What is the gender of the Kage

  • Male

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Female,

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is open for the next 6 days, 23 hours
I don't mind the wait as long as the chapters are in a consistent manner and don't take very long like about a month. And I will repay your kindness by being a big contributor in this quest, I may be the only one with plans for this quest but I hope that by continuing this quest as the single planner, that others interested in Naruto would see this quest when there are more chapters and be interested. It feels lonely being the only one to make plans but I have an interest in Naruto and I am very much invested in the village hidden in the Thorn.
Act 1, Turn 10 New
Act 1, Turn 10
[X] Plan: Grow Thorn Bush
-[X] Socialize: Ehuang, discuss about the current happenings of the hidden thorn village during a visit to the Ninja academy, Charisma + Academics 5. Difficulty 5. 3 successes (pass via 6, 6 and 6 nice) Success
-[X] Order: Money grows on Trees
-[X] Research: Light Release tech
-[X] socialize: Runchu, discuss about the current state of the training for the militia, Charisma + Awareness 6. Difficulty 5. 1 success. Success

Health 6
Population 4
Chakra 3
-Max 12

Kasumi decided to check up the academy….correction Her academy, she had to remember that, this was her work and apart of her plans a center point of her eventual successes in the science of Ninjitsu.

She walked in past the chakra shaped metal gates to see the ebony skinned women she appointed to the role of academy, principal or head mistress if you prefer, she was showing the students a set of different tools from shirikans, smoke tags to bomb tags.

Ah gunpowder the friend of ninja young and old, she handed each student a shuriken getting the children to take them and give them a try, some tosses or full throws.

When Ehuang was finished she bid her students to leave, where they would be picked up by their parents.
" so what do you think?"
" This is going to take a very long time, but I'm not surprised only unsatisfied."
"True. So what you going to do about that? Get me more teachers I hope."
"We will see."
"So what can I do for you?"
"I was hoping you could tell me about anything that's been going in the village that you seen, anything out of the ordinary I mean?" The former earth non had to think of this for some moments.
"I've found two students, just still kids. They both have been…..trouble in their own ways."
"Tell me about them."
"First we have Jaw-long meaning like a dragon and honestly I see it, he's the most aggressive of the kids, I am honestly worried about him."
"Self harm or harming other students?"
"Harming students he's constantly angry, I think he has problems at home. He would make a good brawler though."
"You think we should cut him out of the course?"
"Don't really have the time and prospects, he's too good at hand to hand to drop, I think we can tame that anger though given enough time."
"Good. I'll keep him in mind. Anyone else?"
"Xing he's a smart boy, you might have seen him interested with the fire works, he's got quick wit and I think he could make a very tactical ninja."
"So where's the problem? Is he questioning the lesson plan?"
"He's been stealing scrolls on Ninjutsu above his level. He's only got one parent and she's probably not able to keep him from getting in everything."
"We could definitely train him faster then others I bet, good to note. Any other troubled students?"
"No, Thankfully. Sometimes though the most troubled students have the most potential."

They were the lifeblood of every single village that could get their hands on them, from the sailing merchants of the mists to the large caravans of the earth nation, they were pumping coin into the village. It was a few out first but with enough time they have come and gone enough to produce some simple roads to and threw their section of the great ship which the merchants have a lot of questions about.

Food has been taken and coin has taken its place, soon they will need to spend it on something. But what hmmmm there was a lot of buildings and upgrades they could work on.

She looked upon the ink finished scrolls that contained months of her work, months of pushing herself and pushing her resources to their limits, using what advanced technologies they harvested from the black ships.

She made the hand sighs and pushed the chakra from her body into the act as she stood outside in the training field for the militia.

"Light Release:Light Beam!" She shouted as the chakra formed white light beam shot out and struck the training dummy cutting it clean in half, splitting it into two pieces.

She looked at the pieces and nodded with a smile of satisfaction that her work was finally finished on the chakra release. She looked forward to use this as a basses for her future projects.

The now decorated uniformed former sumo still had his prodigious weight that made his profession so famous, it made him look almost like a caricature of what a Nobel general might look like.
He stood at attention at the Thorn Kage, nodding having gotten up from a table before returning to it.
"Mamm. Did you need something?"
"I wanted to go over the current growth of the militia and how they are doing."
"As well as can be expected, we have noticed some monsters getting closer to our village."
"That's troubling, any details on them?"
"Strange looking…..vaugly human. But that's all I could say, I think they fit you description of the strange headed warriors."
"Ah yes those. Do you think their getting close enough for conflict?"
"No. We will be fine I think." He shifted his expression and his large body with it.
"But back to the militia no they are doing well enough, we could use more squads but that's all I could ask for." With that said they continued going over small talk.

5 points to spend
1locked on Build:Wall upgrade:Thorn walls
Wall Upgrades
-Thorned Walls
Cost:4 Production
Time:3 Turns
Grants:+2 Defense.

Socialize ( )
Talk to someone on your ship or who you can got a hold of. Must be willing to talk to you. If you want to convince a person of something you will need to role a skill such as Intimidation or Subterfuge.
You don't need to know this person to socialize with the, for example exploring a town and talking to a random person
Cannot socialize with the same person twice that month/turn
Runchu ( )
The Disgraced Sumo, hates Farm work. He leads the militia.
Farmer Po ( )
Formerly a spy, he has some insights.
Ehuang ( )
a former Kenochi of Earth. A taijutsu specialist. The head of the ninja academy,
Di Ping ( )
The highest ranking member of the first platoon a cross dressing women trained to use a sword and spear.
First Class ( )
The first class of students.
-Jaw-long ( )
An agressive, brawler male student of the class, he seems to come from a troubled home and is a bully.
A smart if thieving male student, he seems to be exceptionally good at the lesson plans, when he's not stealing.

Klingon Warriors ( )
Klingon Chef ( )

Other Villages
Village of Holy Flies ( )
A jungle village, its secluded and slightly xenophobic but needs help and is willing to make a deal.

Train ( )
Experience Points: 21
Spend experience points to increases a skill, Attribute or Power. You gain experience by socializing, exploring, fighting, research, dreaming. You can use experience on a Named unit.
Example:Gaining the next dot in survival.
Experience Costs
Attribute: Current rating x4
New Skill: 6
Skill upgrade:Current rating x4 (for example if you have the 4th dot and want the 5th you'd need 16 experience)
Power Upgrade: Current rating x 4
New Power: 4

Units we can create.
Cost: -1 Population , Turn 1
Melee 1, Movement 1

Cost: -1 Militia, Production 1, Turn 1
Melee 2, Movement 1

Makes a team of the level indicated
Academy Level
Genin Level (Locked), Requires 11 turns wait time currently till unlock.
Chunin Level (Locked), Requires 23 turns wait time currently till unlock.
Jonen Level (Locked), Requires 47 month wait time currently till unlock.
Ninja are split into two unite types the Spy (Have a versatility in what they can do) and Assassins (Pure killing power)

Existing Units
Di Ping's very manly Regiment.
A group of men who's unit is headed by Di Ping who was a rather well (cross) dressed women.
Melee 3, Movement 2

Research ( )
Research a topic by using your skills, people on your crew can allow access to new subjects of research or help you research. Such subjects include but are not limited to gaining new Powers, discovering new information, and studying information you gained such as Secrets. Combining lore into Rites is done under research not training. Most information such as books and tablets require an occult roll to get a Lore out of them.
Example:Finding out what Yin Yang Release is.
Example: Studying Alien Plantlife, Alien Animal life or Alien Weaponry.

Research Seed Religion ( )
Create a religion using th faith of you people. Make sure you indicate what this religions focus will be such as yourself as a godly figure, scientific advancement and so on.
Cost:Faith 5

Laser Technology ( )
Your discovery of Light Release and exposure to alien laser technology has allowed you the opportunity to develop some light based weapons and technology.
Cost:10 Production, 6 Turns, Hyper Tech 1,

Sun Release ( )
Your discovery of Light Release has opened up the potential of the Sun, harvest and mimic its powers over gravity, heat and life.
Requires: Light Release, Once you start you can't research Moon or Star Release
Cost:Unknown, Turns Unknown.

Moon Release ( )
Your discovery of Light Release has opened up the potential of the Moon, harvest and mimic its powers over tides, reflecting light and mimicking.
Requires: Light Release, Once you start you can't research Sun or Star Release

Star Release ( )
Your discovery of Light Release has opened up the potential of the Stars, harvest and mimic its powers over travel, time and fate.
Requires: Light Release, Once you start you can't research Moon or Sun Release

Dark Eldar Drugs Tech ( )
Using the dark elders alien drugs to experiment and create new types of drugs and medical knowledge.
Cost:Adrenalight or Hyper Tech 1, Turns Unknown.

Explore ( )
When you want you can explore a location when you do this you get to choose two skills of your choice I roll, you must put down the skills with the location you want to explore. You can add a part of a location I mention such as the Church in a town
Example:She wants to explore a private office using Larceny (to steal something) and brawl (to attack a guard)
Swift Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce the difficulty on a explore action you can do this a number of times per dexterity (6) per turn. Example:You wanna explore a Dark Ship (dark eldar) so you spend 4 chakra to reduce the difficulty of exploring that this turn by 4.

Green Ships ( )
The Green ships are relatively easier to navigate and do not give off much menace.
Dark Ships ( )
The Dark Ships are very hard to navigate and give up a high level fear to the population.
Surrounding Jungle ( )

Swampland ( )
Village of Holy Flies ( )?

Society Events
Recruit (kidnap, Control or charm someone into working for you or promote someone from your forces, this isn't done personally that is socialize)
Strike (a attack or mission done by your agents)
Negotiate (a social role done by diplomats)
Order (establish a rule, law or cultural practice that has effects on your village)
Build (create a group, building, weapon or other thing such as for example an all female body guard unit)

Rest ( )
Requires 1 Event Point per rest, every rest heals your stamina in health, this also heals your unites, you can rest as many times as you want.

Order ( )
Reminded you can only inact one Order per action.

Selective Breeding:Light Release ( )
Attempt to breed a new Human with a natural affinity with Light Release, Doing this is not guaranteed to work,
Cost:12 Turns, -1 Faith per turn,
Grants:A Subservient Clan
Possible Grants:A Hero Ninja Unit in 10 Years, accomplishes 2 Achievements if you succeed or 1 Achievement if you fail.

The Meatgrinder ( )
"If you need Ninja fast then put them threw a constant meat grinder. Might cause future problems."
Costs:1 Turn, -1 faith per turn, Sometimes randomly reduced population by 1.
Allows you to while active reduce Ninja learning time by 4 Turns and reducing unkock time to the higher ranks of Nin by 4 turns per turn active.

One (Wo)Man, One Vote ( )
Costs:6 turns. 5 Faith
You are the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't Law and true, your village will adopt a simplified democracy known as one (Wo)men, one vote. (This is a dictatorship Order). You no longer take Bureaucracy Penalties and can execute anyone in your village.

The Leviathan ( )
Costs: 2 Faith, Have Biological Children, 12 turns.
The choice to make a ninja village a family run affair is not a easy one it can be done but doing so puts Ninja those who stay away from lords at a impasse.
Upon death you instantly have a successor Kage. Upon death you get a randomized Flaw set for your successor.

Money Grows On Trees (Active)
Cost:2 food per month. Grants 2 funds per month.
Trade is good and so is opportunities to turn food into riches. It isn't much but money is money.

Feeding the Workhorse ( )
Cost:2 food per month. Grants 2 production per month.
Strong backs and filled belies are needed to turn an industries wheels, a few more shipments and progress will increase.

Pact of Thorns and Flies ( )
Make a deal of protection with the Village of Holy Flies, such a deal would require protecting them against attack but open up trade.

Light Worship ( )
Start a religion based on light and its sources such as the ships light bulbs.
Costs:3 Turns, Ship Lights can be targeted by enemies to reduce faith by -5.
Grants:one use Reveals 1 random Tech tree and all its prerequisites
Cannot be repealed.

Repeal ( )
Costs 1 faith per order.
Remove an Order you can repeal as many orders you have a month per your dots in Politics.

Food 7 (if you are in negative every turn you have a minus to food you cannot raise population or recruit or Order.)
Faith 5
Defense 14
Housing 4 (can house 7 population)
Production 6
Funds 2
Hyper Tech 0
Population 4

Time:0 turn
Grants:1 Food, 2 Housing (fixed)

Time:0 turn
Grants:1 Food, 2 Housing (fixed)

Grants:2 defense per turn

Water Mill
3 food per turn

Cost:Funds 1
Time:meant to be 1 turn.

Training Ground
Time:2 Turns

Ninja Academy
Cost:Funds 1, Production 4
Time:4 Turns
Grants:Spy, Assassin,
Requires:Training Ground, Barracks

Build ( )
You can build 1 building per event point but you can spend another event point on that to reduce construction time by 1 turn.
Magnet Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce building time by 1 turn per chakra point spent you can do this a number of times per Strength (2) per turn.
Building Upgrades-You can upgrade a building adding a upgrade to it, doing so counts as building however you can only upgrade a building as many times per your dots in craft skill.
Example:Craft 2 equals 2 upgrades per building

Wall Upgrades
-Thorned Walls (locked)
Cost:4 Production
Time:3 Turns
Grants:+2 Defense.

Cost:Funds 2
Time:4 turns
Grants:Heals all unites in the village 1 health per turn.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:3 turns
Grants:2 Faith per turn.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
+1 Food
+1 Production
+2 Food from local bonus resources improved by Farms.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:2 turns.
Grants:1 production per turn

Water Mill
Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
Grants:3 food per turn

Cost:Funds 1,
Time:1 turn

Tactical Lense
-Cost:3 Production
Time:4 turns.
Grants:Reduces enemy Stealth rolls in your village by 3 dice.
Requires:Light Release tech
A massive tower with a large lense, it is a look out tower that produces light to aid in This.
Limit:Only a max of 5 can be created for a village.

-reminder only one build of a wonder can be made.
-The Glory
-Cost: 1 Hyper Tech, 10 Production, 5 Funds, 5 Faith, 10 Turns.
-Requires:Light Release Tech,
The Glory is a massive temple with golden wire, marble stones and a single throne. Upon sitting on the throne an individual can reach their thoughts into the world beyond.
Grants: Unlocks Social interactions with ???, ??? And ???, Grants removal of all mental caps from a single hero unit. Unlocks several tech trees.

-Flare Missile
-Cost 8 Production, 2 Food, 2 Funds, 1 Hyper Tech
Time:10 Turns
Grants:Choose a single Location such as Mist Village, they get hit by the missile killing 2d10 of their Population, Reducing their Faith production by -2 per 10 turns, Preventing Ninja that can of any non Fire Nature by 5 turns.
Requires:Light Release tech
"I have become death destroyer of worlds." A Weapon of light and heat, a missile of light that once it hits will cause damage to any Single Faction. Doing this will alert EVERYONE to your existence.

Klingon Disruptor
Marksmanship Weapon, Laser Weapon
Does 2 health levels per success.
Adrenalight 2
Can be used as an action on a captured subject killing them or used to Research:Dark Eldar Drugs or Turned into Hyper Tech using a turn each to do so.

All Together
5 points to spend
1 on Reward choice.

New Items

Light Release Tech

Name: Light Release Tech
Description:Fire and Lighting are but expressions of heat and light perhaps with this as an insight Light can be found. The Chakra Nature of Light is possible, though not an easy act.
Unlocks Jutsu: Light Release
-By spending Chakra you can add dice to any Perception roll.

A release of pressure:Create or discover a chakra nature-Gain plus 4 dice to determining the Chakra Natures needed for a chakra nature combination. ACOMPLISHED

So we finally unlocked Light Release good good

I decided to change what a release of pressure does.

So since I didn't get a correct Imput (4 actions not 5) for the turn I decided to take one off which was this.
-[X] Build Upgrade: Thorned walls
--[X] magnet release: 1 Chakra
We can do it next turn if you guys choose to make that into a plan.

I decided to give a quick update.
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Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Aug 28, 2024 at 5:05 PM, finished with 15 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Blooming potential
    -[X] Train: Politics
    -[X] Rest
    -[X] Socialize: Xing, discuss with him about the topics of Ninjutsu and see if he is interested in a new ninjutsu called lights release, while visiting him and his only guardian on off days of the academy. Charisma + Academics
    -[X] society events: Try to recruit a Rouge medical Nin/Shinobi from the hidden leaf or any other 4 great Shinobi villages, in exchange for safety within the Hidden Thorn village Manipulation + Empathy
@Redleo I think you forgot about the current wall upgrade, or was it taken down due to it not being necessary in this chapter?

Edit: never mind you already explained it though I already removed the Chakra release before the next chapter.
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All Together
5 points to spend
1 on Reward choice.
New Items

New Order.

( From what my previous plan of the 5 points from the previous chapter, I have put in the use of all 5 points for my grow Thorn Bush plan. Even removed the Chakra release on the upgrade build when you requested it, so if I don't understand anything please clarify for me)
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All Together
5 points to spend
1 on Reward choice.
New Items

New Order.

( From what my previous plan of the 5 points from the previous chapter, I have put in the use of all 5 points for my grow Thorn Bush plan. Even removed the Chakra release on the upgrade build when you requested it, so if I don't understand anything please clarify for me)
Will check if I made a mistake I'll put it in, and if I needed to put in another event I'll put it in next chapter sorry
@Redleo I think you forgot about the current wall upgrade, or was it taken down due to it not being necessary in this chapter?

Edit: never mind you already explained it though I already removed the Chakra release before the next chapter.
So I see my mistake yeah I'll plug in the wall as a action for this chapter and then deal with the event itself in writing when that turn comes
[X] Plan: Blooming potential
-[X] Train: Politics
-[X] Rest
-[X] Socialize: Xing, discuss with him about the topics of Ninjutsu and see if he is interested in a new ninjutsu called lights release, while visiting him and his only guardian on off days of the academy. Charisma + Academics
-[X] society events: Try to recruit a Rouge medical Nin/Shinobi from the hidden leaf or any other 4 great Shinobi villages, in exchange for safety within the Hidden Thorn village Manipulation + Empathy

Edit: If you guys have any suggestions for changes or ideas in the plan with valid and good reasons, please share them it would be much appreciated.
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[X] Plan: Blooming potential
-[X] Train: Politics
-[X] Rest
-[X] Socialize: Xing, discuss with him about the topics of Ninjutsu and see if he is interested in a new ninjutsu called lights release, while visiting him and his only guardian on off days of the academy. Charisma + Academics
-[X] society events: Recruit a Rouge medical Nin/Shinobi from the hidden leaf or any other 4 great Shinobi villages, in exchange for safety within the Hidden Thorn village Charisma + Manipulation.

Edit: If you guys have any suggestions for changes or ideas in the plan with valid and good reasons, please share them it would be much appreciated.
Good good starting to wonder if I should make Chakra regain on rest and if so to leave as a 1d10 roll. I think that would make Chakra be much more useful....hmmm what do you think?
Well it would be interesting, like say if it lands on a 1 she would have a restless sleep due to a nightmare, or that in a 10 roll she would have a good sleep or rest. And isn't the rest option already available I didn't see it so I checked on the other previous turns to check. Though I have a question on my own, would we be encountering the chaos gods of 40k cause I have a bad feeling when in the wonders of the hidden thorn build options, for the glory I have a gut feeling that would involve the other chaos gods if I were to build it.

Edit: and can I put in a set amount of experience points into an area of training as long as I have them?
Well it would be interesting, like say if it lands on a 1 she would have a restless sleep due to a nightmare, or that in a 10 roll she would have a good sleep or rest. And isn't the rest option already available I didn't see it so I checked on the other previous turns to check. Though I have a question on my own, would we be encountering the chaos gods of 40k cause I have a bad feeling when in the wonders of the hidden thorn build options, for the glory I have a gut feeling that would involve the other chaos gods if I were to build it.

Edit: and can I put in a set amount of experience points into an area of training as long as I have them?
I like that I'm gonna go with that for rest and we will see how that works.
Onto your question about the chaos gods, it is possible.
Would the Glory allow you to speak with the chaos gods well that's something I can't answer but it does allow you to socialize with some Gods.

As for the experience points no but good question.
And we need to recruit a medical Shinobi or medical Nin, preferably from the hidden leaf village but any other great 5 great ninja villages will do.

Edit: Xing to me seems like the potential to succeed our character if she were to die, if he is smart and learns about light release then he could be the only person besides our current character, who can strengthen and elevate the hidden thorn to advanced technologically then the other hidden villages.
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So guys is there anything that you would want to do for next turn, like make contact with the Klingon or something else. I have plans for getting to know the village of holy flies, their culture, history and to know who is the leader of the village before making the agreement with them on the next turn.
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Redleo on Aug 28, 2024 at 5:05 PM, finished with 15 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Blooming potential
    -[X] Train: Politics
    -[X] Rest
    -[X] Socialize: Xing, discuss with him about the topics of Ninjutsu and see if he is interested in a new ninjutsu called lights release, while visiting him and his only guardian on off days of the academy. Charisma + Academics
    -[X] society events: Try to recruit a Rouge medical Nin/Shinobi from the hidden leaf or any other 4 great Shinobi villages, in exchange for safety within the Hidden Thorn village Manipulation + Empathy
Turns do fly in this quest, we are so close to having Genin to be recruited for our forces, I mean we literally established ourselves as a new hidden village at turn 8 and now we are growing in strength. What do you think we should do for next turn on 11, I have already made my intentions clear to focus most of the points on the village of holy flies.
Chakra Nature Explanation New
So I've made a decision that I'm going to go really deep into chalk for nature combinations and as a result, I need a chart for it so I made a chart which is really just one for basic combinations and I'm going to have a chart for every combination beyond that so we have the fire combination chart which combines to an elements with fire and so on.
For the base elements, we have water fire earth wind, lightning and finally other which right now the first other is a separate chakra type, which combined with anything makes a separate nature. The first chocolate so far I've came up with is meme. Which is meant to represent memes as you know the various memes of Naruto, but also elements that are taken completely seriously and the limitless power of imagination. For example, if we use water earth and yang well that naturally creates wood release but if you add meme chakra to it the end result would instead of be hair now, why is this a meme specifically? Because I like to show called bo Bo Bo Bo Bo when I was a kid.
Might take own Meme Chakra as it's just an example of what could exist.

Another chakra I might create would it be evil chakra as a placeholder name which the idea is it combined with Yin Yang produce the dark release we saw that one time in a movie.
I might post the chart but I'd prefer to keep it secret since it would reveal exactly what makes what combo chakra natures.
I'm working on the next chapter don't you worry.
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Act 1, Turn 11 New
Act 1, Turn 11
[X] Plan: Blooming potential
-[X] Train: Politics
-[X] Rest. Chakra recovery rolled a 2
-[X] Socialize: Xing, discuss with him about the topics of Ninjutsu and see if he is interested in a new ninjutsu called lights release, while visiting him and his only guardian on off days of the academy. Charisma + Academics 5. Difficulty 7. Successes 0 (got two nat 1's)
-[X] society events: Try to recruit a Rouge medical Nin/Shinobi from the hidden leaf or any other 4 great Shinobi villages, in exchange for safety within the Hidden Thorn village Manipulation + Empathy 6. Difficulty 9. 1 success.
Health 6
Population 4
Chakra 4
-Max 12

Ah politics it was already starting. She was going to be listening into a council meetings, technically she would be doing nothing, but by being there alone, she wasn't fact doing something, her presence weighing on her council in an obvious way it was hard for them to even though they were really cool in disposition. It was the subtle words not said question looks and of course, a side cast eye. As she listened in she got a slightly better understanding of the current going on with her village country perhaps in time, they were currently having a conversation about trade routes and how there's been a sudden if slight influx of travelers from other countries, particularly a group of traders and missionaries from the lead village. The leaf were not a surprise always trying to dig into other villages and spread their ideals such as the will of fire. The missionaries carried with them pristine chopped logs which were of course checked for weapons and evidence of spies however nothing was found.

The traders brought here from the tradings of food to riches and the missionaries coming alongside them. The leaf sees to be playing it cool for now, they are more focused on gaining resources for the war then attacking this far….for now.

As she took in the information Kasumi considered how she could use this to her advantage and the advantage of her village and of course her research.

After the political conversation and talk about traders, she decided to get some rest heading to bed, however, was not able to get to sleep easily. She kept thinking about the possibility of these missionaries and if the leaf had greater aspirations here. In all honesty Kasumi was certain there were spies already among her people sent here by the other villages. It was a natural course of reality. The games they played to ensure a village didn't have too much power or wasn't out of reach, still, there was a lot of method she could take she could simply execute anyone suspected of being a spy that wasn't beyond her power, though that would cause problems later on. Another option was simply letting them lie until of course notable spies dug in enough to cause problems. Or alternatively, she could take a deeper and more methodical control of her village, making sure every single member was in someway under her control.. that was an idea it kept her up at night, but that was an idea certainly. perhaps it would be necessary in time, especially with the threats hidden in the ships.

Finally she got to sleep, though it took some time, she woke up, not as rested as she could've been in fact, she has seem to have been played by the paranoia of these situations. But it was something at least.

Kasumi decided to follow up on what her new headmistress of the Academy told her, visiting one of the two exceptional, but clearly troubled students. She waited for a good time school wise to visit Xing the calmer and less aggressive of the two boys.
She went to the boys home which was a small apartment, there the closest thing to his mother his aunt was there bowing to her with clear reverence.

The women she read about had short cut black hair with a form fitting kimono, she gave a soft smile.
"My name is Phong Toge no kage Sama." She said formerly with a soft voice but with hints of fear, she was clearly not expecting her village head.
"I was hoping to talk to your ward Xing, tell me are you his mother?"
"His aunt actually I have adopted him so yes I suppose I am. His mother was my sister."
"I assume your sister and his father are no longer with us?"
"Yes mamm.." There was a lot unsaid in her words clearly. She could tell there were things this women wanted to say and wanted to keep hidden.

Eventually the boy Xing walked in, covered in dirt and with bruises, he looked at the Kage with confusion and even fear but his aunt nodded.
"It's ok Xing she just wanted to talk to you about scho-" her adopted son cut in cutting her off.
"You can't prove it!" He shouted out.
"I mean-" he tried to back peddle but his aunt went into mother mode pulling out the dreaded motherly finger of disapproval.
"Boy what did you do?"
"That's….I mean."
"I'm sorry Kage Sama my son will apologize and return whatever he stole isn't that right?"
"Yes mom." Kasumi was caught off guard when Xing pulled out some grading papers from class, he held them out.
"You stole from your teachers?"
"I don't get bad grades but some other kids do so I thought you know I could help them….sorry."
"You replaced the papers didn't you?"
"Just a few….like eight."
"And he will be punished by his teachers appropriately I'm sure. I'm so sorry Kage Sama."
"You stole from Genin teachers which is no easy feat but yes I'll make sure your punished however I think your skills are wasted on replacing papers." He was clearly someone else to watch.

"This isn't why I came however but I will absolutely have the teachers look into this."
"Oh….damm it I didn't have to confess." He said clearly not happy with his confession but his mother stared into him with clear intention of punishing him later.
"I was wondering if you were intrested in Ninjutsu at all, I have a few ideas you might like to look into." She said holding out a scroll to the boy.
"I know your young but you seem to be the top of your class and I think you might be interested in something your fellow students arnt there yet by years." That clearly interested him, however he took the scroll and started reading it.
"Thanks that's awsome….what is it?"
"Something called a chakra nature called light release." He looked a bit confused but nods.
"Get back to me if you can understand anything from it, I'll enjoy seeing a students perspective."
"Thanks I'll try."

The Thorn Kage was keeping him breast on the various Rogen ninja out in the world. There's a result of the war they existed, although many were killed before they could ever even be recorded in the black book as missing, but that said there was still out there, she was as many of her or followers. Eventually, that's going to catch up with them and they're going to have to find a way for Amsteel that of course, if they can't just in their lives in there. As long as they didn't have any members of some foreign prominent clans, they should be fine.

Still, there was potential here in the black book, she turned to one of the newer pages and what a page, it wasn't high in price in fact the bounty was rather low but the name caught her by surprise.

The man and indeed he was a man appeared to be in his late 40's, with greying green hair in the style of a pompadour with tanned skin and a muscular frame his name was clearly indicated as Eumsig Sisig, The Oasis Butcher a former sand nin and medical ninja.

"For crimes we have treason, theft of corpses and oh attempted assault on women. That's worrying I wonder how much of this is drummed up charges. An option but might be dangerous I'll have to have someone look into it if I want to know more. Or I could send someone to take him."

Socialize ( )
Talk to someone on your ship or who you can got a hold of. Must be willing to talk to you. If you want to convince a person of something you will need to role a skill such as Intimidation or Subterfuge.
You don't need to know this person to socialize with the, for example exploring a town and talking to a random person
Cannot socialize with the same person twice that month/turn
Runchu ( )
The Disgraced Sumo, hates Farm work. He leads the militia.
Farmer Po ( )
Formerly a spy, he has some insights.
Ehuang ( )
a former Kenochi of Earth. A taijutsu specialist. The head of the ninja academy,
Di Ping ( )
The highest ranking member of the first platoon a cross dressing women trained to use a sword and spear.
First Class ( )
The first class of students.
-Jaw-long ( )
An aggressive, brawler male student of the class, he seems to come from a troubled home and is a bully.
-Xing ( )
A smart if thieving male student, he seems to be exceptionally good at the lesson plans, when he's not stealing. His guardian is his aunt turned mother.

Other Ships
Klingon Warriors ( )
Klingon Chef ( )

Other Villages
Village of Holy Flies ( )
A jungle village, its secluded and slightly xenophobic but needs help and is willing to make a deal.

Eumsig Sisig, The Oasis Butcher ( )
A former sand medical ninja, wanted for a list of crimes. Could send some units to locate or do it yourself. Could Attack or Socialize.
Turns to get to:6 or less via Swift release and chakra.

Train ( )
Experience Points: 15
Spend experience points to increases a skill, Attribute or Power. You gain experience by socializing, exploring, fighting, research, dreaming. You can use experience on a Named unit.
Example:Gaining the next dot in survival.
Experience Costs
Attribute: Current rating x4
New Skill: 6
Skill upgrade:Current rating x4 (for example if you have the 4th dot and want the 5th you'd need 16 experience)
Power Upgrade: Current rating x 4
New Power: 4

Units we can create.
Cost: -1 Population , Turn 1
Melee 1, Movement 1

Cost: -1 Militia, Production 1, Turn 1
Melee 2, Movement 1

Makes a team of the level indicated
Academy Level
Genin Level (Locked), Requires 10 turns wait time currently till unlock.
Chunin Level (Locked), Requires 22 turns wait time currently till unlock.
Jonen Level (Locked), Requires 46 turn wait time currently till unlock.
Ninja are split into two unite types the Spy (Have a versatility in what they can do) and Assassins (Pure killing power)

Existing Units
Di Ping's very manly Regiment.
A group of men who's unit is headed by Di Ping who was a rather well (cross) dressed women.
Melee 3, Movement 2

Research ( )
Research a topic by using your skills, people on your crew can allow access to new subjects of research or help you research. Such subjects include but are not limited to gaining new Powers, discovering new information, and studying information you gained such as Secrets. Combining lore into Rites is done under research not training. Most information such as books and tablets require an occult roll to get a Lore out of them.
Example:Finding out what Yin Yang Release is.
Example: Studying Alien Plantlife, Alien Animal life or Alien Weaponry.
Example: Individuals you can socialize with example:Di Ping

Research Seed Religion ( )
Create a religion using th faith of you people. Make sure you indicate what this religions focus will be such as yourself as a godly figure, scientific advancement and so on.
Cost:Faith 5

Laser Technology ( )
Your discovery of Light Release and exposure to alien laser technology has allowed you the opportunity to develop some light based weapons and technology.
Cost:10 Production, 6 Turns, Hyper Tech 1,

Sun Release ( )
Your discovery of Light Release has opened up the potential of the Sun, harvest and mimic its powers over gravity, heat and life.
Requires: Light Release, Once you start you can't research Moon or Star Release
Cost:Unknown, Turns Unknown.

Moon Release ( )
Your discovery of Light Release has opened up the potential of the Moon, harvest and mimic its powers over tides, reflecting light and mimicking.
Requires: Light Release, Once you start you can't research Sun or Star Release
Cost:Unknown, Turns Unknown.

Star Release ( )
Your discovery of Light Release has opened up the potential of the Stars, harvest and mimic its powers over travel, time and fate.
Requires: Light Release, Once you start you can't research Moon or Sun Release
Cost:Unknown, Turns Unknown.

Dark Eldar Drugs Tech ( )
Using the dark elders alien drugs to experiment and create new types of drugs and medical knowledge.
Cost:Adrenalight or Hyper Tech 1, Turns Unknown.

Explore ( )
When you want you can explore a location when you do this you get to choose two skills of your choice I roll, you must put down the skills with the location you want to explore. You can add a part of a location I mention such as the Church in a town
Example:She wants to explore a private office using Larceny (to steal something) and brawl (to attack a guard)
Swift Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce the difficulty on a explore action you can do this a number of times per dexterity (6) per turn. Example:You want to explore a Dark Ship (dark eldar) so you spend 4 chakra to reduce the difficulty of exploring that this turn by 4.

Green Ships ( )
The Green ships are relatively easier to navigate and do not give off much menace.
Dark Ships ( )
The Dark Ships are very hard to navigate and give up a high level fear to the population.
Surrounding Jungle ( )

Swampland ( )
Village of Holy Flies ( )?
A non ninja village,

Society Events
Recruit (kidnap, Control or charm someone into working for you or promote someone from your forces, this isn't done personally that is socialize)
Strike (a attack or mission done by your agents)
Negotiate (a social role done by diplomats)
Order (establish a rule, law or cultural practice that has effects on your village)
Build (create a group, building, weapon or other thing such as for example an all female body guard unit)

Rest ( )
Requires 1 Event Point per rest, every rest heals your stamina in health, this also heals your unites, you can rest as many times as you want. A rest allows you to roll a 1d10 to regain chakra.

Order ( )
Reminded you can only enact one Order per action.

Selective Breeding:Light Release ( )
Attempt to breed a new Human with a natural affinity with Light Release, Doing this is not guaranteed to work,
Cost:12 Turns, -1 Faith per turn,
Grants:A Subservient Clan
Possible Grants:A Hero Ninja Unit in 10 Years, accomplishes 2 Achievements if you succeed or 1 Achievement if you fail.

The Meatgrinder ( )
"If you need Ninja fast then put them threw a constant meat grinder. Might cause future problems."
Costs:1 Turn, -1 faith per turn, Sometimes randomly reduced population by 1.
Allows you to while active reduce Ninja learning time by 4 Turns and reducing unlock time to the higher ranks of Nin by 4 turns per turn active.

One (Wo)Man, One Vote ( )
Costs:6 turns. 5 Faith
You are the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn't Law and true, your village will adopt a simplified democracy known as one (Wo)men, one vote. (This is a dictatorship Order). You no longer take Bureaucracy Penalties and can execute anyone in your village.

The Leviathan ( )
Costs: 2 Faith, Have Biological Children, 12 turns.
The choice to make a ninja village a family run affair is not a easy one it can be done but doing so puts Ninja those who stay away from lords at a impasse.
Upon death you instantly have a successor Kage. Upon death you get a randomized Flaw set for your successor.

Money Grows On Trees (Active)
Cost:2 food per month. Grants 2 funds per month.
Trade is good and so is opportunities to turn food into riches. It isn't much but money is money.

Feeding the Workhorse ( )
Cost:2 food per month. Grants 2 production per month.
Strong backs and filled belies are needed to turn an industries wheels, a few more shipments and progress will increase.

Pact of Thorns and Flies ( )
Make a deal of protection with the Village of Holy Flies, such a deal would require protecting them against attack but open up trade.

Light Worship ( )
Start a religion based on light and its sources such as the ships light bulbs.
Costs:3 Turns, Ship Lights can be targeted by enemies to reduce faith by -5.
Grants:one use Reveals 1 random Tech tree and all its prerequisites
Cannot be repealed.

Repeal ( )
Costs 1 faith per order.
Remove an Order you can repeal as many orders you have a month per your dots in Politics.

Food 6 (if you are in negative every turn you have a minus to food you cannot raise population or recruit or Order.)
Faith 5
Defense 16
Housing 4 (can house 7 population)
Production 6
Funds 4
Hyper Tech 0
Population 4 (half way to get population 5)

Time:0 turn
Grants:1 Food, 2 Housing (fixed)

Time:0 turn
Grants:1 Food, 2 Housing (fixed)

Grants:2 defense per turn

Water Mill
3 food per turn

Cost:Funds 1
Time:meant to be 1 turn.

Training Ground
Time:2 Turns

Ninja Academy
Cost:Funds 1, Production 4
Time:4 Turns
Grants:Spy, Assassin,
Requires:Training Ground, Barracks

Build ( )
You can build 1 building per event point but you can spend another event point on that to reduce construction time by 1 turn.
Magnet Release:You can spend 1 chakra point to reduce building time by 1 turn per chakra point spent you can do this a number of times per Strength (2) per turn.
Building Upgrades-You can upgrade a building adding a upgrade to it, doing so counts as building however you can only upgrade a building as many times per your dots in craft skill.
Example:Craft 2 equals 2 upgrades per building

Wall Upgrades
-Thorned Walls
Cost:4 Production
Time:3 Turns
Grants:+2 Defense.

Cost:Funds 2
Time:4 turns
Grants:Heals all unites in the village 1 health per turn.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:3 turns
Grants:2 Faith per turn.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
+1 Food
+1 Production
+2 Food from local bonus resources improved by Farms.

Cost:Funds 1
Time:2 turns.
Grants:1 production per turn

Water Mill
Cost:Funds 1
Time:1 turn
Grants:3 food per turn

Cost:Funds 1,
Time:1 turn

Tactical Lense
-Cost:3 Production
Time:4 turns.
Grants:Reduces enemy Stealth rolls in your village by 3 dice.
Requires:Light Release tech
A massive tower with a large lense, it is a look out tower that produces light to aid in This.
Limit:Only a max of 5 can be created for a village.

-reminder only one build of a wonder can be made.
-The Glory
-Cost: 1 Hyper Tech, 10 Production, 5 Funds, 5 Faith, 10 Turns.
-Requires:Light Release Tech,
The Glory is a massive temple with golden wire, marble stones and a single throne. Upon sitting on the throne an individual can reach their thoughts into the world beyond.
Grants: Unlocks Social interactions with ???, ??? And ???, Grants removal of all mental caps from a single hero unit. Unlocks several tech trees.

-Flare Missile
-Cost 8 Production, 2 Food, 2 Funds, 1 Hyper Tech
Time:10 Turns
Grants:Choose a single Location such as Mist Village, they get hit by the missile killing 2d10 of their Population, Reducing their Faith production by -2 per 10 turns, Preventing Ninja that can of any non Fire Nature by 5 turns.
Requires:Light Release tech
"I have become death destroyer of worlds." A Weapon of light and heat, a missile of light that once it hits will cause damage to any Single Faction. Doing this will alert EVERYONE to your existence.

Klingon Disruptor
Marksmanship Weapon, Laser Weapon
Does 2 health levels per success.
Adrenalight 2
Can be used as an action on a captured subject killing them or used to Research:Dark Eldar Drugs or Turned into Hyper Tech using a turn each to do so.

A new potential hero unit, not Sasori sadly.

Gave Xing and his mother some lore to dig into.

So Rest now gives you 1d10 (I roll) Chakra per rest, with only 1 rest per turn

Eumsig Sisig is Korean for tasting food and he's based off of Teppei and his grandfather from Toriko

Some Leaf priests have arrived you have been warned.
Ok guys, what kind of actions we should do, I think the leaf priests are part of the many flaws like rivals that have arrived at some point. I am thinking of focusing 3 of the action points on the village of holy flies. And one on the upgrade to the walls or building a monument, what do you guys think we should do, and if you have ideas of your own then make a plan cause I may be one planner but I know that I can't cover every aspect in this quest, and I am bound to make mistakes sooner or later with decisions that will affect the quest.
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