Looking at Chimera and Unquenchable Star again since they're my favored plans, it is noticeable how they have diametric approaches to Mona's career.
Unquenchable Star very much lives up to the name. We're talking someone who can level a city with energy beams, fly at supersonic speeds, and is damn near unkillable. She's purpose built to be the deadliest hammer there is, and there are an awful lot of villainous nails sticking out right now.
Her main flaw, I believe, will stem from her inexperience with her powers. She has an unbelievable capacity for destruction that she'll need to learn to tame considering how most supervillains like to attack urban areas with high population densities. If she isn't careful, even her sonic booms could injure people by shattering glass that falls on bystanders, and that's not even supposed to be an attack.
She'll swat away any brute that thinks they can take her head on, but her worst matchups will be craftier supervillains who force her to fight under circumstances where she must limit herself (Overcrowded city with failing infrastructure), making it so that she can't bring her best assets to bear. This exposes her weakness in that she has the endurance of a fit teenager and can eventually be exhausted.
This is a weakness Mona will overcome with time and experience but expect some growing pains on her debut when she's still getting the hang of being a superhero.
Thankfully, we chose to play as Lady Leizi under the assumption that we can use her high Espionage score to be proactive at dealing with supervillains. That means we can pick the field of battle instead of having it dictated on us. We'll be attacking supervillains in their lairs before their preparations for an attack are complete, which means Unquenchable Star can bring her full power down on them without worry for collateral.
I imagine a lot of supervillains will be wanting to relocate their lairs to cities instead of remote islands, active volcanos, and underground bunkers.
Now onto Chimera!
Where Unquenchable Star is a hammer that needs frequent maintenance, Chimera is a multitool that can last all day.
Chimera is much better equipped to handle craftier supervillains, since it has a myriad set of tools to deal with any situation and would be much better at limiting collateral damage to the populace and the city. Against brutes, Chimera is durable and strong enough to take them head on by either outpowering or outlasting them.
Regeneration and Fitness really is the ideal combo for a solo heroine in a world where she has to do the job of several other heroes combined thanks to our manpower issues requiring her to take mission after mission. Additionally, Enhanced Senses will allow her to make smarter decisions in the field by providing her with more data to work with, a simple but extremely valuable power considering her inexperience.
Thematically, Chimera is the perfect endurance hunter, not that most villains will think that when she turns into a creature of myth and burns them to a crisp.
Of course, that's all really just gravy next to the greatest perks of Chimera.
Cute horns
Cute tail
adorable fangs
And a dragon's hoard of superhero merch!
I rest my case.