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In fact your government can be filled with these ocs.

Might as well change "Potential Chancellor Character Creation" and stick with doing OC Government Creations:

[X]Plan: OC Government Creation: A Droid Could not stop a Bull Moose
-[X] Theodosius Reesevelt
-[X] The Idealistic Outsider: You were supposed to be just some governor on some barren outer rim planet. Just another sentient that was supposed to do their job, go home, live a comfortable life… and maybe retire to a nice life. That was not the case. After all, soon the senator and the leaders in the system loved you… for your hard-nosed anti-corruption tactics against the Hutts and Black Suns, trust-busting tactics, Workers' rights, and making corporations like Czerka and others pay their due. It led to them trying to kill you on more than one occasion, but soon, you found yourself being groomed to be the successor. Then as you entered the Senate on a very populist platform… one that should have gotten you killed. But that same platform made you possibly the most popular senator from the Outer Rim. And you expected to play spoiler to Palpatine and Organa to get what you wanted… not become the most powerful Sentient in the Galaxy.

[X]Plan: OC Government Creation: Vzmar Always has a Plan
-[X] Octavius Ban Vzmar
-[X]The Cunning Powerbroker: For years, you were the whisper in the ear of those in control, helping them navigate political waters while amassing favors and influence. Second only to Palpatine. You were the one who made the moves happen. Got policy passed. Funding ships, anti-pirate campaigns… And so much more. Palpatine was however not amused you were doing the same thing he was doing, so he expected your candidacy to actually help him… mostly because he thought you owed him.

[X]Plan: OC Government Creation: The Iron Technocrat
-[X] Lou'e Nys Afout
-[X]The Calculating Technocrat: You worked deep within the Senate's infrastructure, overseeing trade agreements and logistics. While others engaged in public debate, you understood the power of systems and numbers, subtly influencing policy behind the scenes. To think you were expecting to just work as a Senator to pay back your friends and allies who helped you. Then you saw the opening and went for it. To think… You did this to make sure you passed the Republic's budget for the year.

[X]Plan: OC Government Creation: It was Valpole
-[X] Rubius H'trid Valpole
-[X]The Opportunistic Diplomat: A former ambassador from the mid-rim that has often been overshadowed by the Core Worlds, your expertise lies in diplomacy and negotiation, and it was something you excelled at. For years, you worked in the background, quietly forging alliances and mediating disputes without much recognition. Once you became Senator, your cutthroat sense of dealings and compromises made you a respected voice in the Senate… before becoming a force to be reckoned with when you rose to power by capitalizing on uncertainty and chaos. But not through the usual smoking and boozing as others before you had done, No you quietly gathered support from lesser-known but critical factions, making sure no one truly saw you as a threat until it was too late.
[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

The funniest thing about this option. Is that our 'friend' would be the eternally fuming Palpy, whom will be both working hard to keep up appearances, while trying to subtly mess with us without such either splashing back on him, or getting linked to him in order to get back on the big Seat. :V
[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

The funniest thing about this option. Is that our 'friend' would be the eternally fuming Palpy, whom will be both working hard to keep up appearances, while trying to subtly mess with us without such either splashing back on him, or getting linked to him in order to get back on the big Seat. :V


[X] Plan The One True Chancellor
[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

The funniest thing about this option. Is that our 'friend' would be the eternally fuming Palpy, whom will be both working hard to keep up appearances, while trying to subtly mess with us without such either splashing back on him, or getting linked to him in order to get back on the big Seat. :V
Might not be Palpy, there are others that could serve as Jar Jar's backer. Not sure QM would gor for those though. The senate was corrupt. Pirate emperors, drug lords, CEOs that owned planets, Banker clans... These were senate members.
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[X] Plan The One True Chancellor

The funniest thing about this option. Is that our 'friend' would be the eternally fuming Palpy, whom will be both working hard to keep up appearances, while trying to subtly mess with us without such either splashing back on him, or getting linked to him in order to get back on the big Seat. :V
Sadly we are losing Probst because of the cool pic they have for their Chancellor deus ex so the standard vanilla options wins and we have no hjinks in it .
Adhoc vote count started by Marlin on Oct 4, 2024 at 8:16 PM, finished with 108 posts and 49 votes.
Can i ask the one of Tipps the scale to vote for jarjar as he is also the idealistic outsider pretty pls?
Or evry man a King
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It'll become the dreaded: Munchkinery Only, only Fun and Character Exploration/Dynamics After Everything is Finished.
Well atleast in my head canon or in irishs story jar jar is becoming Chancellor and quite successful at that but Well you cant win them all and it seems most guys want the one who comes close to papa palps but not quite if you think about it the logical route for the republic is the grave and out of the ashes the empire or something different but still with a senate or oversight commitee but Well lets see how it goes.
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