already, the Denarians, the Heirs of Kemmler."

"What's your assessment of him?" you ask curiously to which she sighs. It's odd to see that conflicted look in eyes so like your own yet not a mirror.

"Clever, pragmatic, remarkably brave. If he'd have been born five hundred years ago he'd have been a folk hero, which doesn't necessarily mean he'd a good fit for the world we find ourselves in now, at least on the mundane side. I think one of the reasons he's gravitating towards the hidden side of things beside just there being more power there is that he's a better fit for its rules and mores."

What do you answer to Marcone's proposal?

[] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him

[] Refuse, you do not have the time to deal with him yet, but you have better offers of friendship than the crime boss of Chicago

[] Write in

OOC: Enjoy
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In practical terms, he is basically right. Until we are in some sort of future Utopia (which I maintain is actually possible and a goal to strive for), centralized stationary power in the criminal element is the first step towards forming a legitimate government. We can encourage good behavior, and we can try and influence him, or at least stop him from becoming a denarian (immortality via Peach Tree of Immortality or offbrand dragonblood via the Young Elemental Dragon of Air in the future, as examples). And we did make deals with worse, and we have no resources to seriously devote to rooting him out.

[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him
[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him
A thought occurs to me that I regret not having when we were adding things to the vote option list.

The Catholic Church has anti-vampire orders that fight the red court and general supernatural nonsense. We have the opportunity to reach out to a bishop or something and actual bring surprise inquisitors with us to hunt vampires. :V

I'm sorry, but can you elaborate about the multiple layers of security? Because from my understanding, I have to disagree. So far, the textual evidence exist that there are essentially no early warning systems or systematic defenses against hostile actors acting within the city. In this quest we have seen the following so far:
1) Broken Seeker, operating within the city for several months, attacking White Court in the city with his cultists, and then later continuing to operate within the city with impunity, kidnapping our friends from their houses
2) Akuma strike team, which we only learned about due to them introducing themselves to us, and who were able to attack Last Station and expel Porter due to lack of anchoring
3) White Court Outsider aligned forces enacting a murder campaign in the city
4) A strike team of the Gorfiel's brotherhood, and Katrina Holt's actions in the museum going entirely undetected save for us.
Well we have Porter, the Last Station, the Ordo's existing rumor mill, and stuff like that*. Porter is much stronger than he was in the past, and he provides mobility our forces didn't have before.

Moreover, we can add to it with less effort and more immediate results than building a god.

Our Amethyst Hand agents have been messing around for a while now, and we already have ghouls. Setting up fast reaction forces transported by magic dragon train shouldn't even take our time, it's more a matter of getting our minions to organize it.

There's also different levels of security coming from the different organizations that already have a presence in the city. Not all of them react the same way to the same pressures, but it's more expensive and risky to operate here because even if say the white court doesn't kill you on the spot your bosses can at minimum expect retaliation for leaving a burning bag of dog shit on the Raith's front lawn.

Thag obviously doesn't stop everyone, but you'll note that what we've seen happen are operations that try a mix of the following:

1) Short time frames
2) heavy concentrations of force
3) Independent mercenary cutouts
4) Hiding for as long as possible

Some of that is standard, but a good deal of it was that historically the powers invested in Chicago will toss your body in the lake if you fuck around. Just by dealing with the people who've tried so far we've contributed to that; a red court lackey who wants us dead has to think in terms of Greater Akuma strike forces.

I'm not saying everything is perfect and we shouldn't do anything, but the portal is a substantially more valuable target of opportunity to our enemies.

Everyone with a brain and eyes is going to know what happened if they don't already. Further, that the next few months are going to be the greatest point of vulnerability that area will ever have as things settle out.

I fully expect the consequences of effectively wandering off from a fight we started but haven't fully pulled out of to be getting slapped around for it the same way it usually is when we ignore the initiative and intent of others.

* Lara loosely counts as an asset here. She probably won't go out of her way for us too much, but by playing the game we made it valuable to do business with us and unpleasant to be left with the fallout of Molly going on a rampage.
However, in general, organized crimes tends to be worse than disoarganized crime. There is a list of crimes that are basically only possible via organized crime, such as drugs, human and weapons trafficking. So, the argument "there will always be crime" is deceptive. Crime will exist. Organized crime is a different thing.
[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him

Going with this. He is correct in that criminals will exist and better to have one that hunts down red vamps and others like it then anything else.

I do wonder if this is just him trying to seize and opportunity or if it is also partially trying to stay on Molly´s good side. Gard did tell him to think of Molly as Superman and he seem to have put down standing orders to keep well away from her.

On the third hand, I also really dont want to fight his org considering the connection he got to Odin
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[x] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him

He isn't wrong, and honestly? Molly is an Infernal, stabilizing the underworld is kind of their whole schtick?
[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him
There is one advantage of organized crime for is organized and therefore grouped for a single attack from our side with one curse.

She has a Marcone Favor to use, no questions asked she can ask for some people with machine guns to shoot up whatever she points them at among other things. That may be a little worrying given just who Tiffany is.
So she's just healed or Tiffany make her younger looking? Well, overall I hope she's okay now. At least she can reunite with her family. I remember correctly that her mother is in the Order of the Cauldron and even works for Markon, I think?
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[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him

Sure, might as well.
Our Amethyst Hand agents have been messing around for a while now, and we already have ghouls. Setting up fast reaction forces transported by magic dragon train shouldn't even take our time, it's more a matter of getting our minions to organize it.
That is a good idea to have, yes. Also probably have cyberdevils inflitrate city cameras (if they exist; if not, create a citywide monitoring network).
I'm not saying everything is perfect and we shouldn't do anything, but the portal is a substantially more valuable target of opportunity to our enemies.
This is arguable. Even if we don't do anything, the portal is MUCH better defended. The city is not. Not in a meaningful way at least.
I fully expect the consequences of effectively wandering off from a fight we started but haven't fully pulled out of to be getting slapped around for it the same way it usually is when we ignore the initiative and intent of others.
What? No, seriously, what? We are keeping the pressure on Red Court via helping the society of St. Giles. We are helping White Council by supplying them with weapons, and solving their infiltration problems (which almost certainly included sabotage). We have started no fight - we rescued our allies, but have made no direct offensive moves against Red Court ever. We are devoting 6 total AP (3 main, 3 SGI) + 1 Olivia's AP to increasing the defenses of the portal. What more do you want? How is this not a reasonable level of investment?
Going with this. He is correct in that criminals will exist and better to have one that hunts down red vamps and others like it then anything else.
Better still would be to empower Special investigations to be able to counter Red Court and other similar threats to human population. What Marcone is doing is basically forming a secondary parallel government existing in the areas of society that do not fall under normal law enforcement reach. There are two ways to handle this - encourage Marcone to do more of this in a way we approve of, and empower legitimate govermnent so they are able to expand into those areas normally handled by him.

I voted the same option, but I am having very, very strong doubt. The argument of "there will always be criminals as long as there will be laws" is a deceptive one. Because Marcone, within the context of the argument he is making, is not a criminal. He's a law enforcement agent and authority, enforcing his own laws (don't be a psycho killer, don't summon demons, don't deal with Red Court). By his own logic, there will always be criminals^2, i.e. people who are breaking the laws he is enforcing. Yet, we are not encouraged by him to, for example, ally with Cowl, who is basically Necromancer!Marcone in this context.

What Marcone is trying to do is for us to say "ok, I don't really care about these laws, but I need those other laws enforced, and this guy is ruthless and strong enough to do so".
...While negotiation isn't necessarily a bad idea, I'm a bit concerned about two things here in that I fear people are gunning for in an immediate grab for more power and leverage.

First, and importantly, perception. Fine for Odin to back criminal gangs - his persona is well-established and everyone knows what to expect from him. Molly doesn't have that. Any close association with Marcone is likely to reflect on Molly from everyone who doesn't know about her, which is nearly everyone of importance. And for those who do know of her, like her family and Harry and so forth, BACKING Marcone will be very worrying.

Anyone who has a problem with Marcone that finds out Molly is backing him will assume Molly can't be trusted either. And while yes, Marcone is better than some criminals, people paper over way too well that Marcone is still involved in completely disgusting businesses like extortion, kidnapping, and murder and the only line in the sand he writes is 'no kids'. That leave a lot of innocent people on the hook.

Second, knowledge. Molly is hilariously ignorant when it comes to the criminal underworld and its politics, so getting involved in something like that while keeping her own hands relatively clean or not getting involved in something disastrous for or against Marcone would take an enormous investment in attention and building skills even with her knowledge mantle. Frankly I think Molly just isn't ready for that.

It's fine for Marcone to give some sanitized analogy of wolves and coyotes, but that's essentially so watered down as to be a line of bull. Not that I blame him for that, it's an opening appeal and he doesn't know how experienced Molly is, but what I'm hearing from Marcone now is 'trust me, bro, help me take over the state and everyone will be happier'. Even if that's true it doesn't cover what will happen if the Library or Council go up against Marcone, or how much leeway he intends to give practitioners, who he's shaking down and selling drugs to, etcetera.

Essentially, if you don't know shit about currency trading getting involved in a crypto scheme is probably a bad idea. You can learn about it and take the gamble, sure, but that involves some dedication to boning up on those skills. And it's a good question as to whether said crypto scheme is really any better than just staying out of muddy waters and playing the stock market.
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In practical terms, he is basically right. Until we are in some sort of future Utopia (which I maintain is actually possible and a goal to strive for), centralized stationary power in the criminal element is the first step towards forming a legitimate government. We can encourage good behavior, and we can try and influence him, or at least stop him from becoming a denarian (immortality via Peach Tree of Immortality or offbrand dragonblood via the Young Elemental Dragon of Air in the future, as examples). And we did make deals with worse, and we have no resources to seriously devote to rooting him out.

[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him
On a practical level interacting with him introduces a serious diplomatic issue for us; links to organized crime.

The legitimate governments of the world aren't fully engaged with the supernatural and seemingly haven't internalized how supernatural powers can be peer nations. They do know what monsters are though, and people will go with the familiar lie over the strange and uncomfortable truth with startling regularity.

Perhaps it's still worth it, but we've invested quite a bit into having a good relationship with the feds and this would complicate it. Similar to how the Library couldn't agree to any tax stuff in Vegas even though no one involved really cared that much about taxation of all things. Because the look of mundane corruption is an existential threat to their position with the uniformed elements of the government.
Better still would be to empower Special investigations to be able to counter Red Court and other similar threats to human population. What Marcone is doing is basically forming a secondary parallel government existing in the areas of society that do not fall under normal law enforcement reach. There are two ways to handle this - encourage Marcone to do more of this in a way we approve of, and empower legitimate govermnent so they are able to expand into those areas normally handled by him.

I voted the same option, but I am having very, very strong doubt. The argument of "there will always be criminals as long as there will be laws" is a deceptive one. Because Marcone, within the context of the argument he is making, is not a criminal. He's a law enforcement agent and authority, enforcing his own laws (don't be a psycho killer, don't summon demons, don't deal with Red Court). By his own logic, there will always be criminals^2, i.e. people who are breaking the laws he is enforcing. Yet, we are not encouraged by him to, for example, ally with Cowl, who is basically Necromancer!Marcone in this context.

What Marcone is trying to do is for us to say "ok, I don't really care about these laws, but I need those other laws enforced, and this guy is ruthless and strong enough to do so".
Oh sure we should empower the SI also when it comes down to it. But the SI is still human cops, unless they get wider authority and a more free hand. I cant really see them going around hunting down Red vamp nests or cultist cabals, guns blazing. Never-mind White court vamps trying to do some of their weird shit.

Could work when the masquerade breaks, but in the here and now I still think we need people like Marcone.
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I know a lot of y'all aren't big fans of Marcone, and that's understandable, but we could work with him.

What if we offered Marcone an IDU empowerment? We could bring him fully under our umbrella and control the criminal underworld through him, all without having to worry about it ourselves.

[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him
On a practical level interacting with him introduces a serious diplomatic issue for us; links to organized crime.

The legitimate governments of the world aren't fully engaged with the supernatural and seemingly haven't internalized how supernatural powers can be peer nations. They do know what monsters are though, and people will go with the familiar lie over the strange and uncomfortable truth with startling regularity.

Perhaps it's still worth it, but we've invested quite a bit into having a good relationship with the feds and this would complicate it. Similar to how the Library couldn't agree to any tax stuff in Vegas even though no one involved really cared that much about taxation of all things. Because the look of mundane corruption is an existential threat to their position with the uniformed elements of the government.
Thank you for bringing this up, I haven't thought about it that way. We are a queen of a legimtiate nation. Dealing with criminals is... not very good. The best scenario here is to make him transition to being private security maybe? Or some other legimitate source of income and authority.
Oh sure we should empower the SI also when it comes down to it. But the SI is still human cops, unless they get wider authority and a more free hand. I cant really see them going around hunting down Red vamp nests or cultist cabals, guns blazing. Never-mind White court vamps trying to do some of their weird shit.

Could work when the masquerade breaks, but in the here and now I still think we need people like Marcone.
Which is the only reason to deal with Marcone. Turn him into essentially black ops local law enforcement of sorts, for the transitional period of masquerade erasure.
[X] Get down to the brass tacks, what's he asking for? Money? Weapons? Information? See how far his ambition goes and how far sense restrains him

if there is a singular faction, influencing it is more straightforward. Provide incentives( like we did with the sineater) to place restrictions on bussines, and slowly wittle away at the hurt while we adress the root problems from other vectors.

Will need attention every now and then, but seems worth it.
We should be considering this question in the full context of our resource and situation.

Look at Vegas; we gave the feds some room and they crushed the flesh trade out of existence. They aren't perfect, but with some help they can do a lot of good. We can't eliminate crime, but if the argument is that an organization minding the store keeps things cleaner we should consider if that means it needs to be a shadow kingdom of mobsters shielded from the consequences of their actions by our power.

Either route will have some slippage; Marcone can keep things cleaner, but organization means an expansion of nasty business and presents a target all its own. The authorities might not be as plugged in, but they can be very good at these games when properly motivated and their best case success conditions don't implicitly cause human suffering.

Given that no approach will be perfect is this what we want to be shooting for?
So she's just healed or Tiffany make her younger looking? Well, overall I hope she's okay now. At least she can reunite with her family. I remember correctly that her mother is in the Order of the Cauldron and even works for Markon, I think?

All Tiffany can do is heal her. She cannot reverse age.

Yes, she does and is. We'll see more from her later don't worry.