Starship Design Bureau

The bolded part right there is the mistake.

A battleship is parked on a border base with 3 of its sisters. These 4 Battleship are a squadron and sit there for months staring at the Romulans across the neutral zone. The only time they are not at the base is when there are on training/maneuver drills with the squadron/fleet after such its back to base. A battleship is not a explorer, diplomatic shuttle, or science ship it is a ship that has exactly three states of being. 1. Training for battle/Sitting in base. 2. On the way to a battle, 3. In battle. Any other duty goes to not battleships.

.. It's Star Trek. They don't do this until Picard, and even then, nowhere was it listed as a sector fleet. So, no, it's definitely going to be doing not a battleship things.
The Defiant shows off skill of Starfleet warship design. (Once O'Brien fixes it) It's the size of a fast attack craft while having heavy cruiser levels of defense and firepower. USS Defiant vs. USS Lakota comes to mind.

And it's only labeled as an escort. The more apt label would be "fast attack craft" or "fighter" analog. Starfleet will do anything to not give their ship aggressive labels I guess.
The bolded part right there is the mistake.

A battleship is parked on a border base with 3 of its sisters. These 4 Battleship are a squadron and sit there for months staring at the Romulans across the neutral zone. The only time they are not at the base is when there are on training/maneuver drills with the squadron/fleet after such its back to base. A battleship is not a explorer, diplomatic shuttle, or science ship it is a ship that has exactly three states of being. 1. Training for battle/Sitting in base. 2. On the way to a battle, 3. In battle. Any other duty goes to not battleships.

Okay, but in actual reality, this is not remotely how the Sovereign class will function. We know this based on the series of television shows and films collectively called "Star Trek". This is also not how battleships functioned in real life, for that matter!

Cruise speed is incredibly important, arguably the most important characteristic for a battleship along with armament. It is what makes a battleship a battleship and not a coastal defence monitor.

If we want speed Yoyodyne will deliver us prototype Nacelles/warp cores to achieve that so why the fuss over more internal space?

Because we can have more cruising speed, which makes battleships vastly more intended at their effective role, which is going wherever they damn well please and fucking shit up. This has been understood by every naval theorist going back to before the time of Nelson.
[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)

It's already going to be big, making it slow on top of that would really limit the kind of work it can do.
Because we can have more cruising speed, which makes battleships vastly more intended at their effective role, which is going wherever they damn well please and fucking shit up. This has been understood by every naval theorist going back to before the time of Nelson.

To chime in:
One of the reasons bronzing was adopted on ships of the line wasn't just to delay the time between careening the ship and cleaning, it was also because it made the ships faster! Speed is life for battleships.
Personally, I hope for both Steamlined Hull and new Prototype Nacelles. :V
To chime in:
One of the reasons bronzing was adopted on ships of the line wasn't just to delay the time between careening the ship and cleaning, it was also because it made the ships faster! Speed is life for battleships.
Do you mean copper sheathing? That was because the boreworms that ate hulls in warm water also caused drag and the copper's reaction to sea water poisoned the worms.
[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)
The new 'quantum torpedoes' that Starfleet Tactical is prototyping are just very small Yoyodyne nacelles.
It's brilliant! The torpedo can use the nacelle functionality to travel to the target at high speeds, and once it arrives it can simply overload itself to detonate. In Starfleet, we shoot 65% more torpedo per torpedo, because the whole thing is simultaneously propulsion *and* warhead!