Army of Liberty: a Fantasy Revolutionary Warfare Quest

Voting is open for the next 1 day, 14 hours
Wait, are we unsure? We outnumber von Trotha and our only real disadvantage is in artillery, which does make the artillery a sticking point, potentially!
Actually, I don't think we do.

We have 9x Infantry Regiments, 3x Cavalry Regiments, and 4x Artillery Batteries, for a total of 10,700 men.

Von Trotha has 9x Infantry Regiments, 4x Cavalry Regiments, and 6x Artillery Batteries, for a total of 11,300 men.

So we're slightly outnumbered in raw manpower, and Von Trotha has more units than us, though we have better infantry and it's our 2 Regular + 1 Professional Cavalry vs von Trotha's 2 Professional and 2 Trained Cavalry.

But absorbing a couple units from whatever's left of the Army of the West would be problematic.
Hmm, do remember that resupply and recruitment is more difficult and costly in hostile territory.

But I do agree that if we get some rest, our chances improve considerably.
It is, but we are right at the border, a day away from Martelnac. The logistical challenge is just "follow the road over the border and go next to the big city, can't miss them". I would be surprised if we didn't get supply trains there.
That is a point, though... question, @Photomajig , how does armies combining work? Like, could a bunch of Morale 0 troops join up with Morale Whatever troops and not have an impact on enemy morale? Can we basically get promises to keep on going or whatever else?

You could press for a promise not to fight against Arne for the rest of the war - officers are used to being given their parole on such terms. But that generally would not be applied to non-elves.

Combining forces does affect your Morale and Drill, though it's weighed towards the absorbing army, so it's not just a straight average of the values.

Actually, a thought. @Photomajig, in battle, the Nymph trait provides bonuses to Resting for adjacent units, which I assume works in-universe due to Nymphs having healing ability/a soothing effect on Morale. Does this ability also work outside of battle, on the campaign level? Can we expect the survivors of the Army of the West to return to fighting shape faster than normal, due to the presence of the Nymphs?

There's no mechanical campaign benefit to having nymphs in your army right now. I could see it giving a bonus to the Morale-boosting Army Actions in the future.

Basically, @Photomajig , do you want us to get into the nuts and bolts for this vote, or are we going to trip on your Quest notes for Negotiation Phases of pre/non-combat where we'll get a choice to go back and forth on concessions/demands? Because I do worry about tying your hand too much, but.

You can define your starting offer in as much detail as you like. If they don't like it, they'll make a counter-offer (or refuse to parley).
Here's a proposed whosit:

---[] Potential for promise of parole from the Elvish officers involving a promise not to fight against Arne for the rest of the war, and surrender of the two field artillery, but not the artillerymen, who are free to go with the rest. These are negotiable points, but something must be done with the artillery pieces, or at least that seems to be the case.
Potential for promise of parole from the Elvish officers
Hmm, given how Durand has been characterized, I feel it would make more sense to include these terms also for the non-Elven officers. Unless we want to play 4D chess and encourage them to use non-elven officers against us, thus causing a precedent that may help enflame revolutionary thinking in Norn.
After reading the update, I'm leaning towards sieging Daurstein. I think after our win at Brutet the town and officers will surrender.

[X] Go on the offensive.
-[X] Besiege Daurstein.

Even if another army shows, we will have time to set up/pick a battlefield of our choosing and we'd have defenders advantage. Assaulting the town seems a part of a waste of manpower, while pulling back would essentially cede our "turn"
[X] The Laurent

I share certain feelings with Chimeraguard, but since everyone else is pressing for an attack, I'm picking the set of options will allow us to shape the battlefield in our favor. If we can get them to surrender/disperse, then we can turn Daurstein into a well-fortified position against von Trotha's approach.
Maybe this is the armchair general in me speaking, but appealing to the assembly that Daurstein needs to be taken to secure the border is kinda misleading them and we might get called out on it?

Because to secure the border we need to take and hold Engelsburg.
Maybe this is the armchair general in me speaking, but appealing to the assembly that Daurstein needs to be taken to secure the border is kinda misleading them and we might get called out on it?

Because to secure the border we need to take and hold Engelsburg.

I don't think we need to explain to them that, unless you are being unspeakably bold, in order to secure Engelsburg, you need to first seize Daurstein. Anything that comes after can depend on the situation, but if you really are angling for that then unless you're taking a big risk you're going to have to take Daurstein first.
Like yes, if we're willing to leave a "threat to [our] rear" we can do that, but I don't think the assembly is going to shout us down for counter-revolutionary cowardice for suggesting that we shouldn't leave a threat in our rear and should instead take Daurstein first before anything else, whether it's defense or offense or whatever.

[] Go on the offensive.
-[] March for Engelsburg.
7-8 days. Daurstein need not be taken. A bold strategy would be to march past it, risking a threat to your rear for the chance of putting the Fifth at Engelsburg's door - a fine surprise for the overconfident invaders.
Actually now that I'm curious, is there anything actively improper in sending a letter to the Assembly, some sort of rule or so on?

--[] Write the assembly that the moment for offensive action against Norn is here, and fleeting fast. Inform them of the state of the western army. Ask for reinforcements to secure the Nornish border and, should they deem it necessary, start proper offensive operations. Explain that the 5th is at the border of Norn around Martelnac, taking Daurstein as a defensive buffer with the goal of stopping any enemy from even stepping on Arnése soil. Stress your determination to abide by any decision and order the rightful government of the people will give you. You are merely obeying the spirit instead of the letter of your orders for a good defense by taking the rapidly changing local situation into account, not deciding how the war should be waged.

I assumed it could be read-in by one of the people who like us even if there was no official mechanic to receive letters, and that at least some of them might appreciate a reasonably respectful address to them? @Photomajig ?

Raka Durand is not a diplomatic genius, but she'd at least know if it was unprecedented or likely to--by its very existence--be an irritant or insult to the Assembly or whatever. I've not asking for specific feedback involving exact phrasing, just "can we write the assembly and it's normal and/or acceptable?"
Not really what I was aiming at.

We've got enemies in the assembly. And while we'll be taking Daurstein one way or the other, taking it alone does not allow us to fulfill the promise of 'preventing the enemy of even setting foot on Arnése soil'.

It sets us up for egg on our face if the enemy bypasses Daurstein.
Not really what I was aiming at.

We've got enemies in the assembly. And while we'll be taking Daurstein one way or the other, taking it alone does not allow us to fulfill the promise of 'preventing the enemy of even setting foot on Arnése soil'.

It sets us up for egg on our face if the enemy bypasses Daurstein.

Sure, that's possible? But I don't think we'll do any better by committing ahead of time to an entire campaign just so that our political enemies can... presumably not make hay out of our situation anyway? Like I could add "in the hopes of" or whatever, but just clarify here, are you wanting us to commit to our exact next move (which depending on circumstances could be a march towards Engelsburg, or staying there, or something else) a week ahead of time in a letter to the Assembly?
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I wonder if it is possible to recruit dragoons in the future to go with a possible horse artillery focus
Like if there's suggestions for changed wording or whatever, I can take it under consideration, because this is a bit of a group project. But I'm not going to have Durand commit to assaulting Englesburg in an open letter to the Assembly while the situation on the ground is so changeable. Right now she's committing to taking this city because it's an important step to defending Arnese soil. What happens next depends on so many circumstances that trying to predict them in an open letter would be folly.
Eh, nah. I mean, at most he's technically right in the sense that you make it on other things, but those things can involve listening to "the mob" by which one means most of the population, and killing a King.
If anything, I'd argue that legitimacy for the new nation makes "listening to the mob" essential. Because of the pre-Revolution society's many, many problems, one massive one that directly led to the Revolution is that enormous swathes of Arne's growing urban population were completely removed from having any sort of rights, up to and including what seem to have been royal-supported (or at minimum tolerated) occasional massacres for the crime of being poor.

As for monarchy, monarchy in this world is tied intrinsically to the idea of Elven racial supremacy, with the ancestry and legitimacy of every royal line coming from a mythologized era of Elven legendary figures that they claim descent from "civilizing" the "savage" other races and putting themselves at the top of a church-backed racial caste system.

The entire basis for the Arnese Monarchy and every other monarchy we've been given details on thus far is built on the foundation of the other species being incapable of ruling themselves and that the Elves need and deserve to be in charge.
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[X] Go on the offensive.
-[X] Approach Daurstein
--[X] Write the assembly that the moment for offensive action against Norn is here, and fleeting fast. Inform them of the state of the western army. Ask for reinforcements to secure the Nornish border and, should they deem it necessary, start proper offensive operations. Explain that the 5th is at the border of Norn around Martelnac, taking Daurstein as a defensive buffer with the goal of stopping any enemy from even stepping on Arnése soil. Stress your determination to abide by any decision and order the rightful government of the people will give you. You are merely obeying the spirit instead of the letter of your orders for a good defense by taking the rapidly changing local situation into account, not deciding how the war should be waged.
--[X] Tell Guillory to join you at Daurstein. Stress that any future offensive must pass through Daurstein, with Arnesé having the opportunity to secure a buffer. Say that you won't let the opportunity to pass and make the need to be together for Trotha's potentially superior numbers to be overcome very clear. Explain your reasoning, thus letting him on on the logic and hopefully softening any hint of presumption therein.
--[X] Send couriers/demands ahead: Offer very generous terms to the enemy officers, very, very generous terms to the enemy soldiers, and generous and reasonable terms to Daurstein ahead of your arrival, even if it might mean a slight delay. Make it clear that it is not your intent to war on the People of Norn, and that insisting on fighting will only cause unnecessary loss of life.
---[X] Potential for promise of parole from the officers involving a promise not to fight against Arne for the rest of the war, and surrender of the two field artillery, but not the artillerymen, who are free to go with the rest. These are negotiable points, but something must be done with the artillery pieces, or at least that seems to be the case.
--[X] Make sure this information is widely known, using more than one messenger, so that it cannot be hidden from either the populace or the common soldier.
--[X] Hold off on the decision on whether to assault or set up a siege until actually at Daurstein, and judge based on reactions to the surrender requests, weather factors, etc, etc.
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"listening to the mob"
Democracy and listening to the fickle mob in the capital above and beyond everything else are not the same thing.

I still object to getting rid of the monarchy, but that's not even the problem now. The problem is letting the mob run the show, and that sort of thing has never worked out for a country, just about... ever?

A person is smart. People are indeed dumb, panicky and dangerous animals. That's why you need to provide a layer of two of insulation - you want a government that's responsible to the people, not one that's forced to change on a time to the mercurial whims of an easily led populace.
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 14 hours