What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
great work on the vibe of it Qm.
Fun Fact: I wanted to add a little "Bonjour" to the top-right eye (seen here (and holy fuck I just unlocked powers beyond your comprehension!
: D)), but it was a bit too big/obvious. Because the real eldritch horrors aren't the monsters friends we woke along the way, but the French. :V
Hon Hon Hon
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Hah, played some Space Marine 2 QM? cause this looks familiar.
Surprisingly, I am pretty lukewarm on SM2 gameplay-wise. It's nice...but not my style. This sequence came from a 40k Animation where a group of Space Marines are praying.
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Urghhhhh what the hell? is this the composition of a Legio?
Nope, you will be using 55-God-Engine strong Legio. That's just the cost-benefit ratio.
Well, I wonder how the expedition went, we sent a lot of fucking dudes there, including our first Grand Cruiser, but who knows how dangerous it might be.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Oct 20, 2024 at 12:37 PM, finished with 26 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Can the Warp take a chill pill please?
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Node 17c - Qualach's Forge)
    -[X] [Free] Activate Heartbeat of Industry at full power and send 10 choirs on the expidition. All spare choirs go on Hiss of the Steam Valves, with 50 left free for auto-tickers.
    -[X] [Free] Swap the Destroyer Auto-build to the new Serpens-Class Stealth Destroyer
    -[X] [Military] The Ancient's [Nightmare Child-Factory]
    --[X] Deploy SBG Minotaur, Leviathan, LRAD Gamma, Delta, and Sector Battle Group Overflow (Which includes the Fleet Tender and a chance to test our newer designs)
    --[X] Deploy the Purpose-of-Unity, Stellar-Harvesters and Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times Nomadic Fleets as part of this to provide additional logistical and military support.
    --[X] Attach extra 10 Choirs, both as psyker support and to sing Paths Without Treason over corrupted mechanisms.
    --[X] Request a detachment of Lamenters to join the expedition, they're likely interested in something called the "Nightmare Child-Factory."
    --[X] Attach Macabre and Amratur Grand Army, the 9th to 14th War Packs of the Order of the Blazing Sun (led by the 'Inheritors of Starlight') as well as 23rd through 28th War Packs of the Order of the Obsidian Hammer (led by 'The Lord's Lance'), as Ground Forces (82 total starlift capacity needed, covered with 5 Taurus-class attached to the Task Fleet Overflow group)
    -[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations - anti-piracy efforts in our neighbors.
    --[X] Send the SBGs Basilisk, LRADs Beta, Epsilon and Nomadic Fleets Once-Forgotten-Joy, Thrum-Of-The-Journey and Bastion-Of-Pathways to aid the Shipwright's Grove with their piracy problems.
    -[X] [Military] Construct God-Engines ( 4x Immensa Immensus (2/3)) (Heartbeat AP)
    -[X] [Psykana] Warp Observatory (0/3)
    -[X] [Free] Song Autoticker: Foretold Luminous Paths Seen -Prophecy, Perception, Paths, Star
    [X] Plan: Can the Warp take a chill pill please? Automata song variant
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Node 17c - Qualach's Forge)
    -[X] [Free] Activate Heartbeat of Industry at full power and send 10 choirs on the expidition. All spare choirs go on Hiss of the Steam Valves, with 50 left free for auto-tickers.
    -[X] [Free] Swap the Destroyer Auto-build to the new Serpens-Class Stealth Destroyer
    -[X] [Military] The Ancient's [Nightmare Child-Factory]
    --[X] Deploy SBG Minotaur, Leviathan, LRAD Gamma, Delta, and Sector Battle Group Overflow (Which includes the Fleet Tender and a chance to test our newer designs)
    --[X] Deploy the Purpose-of-Unity, Stellar-Harvesters and Lanterns-Against-Dark-Times Nomadic Fleets as part of this to provide additional logistical and military support.
    --[X] Attach extra 10 Choirs, both as psyker support and to sing Paths Without Treason over corrupted mechanisms.
    --[X] Request a detachment of Lamenters to join the expedition, they're likely interested in something called the "Nightmare Child-Factory."
    --[X] Attach Macabre and Amratur Grand Army, the 9th to 14th War Packs of the Order of the Blazing Sun (led by the 'Inheritors of Starlight') as well as 23rd through 28th War Packs of the Order of the Obsidian Hammer (led by 'The Lord's Lance'), as Ground Forces (82 total starlift capacity needed, covered with 5 Taurus-class attached to the Task Fleet Overflow group)
    -[X] [Military] Begin Military Operations - anti-piracy efforts in our neighbors.
    --[X] Send the SBGs Basilisk, LRADs Beta, Epsilon and Nomadic Fleets Once-Forgotten-Joy, Thrum-Of-The-Journey and Bastion-Of-Pathways to aid the Shipwright's Grove with their piracy problems.
    -[X] [Military] Construct God-Engines ( 4x Immensa Immensus (2/3)) (Heartbeat AP)
    -[X] [Psykana] Warp Observatory (0/3)
    -[X] [Free] Song Autoticker: Machines Shielded Against Abberant Thoughts - Protection, Technology, Void, Song, Unity
276.M43 - Shed Tears
They say that Space Marines, the Emperor's Angels, or Astartes if you are so inclined, do not cry. They are made in the perfect image of the God-Emperor by His own hands, and thus are above such base emotions as...sadness.

Glimmerlings know this to be false.

Space Marines can cry. They can shed tears for lives cruelly butchered, lives malformed by malicious, soulless intelligence, lives turned from the seed of a new generation into an abattoir of cruelty barely within human comprehension.

Space Marines can weep. They can have their sight become blurry by tears shed in hot fury for those who are tortured for the base indulgence of a soulless intelligence. They can have their sight become blurred by the waters shed when they hold corpses too small, too frail, too...less, who look at them with relief from glassy, dead eyes...

Space Marines can have their cheeks burn with the trails of salt as they rage, tearing apart the blackened-out heart of an abomination beyond abominations with their bare hands, whose workings have been deemed so far gone, so far beyond reckoning, that the Order of Cerberus has decreed Damnatio Memoria over the entire expedition, scrubbing all evidence of what they have uncovered in truth in favor of a manufactured lie.

Space Marines can shed tears. For others. For those who are lost. Those that are damned. Those that they could not save because they did not know they needed saving.

But there is one truth in the false belief that they cannot weep.

They cannot shed tears for themselves.

There are too many to shed for others first.

The Nightmare Child-Factory Expedition Returns With:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Wetware Cogitators
(Vastly upgrades all your Automata's processing capabilities.)
[] Wetware Comprehension
(Unlocks Gene-Editing Research.)
[] Wetware Wombs
(Upgrades your native omnipresent Cloning Technology to Advanced.)
Ooof, that's nasty stuff.

Could you describe what kind of benefits we'd get from Advanced grade Cloning Technology vs Gene-Editing Research though? I'm not really sure what the difference is in t his context since they seem to be doing the same kind of thing.
To be fair they are Imperetors. IIRC the Titan Legions each have like 1 max and even that's rare, and they're probably Great Crusade vintage. These things are a big deal and they last pretty much forever.
yah and that's why I say its more a safety net/investment.

Fun Fact: I wanted to add a little "Bonjour" to the top-right eye (seen here (and holy fuck I just unlocked powers beyond your comprehension!
: D)), but it was a bit too big/obvious. Because the real eldritch horrors aren't the monsters friends we woke along the way, but the French. :V
Hon Hon Hon
HAH, truly the French and Brazil jokes will never end. the fact your mind went to 'Bonjour' for the eldritch horrors shows the real horrors we already have seen and known.

Surprisingly, I am pretty lukewarm on SM2 gameplay-wise. It's nice...but not my style. This sequence came from a 40k Animation where a group of Space Marines are praying.
That's fine I just meant it reminds me of the after the Tutorial mission with the Chaplain and Titus talking and the nature of the questions.

Nope, you will be using 55-God-Engine strong Legio. That's just the cost-benefit ratio.
Ah so its our version of what a Legio will be.... can we support more then one Legio? still it is a good ratio and powerful system conquering power.
Could you describe what kind of benefits we'd get from Advanced grade Cloning Technology vs Gene-Editing Research though? I'm not really sure what the difference is in t his context since they seem to be doing the same kind of thing.
Okay, so: you use cloning to create about ~7% of your population, or, in other words, at any one time about ~7% of your people are clones. Most notably, the Thules are almost all (>98%) clones. By going for the cloning option, you make the creation of Clones cheaper, safer, and more straightforward, alongside a myriad of other, more minor, benefits too numerous to list.

Research enables you to reverse-engineer gene-editing from the ground up to, basically, do what people do with gene-editing.
Okay, so: you use cloning to create about ~7% of your population, or, in other words, at any one time about ~7% of your people are clones. Most notably, the Thules are almost all (>98%) clones. By going for the cloning option, you make the creation of Clones cheaper, safer, and more straightforward, alongside a myriad of other, more minor, benefits too numerous to list.

Research enables you to reverse-engineer gene-editing from the ground up to, basically, do what people do with gene-editing.
So, behind the scenes improvement vs active new possibilities, then?
How about we ask for more details on what l of these do? Right now I am thinking Wetware but Gene Editing sounds useful.
well, we are lining up for a supercharged Research Push.... This would be a good time to open up Gene-Editing then.
Yeah, Wetware Comprehension requires further investment, but we were already planning a large research turn going forward courtesy of the Bounty of Labor, and we can leverage that into gaining a lot of the benefits of the Cloning boost, which requires no further investment.

Even if it won't be on the same level, it'll apply to people who aren't clones too. Being able to better treat illnesses and potentially actually cure mutation instead of just cut the lines out seems appealing.
Yeah, I'm not against Wetware Cogitators either, I just think Wetware Comprehension lines up better with our intended actions going forward.
Personally I'm more in favour of passive effects, leaning Wombs. We are lining up to sink a shitton of effort into research, true, but we're already drowning in good and useful options. And consider the fact that passive effects will most likely apply to any future research we make: vatgrown meat to make vertical farming more efficient, organ cloning for medical purposes, bionics and wetware augmentations, servitor brains, Irritian biotech... Mass cloning has tremendous potential.
....So the first expedition was a...well shit that's heavy. Okay so...yikes...All paths are very interesting.

[] Wetware Cogitators
Okay this one is fun. More processing power for our automatons. It's not a bad thing especially as we do like the benefits of automation. Let's put this as a good middle choice. Buffs across industries I imagine.
[] Wetware Comprehension
Gene editing is interesting in that it will probably have the most effect in our Medical and Agricultural Industry. Remember that the "Human Genome" is sacred so I don't imagine we will go too hard into actual human genome editing and more agri and medical aspects
[] Wetware Wombs
This one is very noteworthy. One of the main problems(well "problems') is that when we expand via colonization the planet takes time to "fill up" so to speak. This would increase the rate of that if nothing else.

Looking at the three I am on the Wetware Cogitators or the Wetware Comprehension as the choices to go for.
I don't think our society would be really open to gene editing outside of bringing mutants back to mainline humanity.

So I don't think the federation would get the most benefit out of gene-editing. Plus, we already have a Space Marine geneseed available so we have all the transhuman soldiers we need.
Speaking of which, our new Song is up!

Looks like as I anticipated, it's a counter to Fate Hax, which tells us if someone's scrying us or using magic to manipulate our fate somehow and what they intend to get out of it, it's the counterplay to Space Elf and Tzeentch fuckery.

Notably, it's not helpful against divination brought way from pure computation. But that's not our main concern right now. It might include pure computational stuff too at higher levels, since it's only a level 1 Song right now.
I don't think our society would be really open to gene editing outside of bringing mutants back to mainline humanity.

So I don't think the federation would get the most benefit out of gene-editing. Plus, we already have a Space Marine geneseed available so we have all the transhuman soldiers we need.
If we limit gene editing to humans yeah the benefit is not that great but there are plants and medicines that can be conjured from this. Chi-kan is great but imagine Chi-kan that produces more poultry or Grox with less fat or whatever else. Human is a limited factor...though it will be an action and if we don't like that then more people per clone vat is fine as well