To clarify, I'm arguing that I think it would be good (and interesting) to develop a genuine faith in the religion that is held by the overwhelming majority of our subjects (and particularly those nearest the crown) and our girlfriend, not that we should feign such for political purposes. We do not have that kind of intrigue, not to mention it would be insulting to genuinely faithful people like our girlfriend. If we are going to do that, now would be an appropriate time, although there may be others.
I got kind of derailed discussing the Old Gods and LoL, but as was rightly pointed out these are total nonfactors where and when we are. The choice isn't between the Fot7 and "cooler" religions with magic, it's between the Fot7 and what we are right now, a kind of pseudo-agnostic culturally Valyrian thing that seems to be the default for Targaryens, which is also nonmagical.
By our vary nature, we go against the grain of the traditional roles and relationships practiced in all of the Seven Kingdoms. We can either go against the grain from the inside or the outside. We can be viewed as both the Westerosi girl who grew up dreaming of being a
true knight out of the old stories and the barely-assimilated child of conquerors trampling over the traditions of the conquered people because they are displeasing. How much of one and how much of the other is still undetermined.
I do think there's an important difference between the written-down-nowhere cultural traditions that Arnold relied upon and written scripture. One is a matter of framing and cultural self image. While the other can be interpreted around, it is literally written down and not easily altered. So if we're told that yeah in this quest there's a line that lying with another woman is an abomination, or that a woman's only purpose is as a broodmare (unless she has no brothers), I'll stop with this. If it's actually even on the level as the IRL Bible then I'll agree the best we can do is deemphasize religion as a political force. But if it's just some vague stuff about gender roles as generalities I think that's something we can and should work with. I mean, if nothing else it might help Alicent with her religious guilt.
I would like to note that Dorne actually has other active religions in their territory including a temple for the Lord of light, unlike any other region of Westeros that majorly practice the faith of Seven.
Btw this just isn't true, Oldtown.