Starship Design Bureau

I think we want to try for the prototype quantum torpedoes too
Yeah, I hadn't considered those at first because we did take them already once, but if those do come back as a Prototype then that would be another one.

Welp, just one more reason to try and break from Yoyodyne then. Though now the talk about deflector dishes and Experimental components has me wondering whatever happened to the Warp Core connected dish? We put in on the Ambassador class and it worked well enough, but then it's never shown up since then.

I could understand I'm not being an option for the Saber project since it's layout wasn't really well suited for that kind of connection without making the ship bigger, but you think the Intrepid project would have at least considered it.
Though now the talk about deflector dishes and Experimental components has me wondering whatever happened to the Warp Core connected dish? We put in on the Ambassador class and it worked well enough, but then it's never shown up since then.
There was a 25 year time skip between Ambassador and Ushaan, so presumably a bunch of stuff became standard and then got supplanted in that time.
A prototype deflector would be neat but I'm torn on using up a prototype roll here..
Type XIIs might not be Prototype any more. Type XIIs are also what the Prometheus uses and that's already been designed. Even if they are still prototype we could grab them and this wide deflector without too much trouble since neither are experimental.

Nope, the type-6s worked but not the quantums, so Starfleet Tactical took them back for more testing.
They should be good by now I hope! They've had years to work on them.
I think wide is probably our best bet here. We got more powerful phasers by sacrificing half our potential torpedo armament. This lets us get that torpedo armament back. Type XIIs were prototype for the Endeavor, but the Prometheus has also come online and used Type XIIs in Canon so there's a chance that they're not even prototype anymore.
[ ] Ultrawide Deflector (Prototype)
Remember so many voters wanted the extra Torpedo launcher instead of better phaser? Here is your choice to get both just take the Prototype Dish and all will be well.

Looking at this poor misshapen battleship. I have to ask you all. Was the little bit of extra speed in exchange of making our girl look hideous worth it? We could have gotten a nice thick engineering section inctead of this but no! You wanted a little bit extra speed, why does yoyodyne make all these expensive Nacelle prototypes if we do not use them?
[X] Ultrawide Deflector (Prototype)

Fog machines, the federation just likes to be dramatic.

[X] Ultrawide Deflector (Prototype)
Actually it's a giant scam. Yoyodyne designs nacelles that blow up so they can always have work making more, and the consoles explode so that Starfleet Academy always has a reason to train new crew members.
[X] Ultrawide Deflector (Prototype)
[X] Ultrawide Deflector (Prototype)


I stumped for torpedoes before, and I'll stump for them now. The ability to rapidly put firepower down range is disproportionately important. It let's the ship seize opportunities during a fight, gives it more firepower at Warp, and it forces the enemy into a battle of maneuver to avoid copious firepower.
[X] Ultrawide Deflector (Prototype)

This probably isn't good for our manufacturing score, but it's such a big bump to our firepower that I think we have to go for it.
[X] Ultrawide Deflector (Prototype)