[X] Super AI (if you choose this, you can emphasize one of of the following sub options)
-[X] AI 'Sisters'

Makes the most since for Ignatov. Proud Papa boasting about his children.
[X] Super AI (if you choose this, you can emphasize one of of the following sub options)
-[X] AI 'Sisters'

My dumb ass just realized we can probably just show them all off. Oh well.
[X] Super AI (if you choose this, you can emphasize one of of the following sub options)
-[X] AI 'Sisters'

My dumb ass just realized we can probably just show them all off. Oh well.
Not all of them. Delphi probably won't be shown due to her connection to the legion and that is still a secret that isn't known outside certain circles. He probably knows about Ichiro but that's it.
Could we test Erika for psychic potential, and if she does have it give them the MMI. And if she doesn't show them the Sisters?

Although I am worried about something. Is the MMI the one that causes the pilot to feel sympathetic damage? Because if it does I'm not sure how that will work with Valiant switching parts mid fight.
[X] Super AI (if you choose this, you can emphasize one of of the following sub options)
-[X] AI 'Sisters'

.. :V

Though yeah, though it's very likely that Erika may be able to interface with MMI for easy stuff, but we still gotta check for her Psychic Potential if any. And showing off the Sisters since the Valiant team already know of three of our AI family, two of which are the Sisters. (Ichiro, then Adrianna and Lana.)

Granted, I kinda want another outside perspective on how others perceive the Sisters, since the Mercury V team is already a-okay due to a certain past event.

..gotta re-read the whole Quest chain again later I guess!
Well, the Valiant is basically Jeeg, right?

Jeeg's whole thing was being basically Modularity Given Form....

Wait, does she still control it with levers and switches? What's basically a modular lego-mech is great, especially when you can just hot-swap parts on the fly. But if you're using old WW2 controls to handle it, that's got to be producing a lot of lag for something so comparably fragile.

Valiant is effectively a knightly version of Kotetsu Jeeg, correct. And you're also correct in that the very analog control scheme is not the best way to control the mecha, but it also reflects the kind of expertise that the Valiant's support team has/lacks.

Hey @Basarin could we do a write in option along the lines of "Offer to walk them through the Configuration tech without any restrictions. But also offer to allow them access to one of our more potent and secret technological edges, with the note that we'd be watching their use of it rather closely if they take that option", or is that too close to 'not making a decision ourselves'?

That does feel a bit too broad, so I'm going to say no to this one. The first bit about walking them through Configuration would effectively just be voting to show them Configuration as I see it.
Yeah then, either a Super AI copilot or the MMI is the right way to go here, the big thing Valiant lacks is an effective control scheme.
An AI Co-Pilot probably fills the role of the secondary person Erika was calling out requests for various weapons, which we saw from her perspective in the first quest as I recall…

Configuration…I kind of feel like might not be the improvement we think…
Or maybe not?
Configuration with those magnetic limbs Valiant has?
Could be amazing. No friction to wear away it's movements, and mag-locks probably can do quite a bit to ensure things go where they should…
So the main question is, will valiant be getting her Merlin? Or her Knights of the Round Table?
I mean, technically, Dr. Dinym is already Valiant's Merlin. Rearrange "Dr. Dinym" and you get "Myrddin", another name for Merlin.

As for what tech to give to Mander Security Solutions... I think I agree that the MMI would greatly speed up Valiant's interface time. Valiant is already the most agile SR on the block; let's cut that time down a bit.
-[X] If Erika doesn't have sufficient psychic potential, suggest the Super AI 'Sisters' as a backup option.
I just had a vision of Dr. Dinym coming back to the DFRI in a few years, because he just had the brainwave of borrowing our configuration and funnel tech; applying them to Valiant's limbs, and suddenly Valiant's auxiliary weapons can convert into semi-autonomous attack drones that it can hot-swap on the fly.
Making a Golem version of the Valiant might actually be doable given the relatively simplistic but stable way the mech works compared to everything else.

And we also do have that giant drone body so maybe we can use that to figure out a way to do even more wacky Lego docking shenanigans while building up bigger too.

Like combining multiple Golem Valiants together to make one single bigger one ala Voltron or Super Sentai which in turn can also separate into multiple pieces themselves.
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