Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[x]A Proper Airplane
-[X] [Stunt] All over the airplane subtlety shifts. More cushions. The Aluminium shifts to some other metal. The hole torn in the side is replaced with an airlock. Wings of Aetheryc Spite's voice suddenly comes over the new loudspeakers "Thank you for granting this ones unworthy wish Empress allow me to show you proper flying". And everything jerks at as once commercial plane start picks up speed. There is a loud boom. "We should reach sunlight in just a few minutes Empress"
[X] The Cities
-[X] (Stunt) Crystal and metal seems to grow from the walls and bottom of the cabin, walls and artworks from the City of Fountains. At first glance it only seems made to restrict the movement of the vampires, but on closer look barriers are also forming over the mortals and half-mortals that are passed out from the pressure-changes or catatonic from Seeker's presence. There won't be any more free drinks tonight.
There's really no way for that to happen in combat time. Keep in mind that rounds are three seconds long, and most of the combatants are magically fast. Minutes of travel time are about as relevant to this sort of combat as decades.
It's more about putting pressure on the enemy. Put them in a situation that even if they somehow kill us they still die. I want them to have other problems then just fighting us.
for the permanence or not of our rejecting of reality? Uh maybe make it togglable dp? But, only to a certain degree I say this cause we have lay of the land so we can choose how to shape this land after the fact I imagine. But, changes made like the destruction of things probably can't be undone just an absence of what destroyed it.
I personally like permanent. After every battle we have in a city all the buildings are upgraded.
I would greatly prefer temporary. That way we're not constantly debating whether or not to use the power whenever a suitable situation arises simply due to the potential consequences of permanent reality-warping.
I would greatly prefer temporary. That way we're not constantly debating whether or not to use the power whenever a suitable situation arises simply due to the potential consequences of permanent reality-warping.
It's not like temporary is generally going to be better for the local landscape. Destroyed stuff stays destroyed.
I also prefer permanent if we have to choose. Its also not as bad since we can change the permanent from hellscape to hellscape that looks relatively normal if we need to. Permanent is just far more useful for us.
The broken asphalt of road healed as the road was repaved with ɡʊd ɪnˈtɛnʃᵊnz a substance rated for decades rather than just years. Good intentions really?
I would greatly prefer temporary. That way we're not constantly debating whether or not to use the power whenever a suitable situation arises simply due to the potential consequences of permanent reality-warping.
Permanent does not mean magical or exotic stuff continues. Just that if we warp in a wall or make gold, it remains. We could summon and control crimson flaying winds or a lake made from hopes and dreams but they do not last.

We can also choose to toggle it or not. Signatures are optional.
[X] The Cities
-[X] (Stunt) Crystal and metal seems to grow from the walls and bottom of the cabin, walls and artworks from the City of Fountains. At first glance it only seems made to restrict the movement of the vampires, but on closer look barriers are also forming over the mortals and half-mortals that are passed out from the pressure-changes or catatonic from Seeker's presence. There won't be any more free drinks tonight.

I like Molly having and cultivating a first instinct towards protecting the weak, the helpless, and the innocent around her. We aren't out here slaying monsters just for the fun of a hunt, even if we can enjoy it, but it's primarily about protecting and avenging their victims.
[X] The Cities
-[X] (Stunt) Crystal and metal seems to grow from the walls and bottom of the cabin, walls and artworks from the City of Fountains. At first glance it only seems made to restrict the movement of the vampires, but on closer look barriers are also forming over the mortals and half-mortals that are passed out from the pressure-changes or catatonic from Seeker's presence. There won't be any more free drinks tonight.

I like Molly having and cultivating a first instinct towards protecting the weak, the helpless, and the innocent around her. We aren't out here slaying monsters just for the fun of a hunt, even if we can enjoy it, but it's primarily about protecting and avenging their victims.

Broken Seeker *beating a vampire with the torn off limb of another vampire*: But it is so fun though.😈 :V
Broken Seeker *beating a vampire with the torn off limb of another vampire*: But it is so fun though.😈 :V
I didn't say that we couldn't enjoy a fight. It's just not the main purpose.

So, Red Court diablarized some Aztec(?) gods. I wonder if said gods are still alive I some way, or if we are to avenge them. I also wonder as to the origins of the Red Court.
Pretty sure it's supposed to be an ongoing thing in Dresden Files, but I'd have to reread various things to be absolutely certain.
Permanent does not mean magical or exotic stuff continues. Just that if we warp in a wall or make gold, it remains. We could summon and control crimson flaying winds or a lake made from hopes and dreams but they do not last.

We can also choose to toggle it or not. Signatures are optional.
Well I think some exotic stuff would stay a magic storm probably not but the Tiberium stuff would probably stay and possibly continue to consume if not magically kept at bay by us or destroyed by someone else.
That is a horrible idea.

There is no way people won't notice the magic shit going on if we start modifying entire buildings. Not to mention if we do that in enemy territory then leave it could backfire.
We go Shintai when we are discarding subtlety. Dresden burning down buildings is more subtle than us activating Shintai. I mean permanent doesn't mean that we can have the end result be a hole in the ground rather then up market real estate values. Permanent just gives more options.