Voting is open
The Deathwatch are pretty much every single bad example of how Mandalorians act all brought together under one creed. Trying to make them allies would not turn out well, and probably get our messenger shot. At the least.

The problem is that the Death Watch's whole "unga-bunga we proud warriors" schtick means that they see themselves as being above such things. Hell they basically take slaves themselves from what I understand. Basically if they want it, they'll take it. And "it" can be your favorite blaster, your house, your speeder, or your wife and daughter. And if you protest? They'll just kill you for it.

I am certainly no expert on the lore and timelines - but the wiki suggests most of that stuff happens in the clone wars (aka later than now).

From what I understand, currently, theres basically a bunch of war Lovin Mandalorians sulking on a moon with nothing better to do?

The unga bunga hasn't fully formed yet, we can (potentially) hijack that.
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Oct 16, 2024 at 11:51 PM, finished with 131 posts and 47 votes.

  • [X] Plan Getting a Clue
    -[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine
    -[X]A Budget: DC: ???
    --[X]Ask Jenson to see if the Government can survive the type of deficit that it requires to fund these projects.
    -[X]The Federalists and You: DC: 40
    -[X]The Constitutionlsts and you: DC: 40
    -[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
    -[X]The Data Center: DC: 40
    -[X]Simple Talk: Isard looks down… maybe you can talk to him in a personal, non professional manner, to see what is wrong. DC:???
    [X] Plan Nearly Paralyzed By Too Many Choices
    -[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
    --[X]Ask Jenson to see if Raising Taxes is an option.
    -[X]The Hype Man: Bail has an idea to make you more popular with the REst of the Galaxy. And he thinks it's a good one. DC: ???
    -[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
    -[X]The Federalists and You: You want to learn of the opinions of your constituents… and rather, your potentially greatest allies within the Senate. DC: 40
    -[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
    -[X]The officers and the Gentlemen: You need to meet the officers, and see if you can see what exactly they can do.
    -[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60
    [X] Plan Lots To Do
    -[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
    -[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
    --[X]Ask Jenson to see if Raising Taxes is an option.
    -[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
    -[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
    -[X]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40
    -[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60
    -[X]I Spy: Isard wants to use the Intelligence network for something of a personal project of his. While dangerous, he did come to you for permission to let it begin… he just needs you to sign off. DC: ???
    --[X]Sign off on it
    [X] Plan: Getting our affairs in order
    -[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
    -[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
    —[X]Ask Jenson to see if Raising Taxes is an option.
    -[X]The Hype Man: Bail has an idea to make you more popular with the REst of the Galaxy. And he thinks it's a good one. DC: ???
    -[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
    -[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
    -[X]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40
    -[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60
    [X] plan political power
    -[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
    -[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
    --[X]Ask Jenson to see if the Government can survive the type of deficit that it requires to fund these projects.
    -[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
    -[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
    -[X]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40
    -[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60
    -[X]Simple Talk: Isard looks down… maybe you can talk to him in a personal, non professional manner, to see what is wrong. DC:???
    [X] Vote all the Plans
I am certainly no expert on the lore and timelines - but the wiki suggests most of that stuff happens in the clone wars (aka later than now).

From what I understand, currently, theres basically a bunch of war Lovin Mandalorians sulking on a moon with nothing better to do?

The unga bunga hasn't fully formed yet, we can (potentially) hijack that.
The problem is, well....

The bedrock of the philosophy is might makes right. Enough that, I think it's said somewhere the leader during the Mando wars, the one killed by Jango was quite a bit worse than the son. So...

Might be best to try and poach from their recruitment pool, instead of recruiting from them.
Political Power Turn 2 Results New
Political Power Turn 2 Results:

[]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0 Rolled:D100 + 15 => 112

It was something most people failed to grasp about you, Chancellor, or about many of your fellow Naboo, both the Naboo and the Gungans alike. Despite the many challenges and crises your peoples had faced over the years, you were all connected—bound to each other by a deep-rooted sense of duty, a shared history, and a commitment to your world. It was this unspoken bond that had always guided your decisions.

That same bond explained why you had so readily accepted the assistance of Senator Palpatine early in your political career. He was calm, capable, and always in control. His influence had been invaluable, not only as an ally but as a whip who could marshal support when it was needed most. Palpatine was a man who liked favors to be repaid in kind, and one thing had always been clear: he did not tolerate fools.

But you, despite the clumsiness and the often mocked way you spoke, had shown him time and again that you were no fool. You had learned to navigate the intricacies of power, often surprising those who underestimated you. Palpatine knew this, as did you. And when the cameras were off, when it was just the two of you, the real conversations began.

"Chancellor," Palpatine began, his voice smooth, measured. "I have always been... skeptical of some of the proposals you've supported, or the ones you may consider supporting. That said, I'm curious—why have you not approved Director Isard's latest project? He assures me it's for the security of the Republic, and I've seen nothing to suggest otherwise."

You nodded thoughtfully, your large eyes meeting his with an understanding that only years of shared political maneuvering could cultivate. "I understand, boot dare's a matto of history dat must besa considered," you said, your voice slipping into its familiar cadence. Then, with a subtle shift in tone, you leaned in slightly. "Pleeese, Mesa know yousa luv history un opera... so tell my, whata play has been da mostest influential inda republic since its creation? Or rather, Variation?"

Palpatine raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the question. He thought for a moment before replying. "*Pius Dea*, and the madness of the Contispex dynasty," he said, a knowing look crossing his face. "Not the most original title, but yes, certainly influential."

"Yet tis mui mui influential inda core philosophy unda human-centric ideals dat haf longo since survived," you continued, your voice deliberate now, drawing him deeper into your argument. "Despite da Republic's best efforts, those ideas linger. Und yousa wanten ta know da startin' block dat caused da chaos..."

It was a rhetorical question, but you answered it anyway, knowing Palpatine had already drawn the parallel. "Hesa asked da Chancellor ta trust hesa, dat hesa had a plan dat would ensure da chaos inda periphery notsa'd spread ta poison da whole." Your eyes studied Palpatine's reaction carefully.

Palpatine's expression shifted, the faintest trace of tension appearing in his otherwise composed demeanor. He understood the point you were making—the dangerous precedent of trusting too much power to someone with unchecked ambitions. The Pius Dea, the infamous human-supremacist regime that had once threatened to tear the galaxy apart, was an uncomfortable parallel for both of you.

Then, for the first time in this conversation, you dropped the formalities, your voice becoming clear and measured. "I trust Isard with my very life, and the safety of the Republic… But only if he asks me for what he needs directly. Not someone else."

You let that last sentence hang in the air for a moment, the silence heavy with the implications. And then, you delivered the final blow, the coup de grâce. "Not you."

Palpatine's reaction was subtle but unmistakable. The corner of his mouth twitched upward in a thin, controlled smile. There was a brief glint in his eyes, a flash of something unreadable. "Very well," he said softly. "I will make sure, and respect that."

The room fell into silence again, but the tension had lifted, replaced with an understanding. The balance of power between the two of you had shifted, ever so slightly. You had drawn your line, and Palpatine, for now, had agreed not to cross it. But the game was far from over.

Reward: Palpatine is impressed, more than that, he is incredibly… happy, as if he hasn't been challenged like this for a very long time.

+2500 Political power.

[]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming year's budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
--[]Ask Jenson to see if the Government can survive the type of deficit that it requires to fund these projects. Rolled:D100 + 15 => 111

"The short answer. Yes." That was the simple answer from Jenson as he sat down running the numbers, as he slowly looked at the Chart you kept proudly displayed in your office.

He still didn't like that it was there, mocking him as he is reminded, constantly, that this government required him. "The Long answer is more complicated."

"The Short answer gives me confidence." You spoke, as you looked at the chart. "But the long answer intrigues me."

Jenson, for his part, only sighed. "Do you have a doctorate in interstellar and intergalactic economics? And a Minor in interspecies sociology?"

You shrugged. "I used to trade with smugglers?" It was a joke but one that Jenson clearly did not get.

He groaned. "The Republic's income is very much in flux every year. Some years we have a surplus that can pay for exorbitant projects, and then there are years where the criminals win. When the money flows not into the coffers into the republic, but into crime lord's, for drugs, weapons, ships… anything that can be wirtten off and claimed on a tax form… it will get claimed by someone…" His lip twitched. So we just have to hope that the tax man is not on the pay roll, or lucky… To make sure we get something from the planets."

"But we can pay for the projects?" You asked.

"Yes, this year at least. Next year, we could be running a deficit that would make it catastrophic and cause problems."

You frowned. "So we need to make this year count?"

"Unless you have a way to make the republic's tax system less of a mess? Yeah, we've got one year."

Reward: You have a budget this year… but it might change.

+2000 Political power.

[]The Federalists and You: You want to learn of the opinions of your constituents… and rather, your potentially greatest allies within the Senate. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 + 15 => 19

Much as you try to build bridges between yourself, Palpatine and his allies…

They much rather were more waiting and seeing.

They did not want to back sentients who were still able to lose.


[]The Constitutionlsts and you: The opposition… they are the strongest opposition and the more… well… open to talk. They seem to enjoy the challenge and want to know just who you are to them. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 + 15 => 93

But for Bail, it was like introducing you to old friends who were never left.

You had been made, not a rising star among them, but their practical leader. Your policy positions, while rather… anti-constitution, and federalist, were something that had been really…

Well honestly, you didn't know how to really say that, you were just a servant of the republic… and you were just answering the problems that you had seen that needed to be solved.

And they loved you for it.

Reward: The constitutionalists have accepted you.

For one piece of legislation next turn, they can be used for free without spending political power.

Also, +5 to that legislation passing.

[]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 + 15 => 52

Tarkin had two ideas.

And you only agreed to one. The first—his more radical proposal—was something you could never fully endorse. He wanted to train pilots who would operate exclusively from starships, patrolling the farthest reaches of space. These pilots, fully autonomous from any oversight, would serve as judge, jury, and executioner, able to act swiftly and without the need for local oversight. In theory, this would create an elite force, free from bureaucratic delay, capable of responding to threats before they spiraled out of control.

But you knew the dangers of such a system. A force with that much autonomy, with no local accountability, could easily become something far worse. They would have no ties to the planets they served, no allegiance to the people they protected—only to the command above. It was efficient, yes, but also dangerous. A cold, detached solution. Too much like the brutal regimes that had once plagued the galaxy.

No, the second idea—that was the one you believed in. It had the potential to unite, to inspire a sense of collective responsibility. Tarkin's suggestion of establishing bases on every major planet within each sector resonated with you. These bases would serve as hubs for recruitment, drawing officers and crew members from the local population. Pilots would be stationed on their home planets, serving as both protectors and representatives of their own people.

The logic was simple: when locals were responsible for the defense of their own worlds, they would fight harder, and more earnestly. They would have a personal stake in the safety and prosperity of their home. Unlike the detached, roaming starship pilots of Tarkin's first idea, these officers would be rooted in the communities they served. Their presence would be a constant reminder of the Republic's commitment to defending every world, from the core to the rim.

It was a system similar to what was already in place, but with one crucial difference—this would foster local pride and cooperation. You believed it would strengthen the bonds between the Republic and its member worlds. They'd be symbols of unity, a living reminder that the Republic wasn't some distant authority dictating laws from Coruscant, but a collective of all its people, working together for the common good.

This wasn't just about defense, after all. It was about building trust. About making sure that the Republic didn't lose the support of the outer systems, which so often felt neglected and forgotten. You believed that Tarkin's second idea, if implemented, could bridge that gap, creating a sense of shared purpose across the galaxy.

As you pondered the possibilities, you knew this plan wouldn't be easy. There would be resistance from the central government, from those who preferred to consolidate power rather than distribute it. There were even risks in placing too much trust in local commanders who might grow too ambitious. But you also knew that a centralized system had its own failures. It was too rigid, and too slow to respond to the diverse needs of each planet.

Reward: The plan is in place. And whether or not it works will remain to be seen.

+500 political power.

[]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40 Rolled:D100 + 15 => 21

Isard told the truth…

The entire system was destroyed. It would need to be rebuilt from the ground up… or there would be nothing left.

[]Simple Talk: Isard looks down… maybe you can talk to him in a personal, non professional manner, to see what is wrong. DC:??? Rolled:D100 + 15 => 115

It was nearing midnight when Isard came to your office, and the look in his eyes was unlike anything you had seen before—like he was seeing ghosts, haunted by something far greater than his usual cool demeanor allowed. There was a flicker of fear behind those sharp, calculating eyes. Not the kind of fear that came from battle, but the kind that settled deep in one's bones, the fear of what might come next.

You were resting—or at least, trying to—hoping the quiet of your office would lull you into sleep. But instead, your mind had drifted back to the work piled on your datapad. You had found that focusing on administrative tasks sometimes helped clear your thoughts, though tonight, it had brought no peace.

"Chancellor," Isard's voice cut through the silence, controlled but uneasy. "Are you busy?"

You looked up from the datapad and offered a smile, more out of habit than anything else. "I am not, though I wish I were. It would help me sleep."

Isard hesitated before stepping fully into the room. He glanced around, his eyes landing on the Chart that adorned the wall… how everything that they did, worked together. Slowly, he approached the desk and sat down, his movements unusually tense.

"I've come to speak to you about something important," he said, his voice quieter now, as if the walls themselves were listening.

You nodded, setting the datapad aside. "Then speak freely.."

Isard took a long moment, seemingly gathering his thoughts, before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a datapad of his own. He set it down gently on your desk, his hand lingering on it as if he were unsure whether to show you what it contained. Finally, he tapped the screen, and the device hummed to life, displaying a recording. It was the conversation from earlier—between you and Palpatine. The one you thought had been private.

"I watched it... all of it," Isard said, his voice flat, but there was a tremor beneath it. "Is it true?"

The recording played in the background, your voice filling the room: 'I trust Isard with my very life and the safety of the Republic... but only if he asks me for what he needs directly. Not someone else.'

You stared at the datapad for a long moment, weighing your words before replying. "Yes," you said softly, with the careful consideration of someone who knew the stakes had just risen. "I do not give trust lightly unless it is earned."

Isard's eyes flickered with something—guilt, maybe? No, it was more than that. It was fear, not for himself, but for what he was about to say. He took a breath, his voice dropping to barely a whisper. "I was asked to spy on you by Palpatine. That's why he recommended me."

For a moment, the words hung in the air, heavy and sharp, like a blade waiting to drop. The dam had broken, and now the flood of truth came rushing out, unstoppable.

"That is... interesting," you murmured, though the wheels in your mind were already spinning, processing the implications. "I suspected that your alliance with Palpatine had deeper roots, but why? To give him an edge in debate? To pass his policies without resistance?"

Isard's eyes darkened, and his next words came out like a confession he had been holding back for far too long. "No. He wanted me to remove you from power. In a way that would tarnish your reputation so that he could swoop in as the savior of the Republic, the hero he always wanted to be. Slowly acting as a force would allow destabilizing influences to capitalize on the republic."

That was not what you expected. The revelation hit you harder than you cared to show. "Does he think so little of me?" you asked, the question slipping out before you could stop it. "That I cannot succeed by my own actions?"

Isard's gaze met yours, his expression pained. "He doesn't think much of you at all, Chancellor. Or maybe he thinks he could do a better job. I don't know, and I don't care."

You leaned back in your chair, studying the man before you. There was more to this—there always was. "But you changed your mind. On me. Or on Palpatine."

The agent sighed heavily, the weight of his choice evident in every breath. He reached over and played the recording again, the words echoing between you both: 'I trust Isard with my very life... but only if he asks me directly.'

It was then that the final piece fell into place. "You bugged my office," you said, more to yourself than to him, the realization settling in like a cold chill. "Watching. Listening, coming to a conclusion that would soon… destroy us all, or at least this government."

Isard nodded grimly. "I've never had anyone give me that kind of faith before... Not from someone in power. Palpatine... he uses people. But you... you gave me a choice." He paused, the weight of his words hanging between you. "That's why I'm going to ask you this now."

He leaned forward, eyes locked on yours, his voice quiet but carrying the weight of the galaxy. "Do you trust me?"

What do you say:
[]Write in
"I understand, but there is a matter of history that must be considered. Please, I know you love history and opera… so tell me, what play has been the most influential in the republic since its creation? Or rather, Variation?"
Yet it is incredibly influential in the core philosophy and the human-centric ideals that have long since survived. Despite the republic's best efforts, and you want to know the starting block that caused chaos…"
He asked the chancellor to trust him, that he had a plan that would ensure the chaos in the periphery did not spread to poison the whole.

AN: Moratorum for a few hours...

You all earned some of that Magoose dice magic...

So you have a write in.
"To be loyal to me? No. To be loyal to the republic? Yes. And that's fine.
I suspect that if I were to turn from the republic, you would do all in your power to stop me.
And that? That's good.

That said, you will be going through your colleagues' offices for bugs. And I will be briefed on the ones you've planted."
Last edited:
So the obvious answer is say yes but how to phrase it.

[X] "Yes Isard I choose to put my trust in you. Not the least for what you have already revealed to me, but also because sometimes you just have to have faith in people and accept the risk of being wrong."


[X] "As I said, with the safety of the Republic, and with my life."
Last edited:
dun Dun DUN!

So, that's...a lot of political power, and it looks like an IOU from the Constitutionalists. What kind of policy would they support that we would like to sponsor?
I have no Idea what to do for our write in. I'll wait and see a few.
I am certainly no expert on the lore and timelines - but the wiki suggests most of that stuff happens in the clone wars (aka later than now).

From what I understand, currently, theres basically a bunch of war Lovin Mandalorians sulking on a moon with nothing better to do?

The unga bunga hasn't fully formed yet, we can (potentially) hijack that.
Yeah no Death watch was the terrorist faction of the Mandorlorian Civil War. Their status as terriosts goes back a whole generation to Satine's Father's time. There are Mandalorians dissatisfied by Satine's policies and they will eventually join Death Watch but they are separate right now.
The Game begins

In the shadows of the Senate chambers, Palpatine paced with an intensity that few had ever seen. His usually immaculate composure cracked at the edges, revealing a simmering rage beneath the surface. This was supposed to be his moment, the culmination of years of careful manipulation and quiet power plays. But it had all come unraveled, and the source of his frustration was none other than the clumsy, seemingly hapless Gungan who sat in the Chancellor's chair.

As he replayed the events of the past few days, Palpatine's thoughts seethed with indignation. How could he, a master of the game, be thwarted by that buffoon? Yet, behind those stumbling words and wide-eyed innocence, there had been something Palpatine hadn't accounted for—an unexpected shrewdness that had blindsided him at the most critical moment. A deft maneuver, turning the conversation about Isard into a veiled warning, a reminder of the Pius Dea and the dangers of consolidating too much power.

"That fool!" he hissed under his breath, but the word rang hollow even to his own ears. No, he knew the truth. The Chancellor was far from foolish. He had seen through the veils of manipulation and spun his own web, pushing Palpatine into a corner without ever raising his voice. That subtle threat, cloaked in historical reference, was a masterstroke—and Palpatine loathed that he hadn't seen it coming.

He thought back to the moment when Isard had confessed. The recording, the one he'd intended as leverage, had backfired spectacularly. Instead of isolating Isard, it had pushed him closer to Binks. The agent's desperate plea to the Chancellor had become an oath of loyalty. It was a betrayal that Palpatine hadn't anticipated, a shift that had turned one of his most valuable pawns into an asset for his rival.

He clenched his fists, feeling the pulse of dark energy in his veins, his anger threatening to burn through his carefully crafted façade. The room seemed to darken with his mood, the shadows lengthening as if drawn toward him. How could Binks—of all beings—outmaneuver him in this crucial stage? He had been so certain that Isard, once isolated, would be easy to turn against his master. But Binks' unexpected show of trust had shattered that plan.

The Gungan had used Palpatine's own strategy against him, sowing doubt in Isard's mind about his true place in the Chancellor's circle. And that line—I trust Isard with my very life, but only if he asks me for what he needs directly. Not someone else.—had been the fatal twist. It was more than a statement; it was a declaration of sovereignty, a warning that he, Palpatine, was being kept at arm's length.

For a brief moment, he allowed himself to acknowledge a grudging respect. Binks had played the game well, far better than Palpatine had ever expected. But that respect was quickly swallowed by the roiling fury that churned within him. This was a setback, a bitter one, but not the end. No, he would make sure of that.

"Enjoy your victory, Chancellor," he murmured, a smile—thin, cold, and devoid of warmth—curling his lips. His mind was already working, already adapting. There were always other avenues, other ways to undermine Binks' newfound confidence and reclaim his influence over the Republic. Palpatine had never lost a game before, and he did not intend to start now.

As he stood there, in the shadowed corners of his office, he vowed that this would only be a temporary defeat. He had seen the weakness, the cracks in the Chancellor's armor, and he would exploit them. If trust was the new battlefield, then he would ensure that the Gungan found himself surrounded by shadows and whispers, unable to discern friend from foe.

"Let him think he has won," Palpatine whispered, his voice echoing softly through the darkened room. "But the game has only just begun."

With that, he turned back to his work, his mind racing with new plots and schemes, each more ruthless than the last. The anger still burned, but it was now a cold, calculating fire—one that would not be extinguished until he had secured the power that he believed was rightfully his. And when that time came, he would make sure that there was no one left to challenge him, least of all Jar Jar Binks.
Well i would say papa palpstine is "excited"? But seriously im just kinda floating along atm and forgot to vote 2 times because of rl things so im quite happy how the turns have turned out.
Btw we should do isards action next or we lose his trust and he will revert back to Palpatine.
I got to say if we make the republic enter a golden age where they have reach the old republic era of technology then this would be one crazy way of making jar jar from a banish citizen to the galaxy greatest chancellor ever
[] "To be loyal to me? No. To be loyal to the republic? Yes. And that's fine, I suspect that if I were to turn from the republic, you would do all in your power to stop me.
And that? That's good.
That said, you will be going through your colleagues' offices for bugs. And I will be briefed on the ones you've planted."

@Ramble, Hope you don't mind me turning your post into a vote, because it's good.

Edit: I changed my vote to
[X] "As I said before, with my life."
By @JAGwin.
Last edited:
If trust was the new battlefield, then he would ensure that the Gungan found himself surrounded by shadows and whispers, unable to discern friend from foe.
Great plan palps, one problem, we're gonna decentralized the fuck outta the Republic now and be so open to the public that it won't matter how many whispers you send our way. The voices of the people will drown them out
I know we all like to think of Papa Palps as this cunning manipulator who has contingencies upon contingencies and endless schemes and plans, but for me in this timeline, I imagine he's currently hyperventilating in his apartment surrounded by empty wine bottles.

"First Maul gets chopped in half... then Master wakes up early and gives me the fight of my life! Then Dooku stopped answering my calls! T-then I lose the election...and then...and then...then the puppet I put in power turned ISARD against me! Isard! This is the worst week of my life...n-never should have gotten involved with Gunray, this is all his fault... P-pull it t-together, Sheev , you're a strong, independent Sith Lord..."
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