Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

[X] Plan: Spymaster, actual job edition

I understand the appeal to stack health, but seeing as how this is still supposed to be a summoner build(at least I think), the Knock trait seems required, especially since the Knock cult didn't win out.
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I understand the appeal to stack health, but seeing as how this is still supposed to be a summoner build(at leasti think), the Knock trait seems required, especially since the Knock cult didn't win out.
Don't underestimate the magical power of friendship Diplomacy. Recruit enough people, and they can provide a bonus to summoning.

But I will go back and add the Frightened/Intuitive combo to the MHbfmF plan.
[X] Plan: My Heart beats for my Flock

I really like the idea of heart and this seems to be the most heart of the heart options to me
I would like to point out that a large part of why we were constrained with our last character was due to our demanding job reducing our number of actions, as well as occasionally having events that require an even further action. We ended up skipping some work almost every turn just to do the things we wanted, and that may have had consequences if we went later on in the quest. Some considerations for plans that picked []You were promoted
[X] Plan: Dance until you die and after that
-[X] Name (Harry Mason)
-[X] Male
-[X] USA
-[X] Traveling Dancer
-[X] Well Built: You are robust and tower half a head over most people. (+2 Martial, +5 on tests that require physical strength, and personal combat)
-[X] Beautiful: Heads turn when you walk past them and you are well versed in using that. (+2 Intrigue, +5 when trying to seduce other creatures, or just be pleasant)
-[X] Silver Tongued: Complicated words to impress the simple minded, complicated arguments to impress the wise. You know well how to weave them. (+3 to Diplomacy)
-[X] Intuitive: You have a knack for understanding the world and its more esoteric tricks. (+2 Piety, +5 when performing rituals or summonings)
-[X] Normal folk: The lifeblood of the world, people who live and die without doing much, without meaning much. Yet they raised you as well as they could and love you. (Default) Costs zero coins
-[X] Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)
-[X] Your skin is flush, it always is (+4 Diplomacy, +5 when trying to convince somebody of something, other effects will be revealed with time)

A dancer who is devoted to dancing without a trace in every sense of the word.

Martial 10
Diplomacy 15
Stewardship 8
Intrigue 10
Piety 10
Learning 8

Dance: + 30 (Diplomacy 15 + 5 Well Built + 5 Beautiful/Intuitive +5 Heart)

[X] Plan: My Heart beats for my Flock
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That's true, but we don't know if a regular job takes 3 or 2 dice, or if there will be an event that requires you to spend an even further action. Part of the reason I chose PI with contract work for my job plan was so that we could take less contracts if we need more actions and don't need money.

Also, there are many things that are either not convenient or not possible for a servant to do, at least if we don't turn them to our cult. For example in the previous character, a servant likely couldn't train our cultists in edge because only we had the knowledge, they can't cast the attention of laws, couldn't study for us, etc.
I wasn't thinking of using them for cult things (for the most part) but using them to help do what you complained about. Which is work actions
I would like to point out that a large part of why we were constrained with our last character was due to our demanding job reducing our number of actions, as well as occasionally having events that require an even further action. We ended up skipping some work almost every turn just to do the things we wanted, and that may have had consequences if we went later on in the quest. Some considerations for plans that picked []You were promoted

Being self employed kinda gets around that.
[X] Plan A talented vagabond
-[X] Charlie Lewis
-[X] Male
-[X] USA
-[X] Musician
-[X] Intuitive: You have a knack for understanding the world and its more esoteric tricks. (+2 Piety, +5 when performing rituals or summonings)
-[X] Naturally Talented: You are just a bit faster, a bit sharper and a bit more well built. Some people are simply better. (+1 to all stats) Costs two coins
-[X] Travelers: Vagabonds, people who wander the world with nothing more than the items on their backs. You've been taught tricks and tips, even the more illegal ones. (+2 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy, -1 Learning)
-[X] Compromised: Something happened, you overstepped or just pure bad luck. Your cult bailed you out. (You have a personal debt to the master of your cult, +2 coins)
-[X] Your heart beats louder, audible to those who care to listen (+2 Health, +5 when resisting things that would harm your body, other effects to be shown with time)

[X] Plan - The Bard
[X] Plan: The Steward

[X] Plan: Father John, Not Married.

I do enjoy playing sages, these sound like fun.

[X] Plan: Spymaster, actual job edition

Clever investigation with an inclination to find trouble also suits my Mothy taste for chaos, is evidence collected by a spirit admissible?

Edit: this one too, because I adore crackfic premises when executed well and this sounds like it has potential.

[X] Plan: Flower Shop AU
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