What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
Maybe we could split the factory production into military and non-military production? Since that seems like too much stacked in one role.

Maybe, the one worry there is that it might create a natural "Second Military voter" where Big Military Production votes for a War to Sell More Military Production. :V

I don't know enough about our civilian population to think... if we had a bureaucracy, it could be something like that for a third seat, but right now I don't know what the civilians are really *doing* you know?
For the moment, while this is a good way to show why someone gave A X number of seats, please refrain from making it a part of the vote. You may get the task to do so in the future, but not here and now.
right now I don't know what the civilians are really *doing* you know?
Generally nothing more special than other Imperial Citizens would be doing, if far more centered around the Void aspect and a general zeal in their new-found faith.

Which is about a 74.8% Improvement in their QoL from the previous year.
Maybe, the one worry there is that it might create a natural "Second Military voter" where Big Military Production votes for a War to Sell More Military Production.
This is 40k. In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war. And it was mostly so one guy doesn't get swamped with work again.

I don't know enough about our civilian population to think... if we had a bureaucracy, it could be something like that for a third seat, but right now I don't know what the civilians are really *doing* you know?
Maybe a person in charge of distributing food, water and the general goods so people can live? It would be a way to effectively get a census of the population.
This is 40k. In the grim darkness of the future, there is only war. And it was mostly so one guy doesn't get swamped with work again.

Maybe a person in charge of distributing food, water and the general goods so people can live? It would be a way to effectively get a census of the population.

Maybe five seats, then (Food Production, Civilian Production, Military Production, Distribution, At-Large)? We can't formally subdivide this stuff yet, apparently, but this would set the stage for it? And at the moment the 'First Among Equals' would probably just mean if there was a tied vote, whichever side had more CivAdm people on their side would win? Or something.

-[Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
-[Faith] - 2 Seats [Voter]
-[Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
-[Civilian Administration] - 5 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
-[Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
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Maybe five seats, then? We can't subdivide this stuff yet, apparently, but this would set the stage for it? And at the moment the 'First Among Equals' would probably just mean if there was a tied vote, whichever side had more CivAdm people on their side would win? Or something.

-[Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
-[Faith] - 2 Seats [Voter]
-[Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
-[Civilian Administration] - 5 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
-[Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
They said we can't add more than 5 seats due to the bureaucracy getting swamped otherwise. Though why do we neee 2 seats for Faith?

For Civillian, could have Union rep for our people, one for Industry, one for distribution of resources like food and water and such, and maybe one for void ship construction?
While we can't do it yet, it feels like it'd lead to interesting things when/if we do. Distribution might often side with Civilian Production and also Faith, since Faith is currently in charge of education/charity/etc to an extent, whereas Military Production is probably going to be in the Military's corner sometimes. So it'd be more dynamic than, "One grouping has 5 votes" might make it seem?

They said we can't add more than 5 seats due to the bureaucracy getting swamped otherwise. Though why do we neee 2 seats for Faith?

For Civillian, could have Union rep for our people, one for Industry, one for distribution of resources like food and water and such, and maybe one for void ship construction?

That is adding exactly 5 seats? 4 Civilian Administration and 1 Faith?

And it's because Faith right now covers both leading the Faith, Education, and literally all of the Tech Support stuff. That's honestly a lot to put on one person, tbh. So making it two is meant to lead to the tasks being partially segmented off without taking away authority from the Faith.
And at the moment the 'First Among Equals' would probably just mean if there was a tied vote, whichever side had more CivAdm people on their side would win? Or something.
If we ever got to choose, I would make the First Among equals a rotating position, where one person of the CivAdm holds the position for a few months/years befores it moves to another person.
In theory in the far future when we have a bureaucracy capable of coping and also an actual Void Fleet, we might have to divide Military into a Naval and Infantry seat or something... but by that point it might well be centuries from now, so that's, like.

Someone else's problem.
Let's create a new seat separate from the Faith that deals with Education and technological progress. from the civil administration seat to create new seats that deal with judicial administration, infrastructure administration and economic administration (jobs and industrial development).
There's two problems with that. First, we're not allowed to sub-divide apparently. But second... I don't think that's actually a wise idea? Taking powers away from these bodies when they're relatively active seems like something that would actually cause problems, compared to, "Sure, we'll take a vote away from the Choir and the Lamenters, but give them veto so that nobody can mess with them, it's not as if they've been incredibly involved anyways."
Can we give lamenters autonomy? Or aim to do that when they're more established?

Also, military should be two seats, one for army, one for navy.
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[X] Plan: A Larger Council, A Wiser Councilor
-[X] [Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
-[X] [Faith] - 2 Seats [Voter]
-[X] [Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
-[X] [Civilian Administration] - 5 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
-[X] [Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
I was about to suggest only adding three civilian seats so we could give an additional one to the military so they aren't too left out, but at the moment dividing up the duties of our civilian administration is probably the most needed to get things in order.

[X] Plan: A Larger Council, A Wiser Councilor
-[X] [Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
-[X] [Faith] - 2 Seats [Voter]
-[X] [Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
-[X] [Civilian Administration] - 5 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
-[X] [Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
I was about to suggest only adding three civilian seats so we could give an additional one to the military so they aren't too left out, but at the moment dividing up the duties of our civilian administration is probably the most needed to get things in order.

[X] Plan: A Larger Council, A Wiser Councilor
-[X] [Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
-[X] [Faith] - 2 Seats [Voter]
-[X] [Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
-[X] [Civilian Administration] - 5 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
-[X] [Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]

Yeah, and I think for now the Military doesn't need the second seat for coordination. Once we have a fleet (so, uh, a few decades at earliest) it might make sense?
Well, the vote wasn't supposed to open until a day has passed, but I'll let it slide since there has been really only one plan suggested. 😅
[X] Plan: A Larger Council, A Wiser Councilor
-[X] [Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
-[X] [Faith] - 2 Seats [Voter]
-[X] [Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
-[X] [Civilian Administration] - 5 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
-[X] [Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]