Cost: 5m 1WP; Mins: Craft 4 Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite charms: Object-Strengthening Touch, a proficiency in textiles
Mere cloth turns aside blades like steel with the Exalt's hands. This charm supplements a crafting project to make a set of clothing. If successful the clothing gains the traits of light armour. Spotting this magical alteration is a difficulty 5 Perception + Awareness roll. If the Exalt creates a set of bulky clothing that would have a mobility issue, then such a thing could be counted as medium armour instead. Cloth produced by this charm could count as a magical ingredient.
Solar: Cloth made by the Solars almost always appears pristine. "Accidently" spilled wine just slides off. Any penalty of -3 that would result from dirty clothing is reduced to 0.
Lunar: A Lunar can weave two sets of clothes into one. The Lunar may design a second uniform the clothing is capable of shifting into. This only requires a moment of concentration and takes one action to finish shifting. The two sets of clothing can be anything, but they must both fit the same size individual.
Sidereal: Clothing the Sidereal crafts with this charm can be used with martial arts, even if the style normally bands armour, so long as the clothing has a mobility penalty of 0. Clothing is also very light and easy to move in.
Dragonblooded: Minimums are Craft 4 Essence 2. Gain the Balanced and Wood keywords. By holding a handful of cotton seeds and spending a moment to infuse them with essence, the Dragonblooded may plant the cotton seeds. These cotton plants will grow over time into natural fully woven cloth as if made by the parent charm. Depending on the gardening techniques used, different patterns can be made. This version of the charm takes longer, but results in dramatically more cloth. The Dragonblooded/their staff may use Gardening in place of Textiles when making the cloth.