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by the force, there is too much to be done and not enough actions...

[X] plan political power
-[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
-[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
--[X]Ask Jenson to see if the Government can survive the type of deficit that it requires to fund these projects.
-[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
-[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
-[X]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40
-[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60
-[X]Simple Talk: Isard looks down… maybe you can talk to him in a personal, non professional manner, to see what is wrong. DC:???

ok so, before we raise taxes I believe we should see how the government are spending the money, otherwise we would need to raise them next turn. it seems like a bad idea investigating nute gunray without a functioning intelligence department.

I believe the every action would get political power right? if not we will need to focus directly on politicking with the other senators.
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[x] plan political power
[x]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
[x]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
-[x]Ask Jenson to see if the Government can survive the type of deficit that it requires to fund these projects.
[x]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
[x]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
[x]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40
[x]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60
[x]Simple Talk: Isard looks down… maybe you can talk to him in a personal, non professional manner, to see what is wrong. DC:???
You're formatting it wrong. You need to add an extra dash to each vote element under your plan. For example:

[V] plan political power
-[V]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
-[V]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
--[V]Ask Jenson to see if the Government can survive the type of deficit that it requires to fund these projects.
I wonder if it would be possible to deploy the Judicials to the Mid Rim and the Jedi to the Outer Rim.

I had an idea before the legislative turn about giving the Jedi their pick of the mothball yards, refurbish those old ships, and then send them off to the Outer Rim to go hunt pirates and slavers, this time with a decent cruiser and volunteer troopers.

Give the Jedi some good publicity by having the order be visible in the outer rim, even if it's primarily as roving adventuring cowboys.
I wonder if it would be possible to deploy the Judicials to the Mid Rim and the Jedi to the Outer Rim.

I had an idea before the legislative turn about giving the Jedi their pick of the mothball yards, refurbish those old ships, and then send them off to the Outer Rim to go hunt pirates and slavers, this time with a decent cruiser and volunteer troopers.

Give the Jedi some good publicity by having the order be visible in the outer rim, even if it's primarily as roving adventuring cowboys.
Last time the Jedi went to the outer rim in force was galladran… not something we want a repeat of
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