Shards of a Broken Sun [Megaten/Shugo Chara/Exalted]

[X] write-in: Comforting. Kana is nervous and likely picking up a lot of everyone right now while Utau has gone very prickly. You want to calm them down, reassure them, ground them... luckily all three of you are telepaths here, so you can just skip over fumbling with words and go straight to mind-hugs and grounding.
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[X] Write-in apologize for taking awhile. If Utau does seem to have overheard something and wants to talk about it right away... then and only then ask if it can't be discussed after the Birthday party, as this wouldn't really be the best moment. Discuss with Akane telepathically as needed beforehand on what can and can not be said to Utau, you did promise to let her ok such things after all. Though try to convince her in case Utau did overhear that perhaps you should tell her at least a bit of what's going on sooner rather then later, she'd probably find out somehow otherwise anyway.
[X] Write-in apologize for taking awhile. If Utau does seem to have overheard something and wants to talk about it right away... then and only then ask if it can't be discussed after the Birthday party, as this wouldn't really be the best moment. Discuss with Akane telepathically as needed beforehand on what can and can not be said to Utau, you did promise to let her ok such things after all. Though try to convince her in case Utau did overhear that perhaps you should tell her at least a bit of what's going on sooner rather then later, she'd probably find out somehow otherwise anyway.
I think the comforting vote may be the better one here.
The group Akane is part of has trust issues. We gotta take some baby steps here.
Amu gonna had to wait with the explanation later, once Akane group trust us some more. We are already on thin ice here folks.
Also Utau should be smart enough to not push it. Again baby steps.
I think I should clarify, you agreed that Naomi gets to decide if you tell anyone anything, or not. Not Kana.

Of course, "agreed" is a bit strong. But it's what Amu said, at least.
It might be a good idea to take a step back. Consider what you know about Naomi's group, and their relationships, from the perspective of someone who isn't essentially infatuated.

I'll have Kana stop you doing anything catastrophic if I have to, but it would be nicer to avoid that situation. :V
You know what? Let's just

[X] Pretend that nothing happened.

Is this a good deception? No. Do we owe Naomi the best possible deception? Debatable, but I think also no.
[X] Try to play it off

It may be a misread on my part, but honestly this seems like the friend group that would, at least for a while, accept 'yeah some shit happened don't worry about it'
If some one else can think of something better, that's fine with me. Though my current idea is for now at least supposed to use Akane as a backstop, considering Amu is supposed to pass it by her.

I'm not sure if trying to act as if nothing happened will work either, if Utau thinks something is up then she'll probably not let it go so easily... and she's an empath... so fooling her might be difficult. Best case is either she didn't hear anything or she'd let it go temporarily. Worst case it might become a bit of a scene while everyone is there to see it... which wouldn't be great.
I'm not sure if trying to act as if nothing happened will work either, if Utau thinks something is up then she'll probably not let it go so easily... and she's an empath... so fooling her might be difficult. Best case is either she didn't hear anything or she'd let it go temporarily. Worst case it might become a bit of a scene while everyone is there to see it... which wouldn't be great.
Utau is a better telepath than Amu.

i don't know her sheet, but i do know she's better just from canon knowledge.
Utau is a better telepath than Amu.

i don't know her sheet, but i do know she's better just from canon knowledge.
Correct. Fundamentally, just... correct, and Amu knows that. Though Utau is especially strong on the empathic side of it. Utau is also more reserved as a person, of course.

This should not be construed as me saying that Utau knows what happened outside. She wasn't looking; Amu would (um, probably; she was a bit distracted) have noticed if she did. It's also much, much harder to do much of anything if the process isn't two-way.
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Worst case it might become a bit of a scene while everyone is there to see it... which wouldn't be great.
Correct. Fundamentally, just... correct, and Amu knows that. Though Utau is especially strong on the empathic side of it. Utau is also more reserved as a person, of course.

This should not be construed as me saying that Utau knows what happened outside. She wasn't looking; Amu would (um, probably; she was a bit distracted) have noticed if she did. It's also much, much harder to do much of anything if the process isn't two-way.
Which is why:

A. We shouldn't push this off
B. We are able to short-cut it with telempathic sharing
C. Much else just leaves Amu between a secret she's better off keeping for everyone's sakes vs. a worried Utau.
Which is why:

A. We shouldn't push this off
B. We are able to short-cut it with telempathic sharing
C. Much else just leaves Amu between a secret she's better off keeping for everyone's sakes vs. a worried Utau.
Fair point... though if the first two telepaths couldn't keep secrets... Well not hard to predict how well they'd keep a secret from number 3. Sheesh, maybe telepaths aren't the best at this secret society thing...

Maybe they could delay things a bit saying it's not being something they can freely share?
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tbf as a group of psionics hiding from a group doing evil experiments on psionics, keeping secrets from other telepaths legitimately shouldn't be a high priority for them, and I'm also kind of getting the impression Naomi wasn't actually prepared for Kana to just randomly bump into one on the streets
tbf as a group of psionics hiding from a group doing evil experiments on psionics, keeping secrets from other telepaths legitimately shouldn't be a high priority for them, and I'm also kind of getting the impression Naomi wasn't actually prepared for Kana to just randomly bump into one on the streets
If Naomi had imagined this scenario in advance, then I think she'd have handled it a bit more competently. All sides were letting their emotions rule them, which is fair for the twelve and thirteen-year-old... Though Naomi is, to be even more fair, a nineteen-year-old who's been forced to grow up far too fast--given none of the resources needed for that--and given no downtime to reconsider any of what she's learning, either. Which is about as much as I'll say about her.

Adhoc vote count started by Baughn on Nov 1, 2023 at 10:20 AM, finished with 30 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] write-in: Comforting. Kana is nervous and likely picking up a lot of everyone right now while Utau has gone very prickly. You want to calm them down, reassure them, ground them... luckily all three of you are telepaths here, so you can just skip over fumbling with words and go straight to mind-hugs and grounding.
    [X] Write-in apologize for taking awhile. If Utau does seem to have overheard something and wants to talk about it right away... then and only then ask if it can't be discussed after the Birthday party, as this wouldn't really be the best moment. Discuss with Akane telepathically as needed beforehand on what can and can not be said to Utau, you did promise to let her ok such things after all. Though try to convince her in case Utau did overhear that perhaps you should tell her at least a bit of what's going on sooner rather then later, she'd probably find out somehow otherwise anyway.
    [X] Kana's story is hers to share- introduce them and let Kana and Utau judge each other
    [X] Pretend that nothing happened.
    [X] Try to play it off

It looks like we've got something akin to a consensus. I'll give it a few hours longer.
Oh, wow. This quest is actually back.

I randomly saw that bit of news about Shugo Chara getting a sequel manga and decided to see if there was any discussion about it on this forum (and its cousin SB) and if not for that, I wouldn't even have seen the update to the old Shards thread and known it got rebooted.

This is certainly a nice surprise, though. I do notice it says "Persona" this time in the crossover instead of "SMT", so I assume all the old SMT3 background and plot points from the old Shards is not longer relevant, or at least that anything from mainline SMT is going to take a backseat to Persona elements when it was the other way around before. The old quest featured characters from Persona 4, but if we're talking about government conspiracies, I'd assume we're going with Persona 5 as the main contributor. Or at least, I would have if not for this little bit:
Nooope... I haven't played any of the more recent ones, but this is a specific SMT world you find yourself in. Don't assume it's a specific (or even well-described) point on the timeline, though.
Persona 5 is the most recent one in the series. It's not really that new anymore, but unless you're talking about Strikers, Royal or the not-yet-released Tactica, it is the most recent mainline entry. Don't supposed you could say whether Persona 5 is included in your "not-played" ones? Though I guess it is the same world as the rest of them anyway, even if you only see SEES characters on street posters by the time of P5.

As for my vote on the kerfluffle Amu finds herself in.... I do not know whether this would be in-character for her to do (and it's probably too late for this to win the vote anyway), but:

[X] Write-in - Explain to Kana that Utau is to Amu like Naomi is to her. Then kneel down seiza-style in front of Utau and beg forgiveness, explaining to Utau that you can't actually explain anything. Except to please believe in the Amu that believes in Kana.

It might be a good idea to take a step back. Consider what you know about Naomi's group, and their relationships, from the perspective of someone who isn't essentially infatuated.

I'll have Kana stop you doing anything catastrophic if I have to, but it would be nicer to avoid that situation.
At first glance, Naomi's group seem like a Strega-analogue. Strega, abused as they were, were not good people, or at the very least were led by a kinda-batshit leader. It's possible they are more conventional group of escapees who are simply extra-cautious and bitter about their situation and not superpowered mercenaries with a revenge-boner (among other things you could say about them). But without knowing all their members and especially the leadership, it's pretty impossible to tell.

I guess the fact it's the government they're on the run from kinda takes the edge off of Amu being able to leverage Easter as a potential trump card. In the same way the fan-theories assume the Kirijo Group was blocked by the conspiracy from intervening in anything during Persona 5.
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This is certainly a nice surprise, though. I do notice it says "Persona" this time in the crossover instead of "SMT", so I assume all the old SMT3 background and plot points from the old Shards is not longer relevant, or at least that anything from mainline SMT is going to take a backseat to Persona elements when it was the other way around before. The old quest featured characters from Persona 4, but if we're talking about government conspiracies, I'd assume we're going with Persona 5 as the main contributor. Or at least, I would have if not for this little bit.

Persona 5 is the most recent one in the series. It's not really that new anymore, but unless you're talking about Strikers, Royal or the not-yet-released Tactica, it is the most recent mainline entry. Don't supposed you could say whether Persona 5 is included in your "not-played" ones? Though I guess it is the same world as the rest of them anyway, even if you only see SEES characters on street posters by the time of P5.
I've only played up through Persona 4. I tried playing 5, but it felt too real, and left a bad taste in my mouth--too much social commentary in my gaming makes Baughn a sad boy, at least if I don't think I'm signing up for that. So I switched to playing Atelier games and, well, there are a lot of those.

Now I'm replaying 4 (Golden, which I actually hadn't before). Make of that what you will.

I'd like to see this quest as a more refined version of SoaBS 1. The background is similar, but not identical, and in particular I'm trying to escape its pacing issues. Part of that involves starting a year prior to the 'main plot', but... putting it that way would ignore that what you're looking at right now is, in itself, a major plot.

SoaBS 1 was almost purely SMT. This one should have a more even distribution of SMT, Shugo Chara and Persona, though what Persona contributes is mostly mechanics -- at least in terms of what I can be sure it'll contribute. Actual results will vary depending on choices, after all.

- - -

The other players, because they're a little nuts, selected three banes for the very first story arc... through sheer happenstance, those three banes are arriving one from each of the three main crossover elements. What you're looking at right now is the Shugo Chara one. It's an affair that I've previously considered turning into a standalone story, but it might honestly be more interesting like this.

There's also the other two. "Publicity" takes many forms.
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I guess the fact it's the government they're on the run from kinda takes the edge off of Amu being able to leverage Easter as a potential trump card. In the same way the fan-theories assume the Kirijo Group was blocked by the conspiracy from intervening in anything during Persona 5.
It does, doesn't it?

I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist. Governments are made up of people; conspiracies are also made up of people; people, in general, suck mightily at keeping things secret. The best conspiracies are made from people doing what they think are right, not people acting selfishly, because it's a lot easier to herd them towards a common good than a half dozen separate individual selfishnesses.

This doesn't make conspiracies not real. We've seen plenty of demonstrations that they happen. It does tend to make them not all-powerful, and in a functioning state, there's likely to be other interests. People who'd be horrified by learning about it, even. That's what makes it a conspiracy, instead of being the known way that things work. You don't need a conspiracy if you're the SS; you can write the laws to make people do what you want.

One of the saddest reflections of humanity is this, perhaps: There's nobody to blame.


But that's all generalities, and doesn't describe Naomi's situation in particular. I'm not going to tell you in advance, of course--I'll leave the speculation to you lot. The most I'll do is give you some tips on how I tend to think. ;)
The best conspiracies are made from people doing what they think are right, not people acting selfishly, because it's a lot easier to herd them towards a common good than a half dozen separate individual selfishnesses.
Do remember that their are also made up by people, who wants to prove they are rigth, and those kind of people are lot's more dangerous. They will do anything to reach their goal. Yes, they will talk about how nice, noble and rightness they mission is, but in the end it's a means to they goal.
There is a difference between those who want to do the rigth thing, and those who want to be proving rigth.
I'd like to see this quest as a more refined version of SoaBS 1. The background is similar, but not identical, and in particular I'm trying to escape its pacing issues.
The other players, because they're a little nuts, selected three banes for the very first story arc... through sheer happenstance, those three banes are arriving one from each of the three main crossover elements. What you're looking at right now is the Shugo Chara one. It's an affair that I've previously considered turning into a standalone story, but it might honestly be more interesting like this.
I do notice you said "main" crossover elements. While it has been a long time since I've read the old quest thread, I do remember it ALSO being a crossover with Devil Survivor, Schild's Ladder and (if I recall right) Black Rock Shooter.

Does that mean the other, unselected banes were from unspecified "minor" crossover elements and there are actually 3 (or more) other unmentioned minor crossovers like in the original, assuming SMT/Persona counts as the same thing for crossovers, making the "main" ones Shugo Chara, Exalted and SMT?

If so, I would hazard a guess that, if the Delinquent bane is the Shugo Chara one, Reality Glitches are probably going to be SMT, leaving the Publicity one for Exalted. Though, I supposed it isn't confirmed whether Exalted counts as a main crossover either. That question mark in the thread title makes me highly suspicious.
So I switched to playing Atelier games and, well, there are a lot of those.
Ah yes, while Ryza is not strictly-speaking a magical girl like Amu, heck if the anime of it didn't make her almost look like one doing a transformation during those synthesize sequences. Shame the anime only covered half the first game.

This doesn't make conspiracies not real. We've seen plenty of demonstrations that they happen. It does tend to make them not all-powerful, and in a functioning state, there's likely to be other interests. People who'd be horrified by learning about it, even. That's what makes it a conspiracy, instead of being the known way that things work.
I think I'm getting what you're putting down - it's not the whole government (perhaps not even the most or highest-ranked people) in on it and there are ways to dismantle it legally, if you had an in with inside workers you could trust. Or if you knew which members of the conspiracy were either not true believers or kept in the dark about the reality and could subvert them.

So believe it or not, but the first thing I did upon reading there was a government conspiracy was to check whether Mashiro Rima's parents were politicians or government workers, as I vaguely remembered them being rich people with status in the anime (it's been a long time since I watched Shugo Chara too). But I didn't find anything to indicate they were. Yeah, I actually went to check whether Amu had any ins with the government. But I don't think she does, or at least if she does, I don't remember them.

That leaves it difficult to determine who actually can be trusted. The conspiracy in P5 had leadership in the police under their thumb, even though we know that individual officers like Chie and Akihiko would have been clean. And without personal connections, hard evidence of the conspiracy would be needed to blow the lid publicly.

Well, unless Amu engages in some brainwashing or mind control of her own and I doubt that's a route anybody plans on going down any time soon.

......Huh, makes me wonder if Officer Satonaka or Detective Shirogane are suddenly going show up out of the blue now.
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Does that mean the other, unselected banes were from unspecified "minor" crossover elements and there are actually 3 (or more) other unmentioned minor crossovers like in the original, assuming SMT/Persona counts as the same thing for crossovers, making the "main" ones Shugo Chara, Exalted and SMT?
It depends on how you define "SMT", I suppose.

I'm trying to keep the crossover count low. By that metric, SMT is a single crossover. By another, it includes about four… but they all happen in the same timeline, same world, at nearly the same time.

The one thing I'll tell you is that Mato isn't here. The story elements I wanted her for have been refactored into other people, to keep the character count reasonable.
Ah yes, while Ryza is not strictly-speaking a magical girl like Amu, heck if the anime of it didn't make her almost look like one doing a transformation during those synthesize sequences. Shame the anime only covered half the first game.
It covered the tutorial section. :D

Amu isn't a magical girl either. The manga has her make this point repeatedly, which is a bit funny considering her styling. Out of story it's because, well, she isn't; she's a psion, not a magical girl of any description, and those lines are necessary to push the readers in that direction.

In-story? It says amusing things about Amu. I don't think she's a big fan of the magical girl genre, and she seems a bit annoyed at being compared to one.