Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

BMI is a priority as soon as we buy Splintered Gale Incarnation.
It allows us to hide our aura, which means that as long as we have at least 1 clone out, people cant be sure which is Molly Prime and which is the clone.
wouldn't that be quickly known if anyone attacked said clone? since you know they wouldn't be superhuman?
It has an 8 dice attack pool, and its weapons do 8 dice of base damage.
And its trying to attack a veiled opponent.

The math seems abundantly clear.
Veiled inflicts the Blind status debuff (+2DC to attackers) so where your normal attack would be at DC6 (standard) or DC7(challenging), its now at DC8 or DC9.

You dont even get to hit.

It. Did. This:
The floor beneath my feet abruptly exploded. I felt a steel cable wrap my ankle and pull, and then I was falling with a hideous stench filling my nose. I crashed down onto something that slowed my fall but gave way, and I went farther down still. The noise was hideous. Then the fall stopped abruptly, though I wasn't quite sure which way was up. About a hundred objects slammed into me all at the same time, pounding the wind out of my lungs.

I lay there stunned for a few seconds, struggling to remember how to breathe. The floor. The skinwalker had smashed its way up to me through the floor. It had pulled me down-but all the falling debris must have crashed through the floor the skinwalker had been standing on in turn.
I'd just fallen two stories amidst maybe a ton of debris, and managed to survive it. Talk about lucky.

And then, beneath my lower back, something moved.
The rubble shifted and a low growl began to reverberate up through it.

In a panic, I tried to force my dazed body to flee, but before I could figure out how it worked, a yellow-furred, too-long forearm exploded up out of the rubble. Quicker than you could say "the late Harry Dresden," its long, clawed fingers closed with terrible strength on my throat and shut off my air.

Turn Coat Chapter 25, Page 232-233
Believe the hype. And dont get into grapple range of that thing.

Incidentally, an Attribute 5, Brawl 5 Gurahl werebear in Crinos does roll 20 dice for grapple easily.
+5 Strength in Crinos form, and spending 5 points of Rage for Strength gives you Strength 15, Brawl 5, and Grapple is Str+Brawl.
Just so you know.

It doesnt instakill scrubs because its a lot more fun to tear through them with its hands.
When it takes you seriously as a threat from the beginning, we see the fight scene against Listens To Wind, where it opens up with a broad array of evocation magic at range even as it closes the distance.

Damage carries through between forms on shapeshifters.

We see this with the Alphas, including when Marcy took acid damage to a shoulder against the Fomor in the short story Aftermath. We see this with the hexenwulfen and the loup garou as well in Full Moon.
We even see this with Shagnasty, when damage inflicted by Listens to Wind carries through into its other form as it flees.

I certainly hope it has to spend limited resources on healing.
But we literally have no evidence for any of this.

It probably does actually.

Molly maxes out in Shintai at around Soak 14 (Stamina 4 + Steelskin 2-3 + VLE 6 + 1 Armor)
Now you come to the naagloshii.

You want to run it as a spirit?
The Armor charm of a WoD spirit adds its Gnosis to its Willpower to calculate its soak.
A Willpower 10, Gnosis 9 spirit is running around with 19 soak for the scene.

Or do you want to model it as an Attribute 7 Garou?
Crinos Form is Strength +4, Dexterity +1, Stamina +3.
Thats Stamina 10/Soak 10.

Thats before Gifts: Troll Gift(Rank 2) rolls Stamina + Primal Urge to add additional dice to soak. Luna's Armor(Rank 2) rolls Stamina + Survival to do the same thing. Steel Fur(Rank 2) rolls Stamina + Science to do the same thing.
Once again, you have an opponent rolling soak in the mid to high teens.

Or further, an Attribute 7 Gurahl? Crinos is +5 Strength, -1 Dexterity, +5 Stamina.
You now have a Strength 12, Dexterity 6, Stamina 12 werebear. They can apparently spend Rage for a 1:1 increase in Attributes OR buying HLs, so a Stamina 22 werebear or one with 17 HLs is legal.

And mage shields or other forms of magic havent even come into play.

HITMarks are robots, not cyborgs.
Some models have superficial organic/pseudoorganic parts for disguise and to mitigate Paradox, but none of that is a functional requirement. ATLAS units are full body replacement cyborgs. They are made from people; there's a human brain from a Mage in there.

Not that it matters, because there are Fomor by the canon rules that are frankly competitive.

If a Renfield can make them in the basement of a homeless shelter with a box full of scraps, I would say you have no room for complacency. And essentially every serious magic user we see in this setting can deal agg somehow.
Directly or indirectly.

Citation very much needed. The Technocracy couldnt afford to make firearms with primium even before the Avatar Storm.

Dresden uses a revolver specifically to avoid the threat of magic(his own or that of others) fucking up his gun.
Wardens carry swords as well as firearms for much the same reason(and also because they might sometimes fight in places where gunpowder stops working )
eh its clear that we both disagree on this topic i am just going to wait for it to show its stuff in story there is no point in arguing now since we don't have the facts.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 4, 2023 at 12:47 AM, finished with 82 posts and 17 votes. just struck me. Milestones may be stuff we get xp for. So do we want Merlin to know that stuff? Some are personal while others are.....very out there.
So you guys are OK with him knowing how much a battle axe Charity is?

He may very well end up putting her in charge of Molly's punishment for using dark magic.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 4, 2023 at 12:47 AM, finished with 82 posts and 17 votes.
Arc 9 Post 13: A Meeting of Minds
A Meeting of Minds

19th of November 2006 A.D.

"OK, lets do this," you agree, trying not to sound too glib about the whole thing. After all the Merlin may not know it but you can find out a lot more about him... well you can find out one question's more about him before you start glowing, but it's not like this is the last time you're going to see him. In the silence that follows it occurs to you just how well suited your power is not for killing things or making things, not for ruling or fighting, but just for bluffing. It can perform the sort of utter bullshit that would make a traitorous Greater Akuma bow in an instant and then use that breather to greedily draw in more from the thin magic of this world.

Coils of power, diaphanous as lace gather and as promised you do nothing to disrupt them, but when the spiral inward to touch the points of your chakras they get caught up in the eddies of your metaphysical respiration and though Langtry manages to pull them free and then draw the ragged edges tight again it is clear the spell did not go off as he intended.

Though you doubt anyone beside you had felt that, well anyone at the table you do not have to turn to know that Mac did not give any sign of looking this way, Arthur Langtry hesitates just a moment before casting his mind out again.

"Ooh, a prideful one," Usum giggles at the back of your mind, like a connoisseur of fine wine sampling a new bottle.

Langtry does try again though and to his credit he compensates for the draw of your soul deftly. His eyes widen in awe, fascination, fear, it is hard to tell which because even he does not know in that moment. Then, as he straightens his tie, more for something to do with his hands than because he needed it he glances at Harry with something like relief of the 'at last you did not screw up as much as I thought' variety. Why would he...?

Then you remember the example he had given for milestones the spell could detect, birth and number of children. Odds are good he could check if you had lost your virginity and who with.

Well screw him just in general for thinking that was any of his business, you think behind an impassive facade. Here you were worried he'd be able to detect the mess with Rosie and Nelson and he's worried that you seduced the local warden, or worse that Harry had 'taken advantage of you'. Sanctimonious ass.

Fortunately Harry does not notice the look his superior had given him which keeps the embarrassment to manageable levels as Langtry proclaims: "Well you are certainly human in a fundamental sense Ms Carpenter, the power you bear feels like sponsored magic only you are sponsoring yourself, odd as the notion sounds, a shard of fractured divinity orbiting a human soul..."

"I already told you all this stuff." Harry points out, trying and failing not to sound smug. Nevermid that the 'already' was just a few hours ago after you agreed to meet with Langtry.

This time the Merlin chooses to ignore him. "When you said your soul expanded yesterday I am assuming you refer to the domain you visited?" So add journeys, or maybe just first time journeys to the list of things his 'simple divination' can discover.

"Yes. Probably best to show before I tell given what we found there." So saying you pull out a tablet from among the ones you took from the palace, turn on the hologlyphic protector and just let it run, the ghostly blues and greens spilling out into the warm atmosphere of the pub, first showing an overview of the Kingdom, geography, recent history and then showing you, first the ascension to the throne and then the speech you had given to the entire world.

At this point the wardens are all looking at you like you are all the way 'round the bend, but Langtry... Well it is obviously not a good day for his composure by the way he leans in until his beard sweeps the table trying to get a look at the device, but he does not look disbelieving, more like someone who is trying to asses if they had hit the jackpot or a landmine and weighing their words very carefully.

"The appropriate response would be something about responsibility, maybe about how you should not act too hastily least you damage the delicate balance of the world. That is what the aged are meant to tell the young." He smiles, an almost roguish expression. "But you see I am not just old, I am older than dirt as some of my younger colleagues claim when they think me out of earshot."

That startles a laugh out of one of the wardens, a dark haired woman who looks forty and is probably four times times that age.

"I remember the days when kings and queens strode the world in truth as masters of their domain, not glittering phantasms that dwell only in the flash of the paparazzi's camera. And kings there were made on the battlefield with bloody sword and the foe before them and queens there were. Elizabeth was made queen at twenty five and upon her will broke the might of Spain, greatest empire of the age, Victoria was eighteen, escaping regency by merest months when she came to the throne and she reigned over an empire that covered one third of the world and ruled over its oceans. True England did not rise from the oceans like Atlantis upon a world unprepared, but such is the fate we have been given and now it comes to the crux, to seize the day to steal a march upon the enemies of mankind."

With every word that sense of pride and wonder which you had felt in Sanctuary comes back. Yes it's a hard job, yes you will mess up along the way, but it's a chance do great things, good things for all the world, and it looks like you will have some help along the way.

"Sir with all due respect did you see...?" Another of the wardens, this one a man in drab brown robes under his grey cloak of office Timothy you recall his name is, the great wizard Tim.

"Respect is a thing best acted on and not spoken of," the Merlin says, his voice dangerously low.

Unhappily the younger wizard subsides as his boss gets down to the brass tacks, specifically how much control you actually have over Sanctuary and how easily it is to ferry people to and fro. After spending the next two minutes memorizing several hundred pages of documentation that expand upon your visual presentation at a glance he finally puts the tablet down with a sigh, of weariness yes, but also of satisfaction

"I would like to propose an exchange of lore with the... Brass Courts?" he glances at you to see if the name is name is acceptable, but you just wave it off. Names can come later. "No offense to the presentation given but this was more of an tourist's brochure than a substantive exchange of information. I could put together a research delegation, three wizards lets say..." He glances at Harry. "One of them can be Dresden if he so chooses and in exchange we could explain the workings of earthly matters to scholars from your realm. The Council has some experience in such matters."

What kind of deal do you wish to strike with the White Council?

[] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now

[] Offer an alliance against the Red Court

[] Write in

OOC: And this is why the Merlin is in charge, he is the ward specialist yes, but his secondary specialty is 'diplomat'. Also he is a product of the British Empire, expect him to keep pulling those examples, he still calls Americans 'colonials' in his head.
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Still a bit annoyed everyone thinks its a nevernever realm I can deal with everyone thinking we didn't create it like we did. But, still annoying should probably mention the archangel uriel said we did create it and its not a nevernever realm.
OOC: And this is why the Merlin is in charge, he is the ward specialist yes, but his secondary specialty is 'diplomat'. Also he is a product of the British Empire, expect him to keep pulling those examples, he still calls Americans 'colonials' in his head.
As Harry has said, one does not become the Merlin of the White Council by collecting bottle tops.

One wonders just how much of Harry's view of the White Council is a result of his mentor (technically second mentor but one imagines that Ebenezer was trying to eliminate as much of Dumorne's teachings given that he was a warlock in contact with an Outsider) being very much an old school American (we know that both he and injun Joe are from around pre independence America is not before given that he was Blackstaff by the early 1800s) and was on the opossite side of the French Indian war as the Merlin. Everyone with even a modicrum of power in the White Council is likely to be more than a century old and a lot has changed pretty much everywhere in a century nevermind that magic makes adapting to changes in modern society difficult by virtue of the hex.

Just sad that there are confirmed to be only two surviving Dragons because Ancient Mai as a Dragon who decided that now that they were no longer the pillars that upheld reality the proper way to adjust to the new reality was to work with the White Council as one of them.

Still a bit annoyed everyone thinks its a nevernever realm I can deal with everyone thinking we didn't create it like we did. But, still annoying should probably mention the archangel uriel said we did create it and its not a nevernever realm.
I mean, unless you want to cite Uriel and try to get him to back up his words than you have no proof and treating it as a nevernever realm is close enough in terms of what you need. I mean, technically we didn't create it so much as it is tied to the Exaltation of which we are the current host. No difference in a practical sense but potentially relevant.
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As Harry has said, one does not become the Merlin of the White Council by collecting bottle tops.

One wonders just how much of Harry's view of the White Council is a result of his mentor (technically second mentor but one imagines that Ebenezer was trying to eliminate as much of Dumorne's teachings given that he was a warlock in contact with an Outsider) being very much an old school American (we know that both he and injun Joe are from around pre independence America is not before given that he was Blackstaff by the early 1800s) and was on the opossite side of the French Indian war as the Merlin. Everyone with even a modicrum of power in the White Council is likely to be more than a century old and a lot has changed pretty much everywhere in a century nevermind that magic makes adapting to changes in modern society difficult by virtue of the hex.

Just sad that there are confirmed to be only two surviving Dragons because Ancient Mai as a Dragon who decided that now that they were no longer the pillars that upheld reality the proper way to adjust to the new reality was to work with the White Council as one of them.

I mean, unless you want to cite Uriel and try to get him to back up his words than you have no proof and treating it as a nevernever realm is close enough in terms of what you need. I mean, technically we didn't create it so much as it is tied to the Exaltation of which we are the current host. No difference in a practical sense but potentially relevant.
But, its explictly not a nevernever realm at all also I wouldn't mind using uriel as a source. Also fairly sure other beings can determine its not a nevernever realm. Also also anyone who soul gazes us would know because its literally our soul.
[X] Offer an alliance against the Red Court

You can tell the Merlin is barely holding himself back. He knows what he's seeing and sensing is enough to have Molly be not just a peer but possible first amongst peers in the world of supernatural geopolitics. Having Molly on the White Council's side is gonna shatter the balance of power and status quo.

He wants to take it slow, get to know Molly's world and Molly's character, feel out if this jackpot he's found is indeed grace unasked for or if it's a horrible monkey's paw.

But we have an opportunity here; the White Council is pretty desperate and probably can't refuse an offer of alliance, given how poorly the war's going. Even if they win, the loss of so many senior wizards is already gonna weaken them for a long time to reprisals and attacks of opportunity. We can rectify that, offering a clear and morally acceptable alliance to fight against the monsters of the night. No matter his hesitancy, given Michael's presence and their own circumstances, I can't imagine the Merlin would refuse an actual alliance.

Shit, he'll probably jump on 'just' an alliance with Molly, let alone an entire world of magically aware and seemingly benign if not outright helpful people. The main thing making him wary is probably the feeling that this is all too good to be true, but we just name-dropped Uriel so even that obstacle ain't the most stalwart.

In other words, it's time to speed-run this encounter! Max out those Relationship Points with this Faction Leader, grind that Reputation and swear an oathbound Alliance!
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lets please not make an alliance without talking to our peoplle first? they would probably agree but it feels dictator-y to just go over their heads?

[X] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now
[X] Offer an alliance against the Red Court

You can tell the Merlin is barely holding himself back. He knows what he's seeing and sensing is enough to have Molly be not just a peer but possible first amongst peers in the world of supernatural geopolitics. Having Molly on the White Council's side is gonna shatter the balance of power and status quo.

He wants to take it slow, get to know Molly's world and Molly's character, feel out if this jackpot he's found is indeed grace unasked for or if it's a horrible monkey's paw.

But we have an opportunity here; the White Council is pretty desperate and probably can't refuse an offer of alliance, given how poorly the war's going. Even if they win, the loss of so many senior wizards is already gonna weaken them for a long time to reprisals and attacks of opportunity. We can rectify that, offering a clear and morally acceptable alliance to fight against the monsters of the night. No matter his hesitancy, given Michael's presence and their own circumstances, I can't imagine the Merlin would refuse an actual alliance.

Shit, he'll probably jump on 'just' an alliance with Molly, let alone an entire world of magically aware and seemingly benign if not outright helpful people. The main thing making him wary is probably the feeling that this is all too good to be true, but we just name-dropped Uriel so even that obstacle ain't the most stalwart.
I'd actually like to wait because before we get a power base and some charms to actually summon our citizens I don't wanna be at full out war with the reds. Simply cause they could just use biological weapons or something on our people right now. Also makes it more difficult to get said power base to eventually summon natives to our world. Need infrastructure and stuff for that after all.
As the resident quest paranoiac, I'm extremely leery of allowing White Council inside the Fivefold Courts given the level of hostile infiltration and disgruntlement inside the Council.

On the other hand, we do need to ensure that our people have some exposure to the world outside. So maybe just treat them like a new foreign diplomat, complete with background checks via bullshit Essence.

[X] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now
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As the resident quest paranoiac, I'm extremely leery of allowing White Council inside the Fivefold Courts given the level of hostile infiltration and disgruntlement inside the Council.

On the other hand, we do need to ensure that our people have some exposure to the world outside.

[X] Just the Exchange of Research Delegations for now
Yeah nah its fine there's no way normal wizards could reliably do more than a major terrorist incident in our hell. Too much oversight and stuff set against them. Also we can easily inspect anyone coming in.
I'd actually like to wait because before we get a power base and some charms to actually summon our citizens I don't wanna be at full out war with the reds. Simply cause they could just use biological weapons or something on our people right now. Also makes it more difficult to get said power base to eventually summon natives to our world. Need infrastructure and stuff for that after all.

No need to call anybody from our world, just having Molly participate in the fighting by herself would change the war; even if she doesn't just offer up information supremacy with the Crown, she can lead a strike force of Wardens and annihilate any Red Court task forces who dare step out of their home base; Wardens are special for being Wizards that can actually throw down in a fight, but they're still wizards who'll benefit from a tank grabbing the aggro while they focus on DPS.
Yeah nah its fine there's no way normal wizards could reliably do more than a major terrorist incident in our hell. Too much oversight and stuff set against them. Also we can easily inspect anyone coming in.
I'm more worried about information leakage than terrorist action. As in, who do these guys answer to?

If it's just the usual White Court loyalists than it's fine. The troublemakers are people under someone like Peabody or Cowl. Those are nothing but trouble
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DC 6 seems pretty high for a spell he knows and came prepared to cast?
Let's see Highest Sphere+3 is base.
Assuming this was somewhere in Time or Corrospondence 3-4, it would have a base of 7 at most, 6 more likely.

Now if he wanted to brute-force this, 6 would be right, but he could have taken more time (-1 DC for each round spend on it up to -3), or he could have used a good tool for -1, and also just researching/knowing the spell or the target as well as he could can result in a -1 to -3 difficulty.

The maximal reduction in total is -3, but still, that leaves a lot of room.

Either Arthur wanted to show off here, that the Merlin needs no tricks and tools, or he had some other reason to cast raw, or Wizards here don't quite work by the same rules?

Edit: To be clear, I fully understand why he would cast the later spells without any support, since he's being subtle there, just not that first divination.
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DC 6 seems pretty high for a spell he knows and came prepared to cast?
Let's see Highest Sphere+3 is base.
Assuming this was somewhere in Time or Corrospondence 3-4, it would have a base of 7 at most, 6 more likely.

Now if he wanted to brute-force this, 6 would be right, but he could have taken more time (-1 DC for each round spend on it up to -3), or he could have used a good tool for -1, and also just researching/knowing the spell or the target as well as he could can result in a -1 to -3 difficulty.

The maximal reduction in total is -3, but still, that leaves a lot of room.

Either Arthur wanted to show off here, that the Merlin needs no tricks and tools, or he had some other reason to cast raw, or Wizards here don't quite work by the same rules?

He took all the time he needed but he got +3 DC, first time trying to cast on an infernal Exalt.