Starship Design Bureau

As a general rule of thumb, when a QM gives a binary choice between two distinct options with clear trade-offs, they won't approve of a write-in that asks for the advantages of both options. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a reason for that choice (and vote) in the first place.

You're saying that trying to stage a revolt against the QM with a literal protest vote may annoy them and risk backfiring?

Big if true...


Ngl I am incredibly sad that we're going from the perfection of the canon Sovereign to chunky and slow 😥

I certainly know how it feels to get so invested in a vote that it feels really bitter if it doesn't go your way. We've all been there. *hugs*

If it helps, it's only one aspect of the design. There's likely other options that add zoomies - we've got Propulsion to go yet.
2370: Project Sovereign (Spaceframe)
[X] Endeavour-design.

The main saucer is colossal in its own right, containing 13 decks and a beam of almost three hundred meters. The gentle slope of the hull is interrupted by cut-outs allowing lateral exposure of a single deck in much the same as the Endeavour-class, with a forward lounge situated with a view towards the bow of the main saucer. It isn't quite the largest ever built, with that honour still belonging to the Galaxy-class, but it is certainly very substantial. The ship gently rises at the sides to a central spine, which then curves down towards the rear of the saucer. But that's only the first part. The second is the secondary hull, which is what will define the shape of the rest of the ship.

The first option is to build a secondary hull with the deflector directly below the center of the saucer, broadening the engineering section into a wider profile. It would add a chunk of mass but provide plenty of room for auxiliary systems.

The second option is a more traditional secondary hull, though still transitioning smoothly from the saucer section with the deflector below the rear third of the primary hull. The thinner profile would provide fewer internal spaces but would increase warp efficiency.

[ ] Compact Hull (Internal Space)
[ ] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)

[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

It says that it adds more space to the engineering section, which I feel is important to fighting at least a bit, its basically a technobabble generating pit.
[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

Adding more auxiliary systems is good, especially for a warship.

This allows for redundancies in case something happened while this ship's in combat.
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[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)
As this is a warship first and foremost I want the extra space to stuff in more weapons!
Alternative Extra space for all these new and untested Prototypes!
[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

On one hand speed is good, on the other I want the romulans sweating and Klingons cheering about mass produced Ambassdor sucessor.
To be fair, the base Endeavor's 8+ cruising warp is much better strategic mobility than everyone around us. That's much more front coverage then with a lower warp cruising speed.

Our threats would have to take much more consideration in their movements if they're trying to be sneaky because if they're not keeping track well enough this behemoth might only be an hour away instead of days...

[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)
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[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

Well we already decided on the fat Battleship paradigm, might as well lean into it.

To be fair, the base Endeavor's 8+ cruising warp is much better strategic mobility than everyone around us. That's much more front coverage then with a lower warp cruising speed.

Our threats would have to take much more consideration in their movements if they're trying to be sneaky because if they're not keeping track well enough the class of ship would be much closer than they hoped.
There's no guarantee that this ship will have the same cruise. It's way bigger!
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[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

If your ships are already some of the fastest around, and this is meant to be a dedicated capital class vessel designed specifically as an attempt to contest Borg Cubes, then secondary system's/redundancy are key.

That said, if we had gone for the Ushaan design i would have been behind Speed 100%. Super speed ships would Rule!
[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)

We have to claw out improvements to warp from somewhere, and it's not like Yoyodyne can reliably deliver on that front.
Gonna dissent from the bandwagon a biy here.

Explorers have to be the fastest ships around. Their entire reason for being is to explore vast areas of space, and be able to respond to emergencies quickly with the best damned ship Starfleet possesses.

Greater warp cruise speed directly aids this goal. On top of which, we already just took an option giving extra internal space. Doubling down is less valuable than bring the fastest cruiser we can be.

[X] Streamlined Hull (Warp Efficiency)
[X] Compact Hull (Internal Space)

Thank god that argument is over. And now we can enjoy the fruits of the labor with a sick ass ship design so far.