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Note that I know who it is but please the options carefully.

It will provide insight as to who will flip
Two options have practically invisible connections if any at all. And those would be Dott and Panacka. Given this hint, it seems to leave Isard and Amada.

Isard's drive to rise through the ranks isn't just ambition; it's desperation. Beneath his polished exterior is a man who is desperate to escape the feeling of being a mere cog in the grand machinery of politics. He wants more than to just serve the system—he wants to break free from it. This hidden vulnerability could be your leverage. If you can offer him a way out, a chance to escape the rigid confines of his current role, you could earn his undying loyalty. Isard could become not just your Minister of Intelligence, but a valuable ally willing to bend the rules to further your agenda. The question is: can you trust him with the secrets that will shape your reign? Or will he remain bound to Palpatine?
Isard's possible angle is obvious, maybe even too obvious. A man whom is driven from a need to escape politics, to not be defined by his role in the system.
However, there's something about him that raises your suspicions. His quiet demeanor belies an ambition that is hard to ignore. He seems loyal, but you can't shake the feeling that he might have aspirations beyond simply advising from the sidelines. Choosing Ameda would grant you access to his extensive network and expertise, but it might also come with a hidden cost—one that could undermine your authority if you're not careful.
While Amada is all about ambition, and his desire to be the man behind the throne.

One is presented outright as what might be an opportunity to flip him, while the other is more caution as there is a sense he wants more than to be an advisor. And the only one which is openly recognized in text to be in palps camp is Isard as well.
If we make Isard spymaster he may discover the plan, look up history of the Sith and decide He dose not like it, at all.
One is presented outright as what might be an opportunity to flip him, while the other is more caution as there is a sense he wants more than to be an advisor. And the only one which is openly recognized in text to be in palps camp is Isard as well.

Amada is the obvious, Isard holds more weight towards Palpatine's Sphere.

The Former can attain it regardless, for while he knows of the Sith Plan - He would definitely know Jar Jar taking over isn't part of it. He'd be cautious of a third route as the plan was backslapped for some time, meaning if he sees enough stability for further growth under Jar Jar's Galactic Republic he would be secured - but spectate him cautiously for any weird behaviours.

Israd..likely chance to turn out like Anakin Skywalker in their desperation. All Palpatine needs to do is to place some words here and there, and now becomes an agent for his reign. Besides, it isn't Jar Jar who personally appointed him. It's Palpatine. He'll feel a great amount of gratitude, more than what Amada would express in his political shrewdness (Amada wouldn't want to feel indebted to that guy), for Palpatine breaking him out - and can cover up Palpatine's movements quickly as a tahnk-you.

If Magoose didn't state One, would be suspecting both of them.
Mas Amadda may not be the most reliable. I mean, his central motive is ambition, and as much as we have thrown a wrench in the plan...

There is more potential for that under palpatine and his power consolidation. And even in legends where he kinda phased out from the halls of power, he found studying the Sith sufficiently interesting....
So, going by the lore, palpatine could still definitely court him with the promise of power we couldn't match, as long as there is doubt in our victory.

Isard's situation is more complicated. In no small part because, well...
Beneath his polished exterior is a man who is desperate to escape the feeling of being a mere cog in the grand machinery of politics. He wants more than to just serve the system—he wants to break free from it.
While palpatine gave him power, that didn't come with the whole point Isard strived for power in the first place. But that is also the catch, for if we fail to help him progress to the goal he really wants, palps will be there to use that to cement Isard's loyalty to palps.
Jar Jar could also try flipping all of Palpatine's allies regardless of whover ends up in the goverment, just because most of them are not part of the goverment does not mean that they don't have their own goals.
How do you tally the votes?
But of course. When you reply to a post while the vote is happening, or by editing your previous post, see [New Tally]! I've requested one just now, to demonstrate.
That moment where you look at what you have for political power and wonder this aloud:

Your going to need a god damn miricle to pass any legislation. And I don't know if it's going to be from your creativity or my dice.
To think Georgie Peorgy was 19 and some change when LBJ took office. Glad he channeled some o' that, gave us Jar Jar in all fairness.
Now the question. Is. Did julia meet jar jar before or after the election?


Julia was a Force-sensitive Bardottan female and the Queen of the planet Bardotta. A member of the Dagoyan Order, one of her closest allies in the Republic Senate was Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks of Naboo. She was kidnapped by the Frangawl Cult during the Clone Wars. The spiritual...

The answer to that question is did Jar Jar leave Naboo before Episode 1? If yes than yes. If not then no because they actually had chemistry between them that did not take a spare moment to develop.
The Outer Rim Support Declaration New
That moment where you look at what you have for political power and wonder this aloud:

Your going to need a god damn miricle to pass any legislation. And I don't know if it's going to be from your creativity or my dice.

The Outer Rim Support Declaration

As the year reaches its middle, Jar Jar couldn't help but groan despairingly at how the situation manifested itself over the coming months. Even Senator Palpatine's platitudes about the rough start didn't remove the weight of doubt that was in his heart. It was to the point that the current people looking for applications as part of the ministry weren't really the best of the best – he's sure that even the candidates would admit that themselves. It's likely that they were stopped by the politicians and businesses who saw him as a threat and a fall-back person when in their belief the Republic would capitulate to the turn of tides in the aging Republic. It was a shame that neither Padme and Anakin were old enough to help him manage the Republic into a shine, or even Obi-Wan as he was busy training Anakin and was currently working on improving himself. However, Jar Jar couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the sarcastic-witted and whiny Padawan-turned-Knight becoming part of some kind of Domestic Relations Manager – or even some Negotiator.

He lets out a breath as he leans into the Chancellor's Chair, his cheek touching his right palm as thoughts strewn across his head in the current situation on what must be done. The only bright spots in his mind were the meeting with the Jedi Order and learning Basic Proper. He was ashamed to admit that he gave in to the pressure at that moment in time. If only he could focus on dealing with the current problems of the Outer RIm first..he shakes his head to rid him of those thoughts. The die has been cast, and he needs things to be done. He wasn't blind to admit that any changes to the Republic can be quickly veto'd in concerns directed towards the Core and Mid Rims by Corporations like the Trade Federation, or Senators who are enjoying their current privileges and will not hesitate to depose anything that rocks the boat..

Suddenly, a new surge of ideas reaches Jar Jar's mind. He knew the Outer Rim needed plenty of attention, seeing the Mid and Core Worlds were currently enjoying their bliss in life – but the Outer Planets required more. He's heard of the political faction in the Senate advocating towards beginning to spread the budget towards the affairs of the Far Areas, it'd also help the Military Faction's request for further strengthening of the current forces of the Republic to deal with Pirates, Smugglers, and even a potential operation towards enforcing the Anti-Slavery stance of the Republic..

Special Transmission from the Senate Building Hall

"Salutations, friends of the Republic! It is great to see all of you as much as some of you feel the opposite to see me here."
Jar Jar begins his speech earnestly with a joke at the end, however he looks confused as he sees the shocked looks on the Senators that were looking at him. Thinking about what could be the case, he snaps his fingers and coughs into his hand. "Heyo-dalee? Can ebberyone hear mesa now? Bombad!" Jar Jar smiles at the Senate room, ignoring the confused looks and chatter that filled the room.

"It has comen tada attention of da Senate here today, un has been known loudly since da election of a few months ago, dat dare remains tabe problems dat has been brewin' discontent un belief inda Republic dat wesa stand here in governance today - dis must besa noted notsa wit anger, disbelief, or even disgust - buta My've lookee into da problem closely un have ta admit onda lackluster engagement of da las administration, unda various administrations before. While many inda Core Worlds under Planets of da Mid-Rim had enjoyed da benefits of trade and friendship between are-sa various sectors, it was notsa spread tada Outer Rim Planets. Dis, enclosure of da Republic mesa friends, is exactly whata da Hutts un udder threats to the Republic relies upon ta build up their support un wealth ta wage war un enforce their policies in Republic Space." Jar Jar stops to hold his breath from continuous speaking, this also gives the Senators in the Republic to recover from his earlier sudden fluency in Basic and actually paid conscious attention in case he's been saying them. It didn't help that he switched accents at random intervals that Jar Jar hopes to catch their attention with their full brain capacities to handle this problem at large.

"Can yousa admit, fellow members of da Senate, dat wesa should allow dis behaviour to continue forwards as we have just now become aware of it? Imagine it, with nothing done - the Hutts shall use their increasing powers to begin encroaching into the Republic's Senate. Firstest comes the Mid-Rim, where theysa would besa bombarded un captured, un imprisoned, wit are-sa forces unable ta repel dem as theysa enslave un sell da Men, Women, and Children. Imagine your friends, your children, your siblings, fathers, mothers, ebberyone yousa had and have known in yousa lives - even da una yousa lookee inda mirror - tabe enslaved, captured, un sold tada highest bidder as men of higher standin' dan many of uss-ens laugh in delight! Den, it continues up tada Core Worlds - where deir pride does notsa stoppa as they'd seek ta control da Galactic Republic inta deir grasp un pleasure, ta ruin da Democratic un Republican Institutions dat each un ebbery wunna ussa haf enjoyed. Yousa taxes will besa tripled tada Highest number, Clankens un Armies dat are destroyed un now serves dem wit no coherent togetherness of an Army able ta stoppa dem, un mostest of yousa hard-earned foosa would besa given ta dem as tributes - only leavin' platitudes un empty air ta tongue-grab on whena yousa stomachs eventually ruptures un crumbles inta da ashes that'd only serve da next generation of foosa growers of da "Hutt's Republic"! Imagine all-n dat! Placen yousa head inta da situation, whata must besa done?!" Jar Jar continued rattling off thoughts in his head with increasing passion and emotion, trying to capture the Senate's imagination and stirring the hearts and minds to call for the cause that needs to be thought of as actual current problems in the Republic.

"Plenty I say! There are people of all walks of life and beings struggling to live as fellow Citizens of the Galactic Republic that we call home and support to the very ends of the Galaxy! They must not be ignored, but allowed to grow and become part of the greater Systems of Trade, Commerce, Innovation, and other fields of the Republic! No longer shall we allow them to be suppressed by the Hutts, or allow the Pirates and Smugglers to exploit their desperation and change their lives for the better!" He changes quickly to proper accent with confidence, passion, and casualness that catches many off-guard again.

"Together as people of the Galactic Republic, we shall strive forwards in joining the causes of our brothers and sisters in arms and Nation to support their desires of Unity, Justice, and Freedom to the Outer Rim! To the Republic Together!" Jar Jar finishes the speech as he uses hand motions to join his passionate voice to emphasize the few points he said at last. Jar Jar smiles as he looks at the rousing cheers and support that the Senators were throwing in the direction of what must be done for the future direction of the Republic.


"Hello? Can everyone hear me now? Excellent!"

"It has come to the attention of the Senate here today, and has been known loudly since the election of a few months ago, that there remains to be problems that has been brewing discontent and belief in the Republic that we stand here in governance today - this must be noted not with anger, disbelief, or even disgust - but I have look into the problem closely and have to admit on the lackluster engagement of the last administration, and the various administrations before. While many in the Core Worlds and the Planets of the Mid-Rim have enjoyed the benefits of trade and friendship between our various sectors, it has not spread to the Outer Rim Planets. This enclosure of the Republic my friends, is exactly what the Hutts and other threats to the Republic relies upon to build up their support and wealth to wage war and enforce their policies in Republic Space."

"Can you admit, fellow members of the Senate, that we should allow this behaviour to continue forwards as we have now become aware of it? Imagine it, with nothing done - the Hutts shall use their increasing powers to begin encroaching into the Republic's Senate. First comes the Mid-Rim, where they would be bombarded and captured and imprisoned, with our forces unable to repel them as they enslave and sell the Men, Women, and Children. Imagine your friends, your children, your siblings, fathers, mothers, everyone you have known in your lives - even the one you look at in the mirror - to be enslaved, captured, and sold to the highest bidder as men of higher standing than many of us laugh in delight! Then, it continues up to the Core Worlds - where their pride does not stop as they'd seek to control the Galactic Republic into their grasp and pleasure, to ruin the Democratic and Republican Institutions that each and every one of us have enjoyed. Your taxes will be tripled to the Highest number, Droids and Armies that are destroyed and now serves them with no coherent togetherness of an Army able to stop them, and most of your hard-earned food would be given to them as tributes - only leaving platitudes and empty air to eat on when your stomachs eventually ruptures and crumbles into the ashes that'd only serve the next generation of food growers of the "Hutt's Republic"! Imagine all of that! Place your head into the situation, what must be done?!"

"Plenty I say! There are people of all walks of life and beings struggling to live as fellow Citizens of the Galactic Republic that we call home and support to the very ends of the Galaxy! They must not be ignored, but allowed to grow and become part of the greater Systems of Trade, Commerce, Innovation, and other fields of the Republic! No longer shall we allow them to be suppressed by the Hutts, or allow the Pirates and Smugglers to exploit their desperation and change their lives for the better!"

"Together as people of the Galactic Republic, we shall strive forwards in joining the causes of our brothers and sisters in arms and Nation to support their desires of peace, freedom, justice, and security of the Outer Rim!"

N/A: Any Reforms must be "Tested" in the Outer Rim, none of the Mid and Core Worlds would want them unless they've been tried and tested to be seen working or failing in the Outer Rim for the people and politicians to want to apply it to them. Until then, a focus towards the Outer Rim must be done.
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I will eventually come up with a reward for this.

Now is not the time.

I will ask you one thing.

Do you want me to roll one d100

Or give you something to chew on.
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