[] Plan Creative Defense
-[] Go on the offensive
-[] Siege Daurstein
- [] Write the assembly that the moment for offensive action against Norn is here, and fleeting fast. Inform them of the state of the western army. Ask for reinforcements to secure the Nornish border and start proper offensive operations. Explain that the 5th is at the border of Norn around Martelnac, taking Daurstein as a defensive buffer with the goal of stopping any enemy from even stepping on Arnése soil. Stress your determination to abide by any decision and order the rightful government of the people will give you. You are merely obeying the spirit instead of the letter of your orders for a good defense by taking the rapidly changing local situation into account, not deciding how the war should be waged.
-[] Tell Guillory to join you at Daurstein. Stress that any future offensive must pass trough Daurstein, with Arnesé having the opportunity to secure a buffer. Say that you won't let the opportunity to pass and make the need to be together for Trotha's superior numbers to be overcome very clear.
Assaulting the city directly leaves our army less able to perform meaningful offensives, which is bad. A siege is for the best here, it keeps our army relativly fresh for the actual battle while buying time for reinforcements to come. Remember, we have a bad shot at beating Trotha without aid.