Voting is open
[X] The B team
-[X]Bail Organa
-[X]A'dama Jensen
-[X]Quarsh Panaka
-[X]Wullf Yularen

[X] The B team Tarkin
-[X]Bail Organa
-[X]A'dama Jensen
-[X]Quarsh Panaka
-[X]Wilhuff Tarkin

I just Don't like Issard and it seems most people want Bail for our vice chancellor.
[X] Plan Oops All Write-Ins
-[X] [Vice-Chancellor] [Write-In] Orn Free Taa, a solid voice in the Senate with many long years of experience as likewise a stereotyped backwater alien come to Coruscant, absolutely trusted by Palpatine, and thus by Binks, as someone that, while seemingly rather mercenary and with sleazy rumors of patronage machines and corruption, tries to managed the chronic Republic failures in slave-trafficking and piracy and the general squalor of Ry'loth (if only to make sure his clan gets a fair cut from Jabba the Hutt instead of some outworlder).
-[X] [Write-In] [Economics Minister] Rush Clovis, a bold young firecracker with a holo-star's smiling face and a lot of bold ideas on monetary reforms from within the IGBC, only moving laterally into general politics. But beyond a platform railing against politics as usual and the professional political class, what substance he brings is still a cipher.
-[X] [Write-In] [Security Minister] Padme Amidala, so recently left as an informal activist and voice of radical reform thank's to her term as Queen ending and Palpatine remaining Naboo's Senator, Amidala is free for the job, and who else can say they defended a planetary invasion? Between her firm belief that enough effort can bend and teist any democratic institution towards truth and equality and her array of handmaids-turned-agents Padme's only problem is going to be the fact that she can only address the Senate on its sufferance and will remain an outsider to the heart of democracy. (massively derailing some of the formation of what becomes the Delegation of 2,000)
-[X] [Write-In] [Justice Minister] Garm Bel Ibis, a bombastic mustached rake in the great Corellian style, defending the particularities of Corellia's and other Republic member's sovereign rights against both the power of the state he remains deeply caustically suspicious of, but also the consolidated intergalactic syndicates cloaking their greed in Separatism. He will spend 12 hours personally filibustering bills on regulating fake HoloNet ads, but also, might be the best chance for Nute Gunray to face justice.

going for the 'Brain Trust' vibe what with the glad-handing Dixicrat, the quasi-fascist wunderkind, the Boston Brahmin hardcore progressive, and the garish libertarian.

@Magoose this check out as all okay?
[X] Plan Oops All Write-Ins
-[X] [Vice-Chancellor] [Write-In] Orn Free Taa, a solid voice in the Senate with many long years of experience as likewise a stereotyped backwater alien come to Coruscant, absolutely trusted by Palpatine, and thus by Binks, as someone that, while seemingly rather mercenary and with sleazy rumors of patronage machines and corruption, tries to managed the chronic Republic failures in slave-trafficking and piracy and the general squalor of Ry'loth (if only to make sure his clan gets a fair cut from Jabba the Hutt instead of some outworlder).
-[X] [Write-In] [Economics Minister] Rush Clovis, a bold young firecracker with a holo-star's smiling face and a lot of bold ideas on monetary reforms from within the IGBC, only moving laterally into general politics. But beyond a platform railing against politics as usual and the professional political class, what substance he brings is still a cipher.
-[X] [Write-In] [Security Minister] Padme Amidala, so recently left as an informal activist and voice of radical reform thank's to her term as Queen ending and Palpatine remaining Naboo's Senator, Amidala is free for the job, and who else can say they defended a planetary invasion? Between her firm belief that enough effort can bend and teist any democratic institution towards truth and equality and her array of handmaids-turned-agents Padme's only problem is going to be the fact that she can only address the Senate on its sufferance and will remain an outsider to the heart of democracy. (massively derailing some of the formation of what becomes the Delegation of 2,000)
-[X] [Write-In] [Justice Minister] Garm Bel Ibis, a bombastic mustached rake in the great Corellian style, defending the particularities of Corellia's and other Republic member's sovereign rights against both the power of the state he remains deeply caustically suspicious of, but also the consolidated intergalactic syndicates cloaking their greed in Separatism. He will spend 12 hours personally filibustering bills on regulating fake HoloNet ads, but also, might be the best chance for Nute Gunray to face justice.

going for the 'Brain Trust' vibe what with the glad-handing Dixicrat, the quasi-fascist wunderkind, the Boston Brahmin hardcore progressive, and the garish libertarian.
We need to chose one of Palpatine stooges or Game Over happens.
A bit late, but I am gonna try a bit of an anylasis on the palps choices, even if it's somewhat redundant given the only inteligence choices are palps approved.
[]Armand Isard

This has to be the one who we can flip.
Know that the dossiars do not mean anything.

One of them will flip and its not the one you may think...

So just keep an eye.
Given WOG, it's less clear. Though one big consideration is that we are dealing with a MIND READER here, so it takes a special something to get away with questionable loyalty, of which the ONE EXAMPLE I know of is blippin TARKIN OF ALL THINGS.
Don't get me wrong Tarkin is(or will be) an evil shit but applied in Moderation Tarkin doctrine does make a certain kind of sense. We're never going to be able to garrison the whole galaxy. So having a military scary enough that people are afraid to face it is a perfectly viable idea. The problem is that was taken to the extreme by the empire who you know was a asshole dictatorship. The trick will be keeping the Superweapons* to the absolute minimum cut out the warcrimes and making the scary part of the "Tarkin Doctrine" a well trained military able to apply overwhelming force when deployed.

*Stuff like torpedo spheres can possibly stay. It's just a space station with a bunch of missiles on it.
Tarkin was always removed from Palps whole thing, going by the lore, he literally blindly stumbled into Palp's good graces, purely because of how his upbringing left him scarred in a way that simultaneously left him both safe from mind reading and being seen as a kindred spirit by the local Sith.(His mind is INVENTIVE if nothing else, in his intrusive violent fantasies. And his loyalty was always to stability, not palps. In fact even after Palps accidentally nipped a tarkin/rebel tag team in the bud through palp's 'insurance', there was a nonzro chance he might have done so anyway if he learned of what really happened in the clone wars.) Had things gone differently, and it is a lot less of a stretch than it may seem, he'd have become the Grand Traitor of the Empire, as in fanfic Tarkin Hero of The Rebellion.

As far as the Tarkin Doctrine. Funnily enough, if refined, it could have easily ended up becoming a doctrine built around the idea of Hearts and Minds. Winning not through raw power, but rather, by undermining the will to fight. Shows of force backed by missions of mercy, supply drops and targeted raids, and other aspects.

[]Mas Ameda: The enigmatic Mas Ameda has long served as Palpatine's right-hand man, a shadowy figure who wields considerable influence while remaining in the background. He is soft-spoken yet assertive when needed, and over the years, he has quietly built a vast network of alliances within the Senate, leveraging his relationships to push through key pieces of legislation. Ameda is content to let others bask in the spotlight while he pulls strings from the shadows, a man who seems to prefer being the power behind the throne. However, there's something about him that raises your suspicions. His quiet demeanor belies an ambition that is hard to ignore. He seems loyal, but you can't shake the feeling that he might have aspirations beyond simply advising from the sidelines. Choosing Ameda would grant you access to his extensive network and expertise, but it might also come with a hidden cost—one that could undermine your authority if you're not careful.
A career diplomat. Ambitious and influential. Could be a threat, but that same ambition might hint at being able to turn him. But it's a risk, as the very same ambition that make him decide to back us, could also mean palps has much more to give, given he's in on the 'grand plan'.
[]Lott Dod: The former Trade Federation representative, Lott Dod, brings with him both opportunity and baggage. Palpatine has long desired to mend the bridges that were burned after the Trade Federation's catastrophic actions eroded faith in their leadership and intentions. Appointing Dod as your Minister of Economics would send a strong signal to those sectors of the galaxy tied to trade and commerce that you are willing to rebuild trust. However, this would be a highly controversial choice. Many of your allies and enemies alike would view the appointment as playing a dangerous game—aligning yourself with an organization that nearly destroyed the galaxy's economic structure and your own home. On the other hand, placing Dod in this role could show your willingness to navigate the complexities of diplomacy and realpolitik, acknowledging that even former enemies have value when it comes to stabilizing and growing the economy. His experience with the Trade Federation's vast commercial empire could be invaluable in ensuring that large-scale trade and interstellar economics thrive, but it may also be seen as a betrayal of the moral principles you have sworn to uphold.
A powerful, but risky choice. Highly skilled and with connections, but it could undermine our very platform, which puts our core voter base in shaky ground.
[]Armand Isard: Young, ambitious, and constantly maneuvering his way up the political ladder, Armand Isard is a rising star in intelligence circles. Handpicked by Palpatine for his potential, Isard is known for his adaptability and quick thinking—he has a knack for adjusting to the ever-changing dynamics of power and intelligence work. His ability to read situations, alter strategies on the fly, and make the most of limited resources makes him an attractive candidate for this crucial role. But there's something more you've noticed about him—something even Palpatine may have overlooked. Isard's drive to rise through the ranks isn't just ambition; it's desperation. Beneath his polished exterior is a man who is desperate to escape the feeling of being a mere cog in the grand machinery of politics. He wants more than to just serve the system—he wants to break free from it. This hidden vulnerability could be your leverage. If you can offer him a way out, a chance to escape the rigid confines of his current role, you could earn his undying loyalty. Isard could become not just your Minister of Intelligence, but a valuable ally willing to bend the rules to further your agenda. The question is: can you trust him with the secrets that will shape your reign? Or will he remain bound to Palpatine?
Powerful choice but al the more risky because of it. The optionwith the skil and will to form a true spy service, but he carries connections to palpatine which could be disasterous.
[]Quarsh Panaka: Recommended personally by Senator Palpatine, Quarsh Panaka has a long and distinguished history of service. As the former Head of the Queen's Bodyguard during the Naboo crisis, Panaka has proven his loyalty and dedication time and time again. He is highly disciplined, methodical, and committed to the cause—qualities that make him a formidable leader and a trusted ally. His experience in defending Naboo and handling high-stakes security operations make him a natural fit for the role of Minister of Intelligence. However, Panaka's strength is also his potential weakness. He is a man set in his ways, bound by his rigid sense of duty and tradition. While this makes him reliable, it also means he may struggle to adapt to the fluid, often morally ambiguous world of intelligence work. Panaka is a by-the-book operator, and while his unwavering principles are commendable, they may also limit his ability to think outside the box or take the kind of risks that intelligence work often demands. His adherence to tradition could become an obstacle, especially when unconventional or covert tactics are needed to maintain your hold on power.
And this is the safe option, the Security with lots of experience from protecting the queen. But he's ill suited for leading a full spy organization, especially given the conspiracy we will have to fight.
Given WOG, it's less clear. Though one big consideration is that we are dealing with a MIND READER here, so it takes a special something to get away with questionable loyalty, of which the ONE EXAMPLE I know of is blippin TARKIN OF ALL THINGS.
I'm assuming that WOG is for Quarsh Panaka. The other option that I think could flip is Mas Amedda. His wiki page doesn't indicate someone dedicated to the Sith's cause.
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