What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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It is trivially easy to see how giving immortality to "the best" and "those who deserve it most" can easily and rather straightforwardly translate into a long-lived noble elite that can use its long life to secure its power and position, at which point "the best" will stop having even a modest relationship to skill and "excellence."

Similarly, it's trivially easy to see how using it on criminals will create the conditions by which we will always have to have a ton of criminals and will run a high risk of not being discriminating with their lives and crimes.

Trade on the other hand is just a straightforward boon without any direct negative societal implications, treating it as a resource that we can choose to do as a society as we wish... which in this case would be trade it.

laurent with all do respect
maybe people want to vote for the quasi-inmortal enlightened elite path even if it brings inequality?

not all quests need SV quality commune style governance
you vote what you wanna vote,but keep a open mind about what others voters might want
thank you I've been wanting to say that the entire time basically but I didn't want to be rude and I like engaging with him
[X] Trade

we will need allies. For we are one lonely planet that the population has been reduced because of our revolt. We will need a lot of things and we can spread some things also. Hint hint.
what do you mean by "skill issue"? wealth distribution has not, historically, been skill-based, so I'm not sure what you mean.

What I mean is that to a certain extent, the decision to privatize national resources, which is what the Juvenat would be, is not automatic and inevitable. Some countries do do that, and some don't, IRL. Obviously not with Juvenat, but with any other windfall. Therefore to assume that the government being able to use it as part of trade inevitably means it will be internally traded to the highest bidder is, I think, more of a stretch than with "Excellence" where nobody has actually proposed a mechanic by which this doesn't in fact just lead to nobility.

laurent with all do respect
maybe people want to vote for the quasi-inmortal enlightened elite path even if it brings inequality?

not all quests need SV quality commune style governance
you vote what you wanna vote,but keep a open mind about what others voters might want

I mean, like, if people want to do that, sure? It'll very obviously have negative societal results in which said "enlightened elite" will not remain so, but sure.

But I don't think people are really actually thinking it through as opposed to, in large part, seeing "Iconoclast" and the boons and leaping onto it.
I just think assuming it will inevitably go that bad when it's entirely possible to counteract that via developing good cultural precepts and actually elevating the best of the best as the choice describes and hammering in their duty is kind of reductive
I just think assuming it will inevitably go that bad when it's entirely possible to counteract that via developing good cultural precepts and actually elevating the best of the best as the choice describes and hammering in their duty is kind of reductive
nah, based on historical evidence that conclusion absolutely tracks. No privileges granted to people for vaguely defined "excellence" or "nobility" has ever actually remained that for long
I just think assuming it will inevitably go that bad when it's entirely possible to counteract that via developing good cultural precepts and actually elevating the best of the best as the choice describes and hammering in their duty is kind of reductive

I actually wrote a part here about this, but @blub01 more or less said the non-rhetorical bits of it.

Like the actual thing we need to do on basically any route is find a way to produce more than dozens of vials a year, especially since as far as I can tell plenty of Juvenat stuff needs repeated applications. Can we do that? If so, that's nifty and it might just be a matter of debating boons. But I'm going to assume that that's easier said than done. Not assuming that the Imperium, for instance, couldn't have spread good heathcare and immortality wider than they did[1], but that it's not in fact trivial to produce it such that the whole population can have some access to Juvenat, that this is, AT BEST, a long-term project.

[1] They very obviously could but between their bigotries, their lack of concern for human life, and the fact that the Mechanicus isn't always great at mass-production and not jealously guarding power and access, it's a wonder as many people are allowed access to it as are.
Hrmm, we'll just have to see how it goes. Even if it does end up becoming a nobility, I doubt it can be as bad as the Imperial nobility (one formed over thousands of years of blind obedience to a government that excuses and practically encourages a complete lack of any skill or accountability as long as the tithe/quotas are met). We already have a better start than the Imperium, because we don't have to conquer a good chunk of the galaxy in a few centuries and cut every corner possible to keep that time table, on top of us having a more moral cultural foundation and heritage to stand on (not returning to the casual brutality of the dark mechanicus).
I just think assuming it will inevitably go that bad when it's entirely possible to counteract that via developing good cultural precepts and actually elevating the best of the best as the choice describes and hammering in their duty is kind of reductive

nah i agree with him,privilige (as in living 500 years where others 80) breeds a difference on experience and priorities that inevitably breeds inequiality

but the QM sad this is a newborn government model,we dont have to solve everything right now,we can deal with the equality issues when they begin to pop up

now the priority is countering chaos and cultivating our strenghts
[X] Trade
Does it lose the cap trait for Iconoclast? Yes. But it also provides a massive step up to our just-getting-started political and economic situation. I think that's worthwhile.
Not to be a party pooper here, but you will be given an Action to take every Turn that basically boils down to [Take Care Of Future Or Current Problem].

Like nailing down how Juvenat is distributed and who gets how much, when, and why.

I may not say non-directly story related stuff or answer questions unless asked, but I am not going to yell "Haha! You fucks didn't figure out a tax scheme! You now have a crisis and no money!"
[X] Excellence
I just think long lived stable psykers are worth elitism.
This! Stable psyker's who can shephard us trough it all no way im passing that up where as the rest of the 40k universe has to grapple with half crazy or crazy. Tbh it's a warhammer 40k quest to begin with if we are on a neutral scale of our times sensebility in good vs evil i take that as a win + in setting we would be 100% the good guys.

[X] Excellence