1)Its an explicit plot point that the Hell of Spiked Chains fell after kuejin cut off its access to tainted chi from tainted dragons nests on Earth back around the 14th century.No it needs more than just a connection to Earth every Spirit realm has a connection to Earth it needs Prime energy from Earth not Souls like an afterlife but actual Prime links that's what separates Horizon Realms from Spirit realms. Voormas was also explicitly not spending every day for centuries in that place. He was an active member of the Traditions and the Euthanatos he very actively spent time on Earth in their Sanctums and in the Horizon realms modeled to look like Earth he didn't just live in that hell he had students too so he was very not just in a hell for hundreds of years. One more thing he very specifically wasn't drinking the hell juice until he was about to stop the wheel of karma almost like that's not good for him or anyone.
I am comfortable saying you are mistaken.
2)You are wrong about Voormas.
He spent years in Yomi Wan, taking shelter there after he fled the discovery of his corruption in 1996.
Akuma cant Exalt.An Exalted can sell his soul, that is part of free will. But an Akuma can't Exalt, neither in WoD nor Exalted, as far as I know.
If you don't have free will anymore, you are out of luck.
However, Exalts can choose to become Akuma, thus becoming Exalted Akuma.
There's mechanics for it right there in the relevant chapter of ExWoD.
1) Ivy is mortal, is also the current Archive, an entity that canonically wields power up there at the level of the junior Fae Queens. And the Denarians and their archangel backer obviously thought that was no impediment to becoming a Denarian.Okay first off we never debated non mortals can't be multiple things thats a whole different topic. I mean Odin is clearly more than even just fae mantle (and butcher has said one of his mantles is fae) vadderdung, and god. Also outsiders clearly break rules so its a weird example. We are saying mortals fucking mortals can add certain things and yes mortals can stack templates thats not really been debated but mortals are fucking mortals if they were called mortals in the books we should assume thats what they are. Becoming denarian does not make one not human, being white court does not make one not human, being a scion does not make one not human, but a scion, a white court, or a normie human can become denarian, and there are probably plenty of mantles out there which are designed for mortals to use. Also I mean the archive is clearly human so becoming denarians not a deal breaker. As for the bigfoots thats a good point though I would like to point out while butchers not said anyways what defines a mortal completely. Angels aren't mortals but they have souls and can be soul gazed (though your brain would fucking melt) Odin has a soul this is only known because wog that Odin has soulfire but who the fuck knows. Maybe humans aren't the first or only mortals on earth maybe the forest people are a type of mortals fuck if I know or doesn't explain all the rules. They probably have souls in a similar enough way for a soul gaze to work I imagine and freedom enough its possible to offer them the pact they do with humans.
And in ExWoD, you can be an Exalt AND an akuma. Simultaneously. So its not a non-mortal thing.
2)The literal goal of canon Infernals in ExWoD is to become Demon Emperor.
Lord of not just Yomi Wan, but all reality.
That would not be possible without the ability to assume said power.
We didnt see any.Didn't we see literal nevernever type entrances into these places? Fuck can't we just ask the qm if these places have ectoplasm? Because I'm fairly sure they do.
WoD canon says they exist in the Far East, but we havent seen any so far.
Mab is Fae.Okay your assuming they still count as human though and your also assuming dresden files doesn't change the rules. Does Mab count as human? Do any of the fae who used to be human aside from them count as human? If yes there's no way they wouldn't of become denarians by now and I'm fairly sure we've heard that they can't be before. Why are you separating yama kings from fae when they have a similar experience? Heck if we're gonna pull on wod which I think plays less of a role in this quest than dresden files aren't there plenty of splats about kuei-jin saying their no longer human, about akuma saying their no longer human, about the dead no longer being human?
Mab has a job to do, constraints doing that job and her entire existence is wrapped around that function.
She cant even lie.
Changelings who choose to be Fae appear to undergo a template change. They become Fae.
They explicitly retain a shard of humanity according to Butcher, but they arent fully human any longer.
(That may or may not apply to Winter Lady!Molly, by the way. Butcher hasnt expanded on this yet)
Yama Kings are not Fae. They can and do lie with impunity outside of specific legal circumstances. They can and do elevate themselves to power. They have the free will to ignore their supposed role in rehabilitating the worst of the worst and focus on personal aggrandizement and wars of conquest. To come and go on Earth.
They literally started their canon career by vandalizing reality, wholesale stealing other spirit realms in order to make their own. They murder other Yama Kings, lie, steal and cheat.
They are under no obligation to serve any useful purpose whatsoever.
Yama Kings are not Faerie Queens. These are not vaguely similar entities.