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[X] Plan Nearly Paralyzed By Too Many Choices
-[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
--[X]Ask Jenson to see if Raising Taxes is an option.

-[X]The Hype Man: Bail has an idea to make you more popular with the REst of the Galaxy. And he thinks it's a good one. DC: ???

-[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0

-[X]The Federalists and You: You want to learn of the opinions of your constituents… and rather, your potentially greatest allies within the Senate. DC: 40

-[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50

-[X]The officers and the Gentlemen: You need to meet the officers, and see if you can see what exactly they can do.

-[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60

1st & 2nd actions: Raise taxes while increasing popularity
3rd & 4th actions: Smooze with Rim Senators while approaching the federalists.
5th & 6th actions: oversee the new fighters while meeting the officers
7th action: replace intelligence officers before we try anything meaningful. Don't want them on someone else's payroll when reporting back to us.
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Jedi: you cannot come back from the dark side.
Revan: unfortunately, I exist.
Jedi "You had amnesia! Can you even be considered the same person as the one who fell?"

[X] Plan Lots To Do
-[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
-[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
--[X]Ask Jenson to see if Raising Taxes is an option.
-[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
-[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
-[X]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40
-[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60
-[X]I Spy: Isard wants to use the Intelligence network for something of a personal project of his. While dangerous, he did come to you for permission to let it begin… he just needs you to sign off. DC: ???
--[X]Sign off on it

Yeesh, some of these look good, but I think what I've picked is more pressing and there's no room for anything else.

As the Action says, we need to pass a budget for this year. As for how, I absolutely do not approve of deficit spending unless you're sitting on a massive reserve and have a plan to get out of the red, so raising taxes it is.

Starfighter Designs and Pilots to start fixing our military issues.

Data Center and New Corps to start fixing our Intelligence issues.

And finally, Isard's personal project, which I'm hoping will help with moving him towards our side.
Personally I kind of want Jar-Jar to literally make a diagram showing these idiots how all of these issues are connected and how trying to emphasize one over the other would lead to them all failing. And just keep a copy of it in the meeting room and whack it with a pointer every time the various individuals start getting antsy again.
This is an incredibly bad idea considering we have no Core World allies, no line of communication with them, and nothing to back this plan but vibes...

But I kinda want to take massive loans from the InterGalactic Banking Clan to reinvest into infrastructure that will increase revenues, like more customs enforcement and anti-piracy patrols.


Because I want to then try and nail the coward Nute Gunray and the entire Trade Federation to the wall, sanctioning them into oblivion and fining them to fund further governmental actions. And I want the IGBC to back us up in taking on their megacorp rival.

Can't have a C.I.S. if we've turned them all against each other! *taps forehead*
[X] Plan: Getting our affairs in order
-[X]Meeting with Senator Palpatine: You are going to go to the man who is now, your closest friend, and political ally. You know that he has ideas that can help you win support, and you will have to take them. DC: 0
-[X]A Budget: Jenson is right, you need to pass this coming years budget, and you are going to need to start wrangling support. Thankfully, there is a budget on the table… but there is a problem. A big one: Valorumn promised no new taxes. And now with your new starfighter idea… and intelligence rebuilding… You may need to ask for raise taxes. DC: ???
—[X]Ask Jenson to see if Raising Taxes is an option.
-[X]The Hype Man: Bail has an idea to make you more popular with the REst of the Galaxy. And he thinks it's a good one. DC: ???
-[X]The New Pilots: You will oversee what Tarkin has planned for the new starfighter corps that he wants. DC: 40
-[X]The New Starfighters: You and Tarkin will look at the new fighter designs and see which ones will be for testing. DC: 50
-[X]The Data Center: The Datacenter. The place where all criminal information is stored in the Republic. It is also a place that has been ignored for over a decade. And that means it hasn't been upgraded, updated or otherwise, since the end of the Stark Hyperspace war. It needs full on analysis. DC: 40
-[X]A New Crop: Israd is seeing nothing but a horrible mess or corrupt officers who do not know what they are doing. He needs to clean them out. DC: 20/40/60

Quick plan I put together— focused largely around supporting the acts we just passed and attending to the problems that just got brought up by our cabinet. I chose the raising tax option, because lets face it— we'll be passing additional legislation in the future and those are going to need money from the budget, so we might as well start preparing the budget.

Sidenote: I may or may not have neglected to include any personal one-on-one conversations in this plan
Personally I kind of want Jar-Jar to literally make a diagram showing these idiots how all of these issues are connected and how trying to emphasize one over the other would lead to them all failing. And just keep a copy of it in the meeting room and whack it with a pointer every time the various individuals start getting antsy again.
I want that diagram... I want that fucking omake!:)
That's why you knew you needed to talk to him. Not just as his superior, but as someone who could see the storm brewing beneath his calm exterior. If left unchecked, Tarkin's ambitions might grow into something far more dangerous than just reforming the fleets. His vision of order, discipline, and control could spill over into realms you weren't prepared to let him touch.
I'm really leary of not talking the action to talk with Tarkin when we have it explicitly spelled out that we need that chat sooner rather than later.
I don't think we should rush into asking for Palatine's aid again right away, and raising taxes without attempting to increase popularity feels like it will lead to major problems.

I also think we need at least one action to meet with either senators or one of the faction, or preferably an action to meet with one option of each.

I think taking both starfighter actions is a bit much, and if we combine a single starfighter action with the officers and gentlemen Magoose can combine them if they both pass so we get more than just tarkin's opinions.
Again, I really think meeting with a faction or some senators is important to build some extra support for the upcoming legislation turn.

I also think there is great potential to combine meeting the officers and gentlemen with one of the starfighter actions. We really don't need to oversee the piloting aspect of the program. It's less important than the more critical and expensive final product.
Again, I really think meeting with a faction or some senators is important to build some extra support for the upcoming legislation turn.

I also think there is great potential to combine meeting the officers and gentlemen with one of the starfighter actions. We really don't need to oversee the piloting aspect of the program. It's less important than the more critical and expensive final product.
Not exactly. While the ships does put a ceiling to what a pilot can do, it's still up to the pilot to actually use the craft to it's potential. After all, the Empire had a massively mismatched fighter to pilot skill ratio thanks to lack of funds.(Budget fighter craft kept relevant by super elite cream of the crop pilots, being held back from it's potential by the bare-bones nature and fragility of their craft.)
Not exactly. While the ships does put a ceiling to what a pilot can do, it's still up to the pilot to actually use the craft to it's potential. After all, the Empire had a massively mismatched fighter to pilot skill ratio thanks to lack of funds.(Budget fighter craft kept relevant by super elite cream of the crop pilots, being held back from it's potential by the bare-bones nature and fragility of their craft.)
You misunderstand me. While a pilots overall potential is important, we aren't deciding that, we are deciding the pilot training program. Compared to making sure we have a quality but not excessively expensive starfighter is more important.
Not exactly. While the ships does put a ceiling to what a pilot can do, it's still up to the pilot to actually use the craft to it's potential. After all, the Empire had a massively mismatched fighter to pilot skill ratio thanks to lack of funds.(Budget fighter craft kept relevant by super elite cream of the crop pilots, being held back from it's potential by the bare-bones nature and fragility of their craft.)
But note that the Republic is not the Empire. It has... or had, a different way of viewing fighter aircraft in its history.

The fighter was what made the pilot good, not the pilot themselves, as the enemy they faced were well... inferior to them.

We have options... and those options can... indeed, set us up for a different doctrine if we so choose with our new fighter corps.
Genius, we take so many loans at the lowest interest rate possible so that they are forced to back us if they ever want to see any of their money back, the Robert Baratheon Monetary Gambit.
Petyr Baelish monetary gambit. Robert just liked to party, and had no idea that cost money. It's almost like he was a spoiled lordling who left all the responsibilities to ned stark while he got drunk.
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