What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: Repairs, Military, and preventing mundane corruption
-[X] [General] Repair the Station
-[X] [General] Figure out an Economy
-[X] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves
Alongside that, the first five recipients of the Juvenat were the Celestial Choir, all visibly shrugging off years of hardship and many injuries sustained. However, Bnuy had a somewhat adverse reaction or minor fault within her dose as she was afflicted with moments of inattention and heavy breathing, particularly when in the presence of Theta 33/n, or Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child. Probably some minor corruption that was burned within her by his presence?
Yep. Just burning out the chaos corruption, nothing to see here!

[X] Plan: Unity, Duty, and Gene Seed
If there's a situation where any missed choice this early on just cuts off the entire branch, then we're kinda fucked because "have an economy" and "have a military" and "train Psykers" and "repair the shuttle" and so on are all competing for time. Earlier is definitely better if possible, but there's a lot of balls to juggle.
so since it looks like settling foundations is gonna win and assuming we have three actions next turn

[] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments

[] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?

how do y'all feel about a millitarty focused turn to get our millitarty and station secure military wise?
so since it looks like settling foundations is gonna win and assuming we have three actions next turn

[] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments

[] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?

how do y'all feel about a millitarty focused turn to get our millitarty and station secure military wise?

Probably, it's either that or the Military, the Economic, and the Potential Candidates, though that might be leaving the Experiments for too long. Though the Economy drifting for years and years isn't great either, tbf.
so since it looks like settling foundations is gonna win and assuming we have three actions next turn

[] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments

[] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?

how do y'all feel about a millitarty focused turn to get our millitarty and station secure military wise?
Fair enough, I would think taking care of the security of the station should hopefully be something taken care off round about next turn, because that's also when New Warhammer officially kicks off, and we all know what that's going to mean for all of us, especially with the kind of religion we specifically practice. After that though, presumably another turn focused on creating A economy of some kind, instead of just running on fumes at that point. Also maybe exploring the Star system, and hopefully getting some training equipment for our psykers.

Also, hey @HeroCooky, are we going to be limited by a three action turn basis, or will we eventually be able to expand our number of options to choose problems to focus on fixing?
Probably, it's either that or the Military, the Economic, and the Potential Candidates, though that might be leaving the Experiments for too long. Though the Economy drifting for years and years isn't great either, tbf.
yah it both bad pot cosquuese but I'd rather leave the econmny floating one more year to deal with mil threats than otherwise to focus on it
so since it looks like settling foundations is gonna win and assuming we have three actions next turn

[] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments

[] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?

how do y'all feel about a millitarty focused turn to get our millitarty and station secure military wise?
Replace military with setting up a proper economic system and I'm on board.
Military is important, true, but we have the chapter as stand-in to survive.

yah it both bad pot cosquuese but I'd rather leave the econmny floating one more year to deal with mil threats than otherwise to focus on it
One more decade.