When the Technocracy made HITMark Xs to replace the HITMark IXs, they dropped Strength from 10 to 6, and increased Dexterity from 3 to 4, and Perception all the way up to 5.
Thats how important it is.
2)Innate Countermagic explicitly does NOT defend you against direct damage magic.
You can have all the primium you want and it wont defend you against a fireball or lightning strike or force strike or a mage who is using the magic to enhance themselves into a transhuman murderblender or to turn into a magical bear
2)Innate Countermagic explicitly does NOT defend you against direct damage magic.
You can have all the primium you want and it wont defend you against a fireball or lightning strike or force strike or a mage who is using the magic to enhance themselves into a transhuman murderblender or to turn into a magical bear
3)Similarly, the plasma cannon is Damage 8, Range 100, Capacity 200.
Thats the same damage as a rifle, or a shotgun; the only difference is that its aggravated damage.
A shotgun has Range 50. A rifle has Range 200.
If you are giving your proxies preptime to be equipped with gear, you are also giving the naagloshii preptime to prepare for things.
You dont want to give a Senior Council-tier caster preptime before a fight
5)We see this scenario you are talking about in the book Turn Coat, where Shagnasty walks directly into a crossfire of automatic weapons fire by around a quarter to half the security staff of Raith Manor.
He charges through it and physically beats the gunmen to death and incapacity.
He didnt duck out and come around like he did with the wizards. He didnt even bother casting magic.
He just charges into the gunfire.
Dude was vibing.
So they should be in methuselah range(closer to likes of Ur-Shulgi than younger 4-5 generation vamps like Dracula, for example)? It seems people may be confusing his cultists and naagloshi himself in regards to danger levels
So they should be in methuselah range(closer to likes of Ur-Shulgi than younger 4-5 generation vamps like Dracula, for example)? It seems people may be confusing his cultists and naagloshi himself in regards to danger levels
They're the sort of creature that hunts high power combat mages down to eat for power.
Morgan can cut his way through the high nobles of the red court and credibly threaten the red king's safety. His best idea for dealing with a Naagoloshii was running until he could trick it into standing in the center of a nuclear test site as a bomb went off.
Update will be tomorrow because the next one will be a hell of a moment... literally. Even if it is not the focus Molly will have to explain the whole world-soul part of her existence and then Arthur is going to react to what.
His best idea for dealing with a Naagoloshii was running until he could trick it into standing in the center of a nuclear test site as a bomb went off.
Yes he did because that particular skinwalker had been sleeping since when the most advanced form of human explosive was black powder. Incidentally nukes are magically quite potent because of what the represent, the power of the sun chained to earth for the purpose of ultimate destruction so it's not like it was just the kilotons that got it.
1)As previously demonstrated, HITMark Xs aint shit in this scenario
Melee or ranged.
2) Its a naagloshii.
We see it shapeshift into a spider the size of a subcompact car. It ripped Dresden through the floor of the Raith Manor to the floor underneath by apparently brute force alone.Its Strength is precisely as high as it chooses it to be.
You keep trying to one weird trick an Incarna-class spirit entity.
1) Its not an absolute defence the way charms are.
If you have 4 dice of countermagick and the opposition is a naagloshii throwing 15ish dice of offensive spellcasting, what exactly do you think is going to happen?
2)Doesnt really help you against a Senior Council-tier spellcaster.
1) Fire damage is agg.
We see Shagnasty soak Luccio's firespell, and the injury is gone just seconds later in the same fight scene.
Ergo, true naagloshii soak Agg, and can heal it in combat.
And thats not counting the fact that because they are Senior Council-tier spellcasters, they can do the same shields shit that Dresden and other wizards do, except better.
2)No they dont.
At 8 damage each, they dont even get past its soak.
Thats not true.
Giving a Senior Council-tier caster preptime against a bunch of killer robots that explicitly come with remotely-activated self-destruct devices....just doesnt go well for the side with killer robots.
Not all that much.
Dresden got his left hand essentially burned to a crisp with a homemade flamethrower.
And in a setting with magic, magical agg is pretty commonplace for anyone who can do evocation.
They would be equipped with actual guns instead of being integrated ones its the same situation.
Like i am happy to wait and see it in combat and then we can wargame how effective it would be against hitmarks. You don't need atlases.
The same Damage 8 weapons.
Just with less ammo than the HITMark that had a mag size of 200, and all those weapons are now vulnerable to being disabled en masse because they dont benefit from magic resistance.
So they should be in methuselah range(closer to likes of Ur-Shulgi than younger 4-5 generation vamps like Dracula, for example)? It seems people may be confusing his cultists and naagloshi himself in regards to danger levels
In some ways he's going to be less, in some ways more. He's mixing templates, so its difficult to model him.
In WoD terms, its a little like a NPC that was made by possessing an Ancient vampire or an elder Garou with a Nexus Crawler.
Then the QM just tacked on some nonstandard flaws to give other people a chance.
Alternatively, just model it as a minor Incarna.
Theres a reason why my initial plan for dealing with Seeker was to take a page from Donald Morgan's Guide to Killing Naagloshii: Buy our weapon charm to get the Davy Crockett manportable nuke missile launcher or the SADM, then nuke his home territory multiple times before popping shintai and entering to be sure we finish the job.
I really dont want anything like a fair fight with this dude, just like he doesnt want one with us.
1) Fire damage is agg.
We see Shagnasty soak Luccio's firespell, and the injury is gone just seconds later in the same fight scene.
Ergo, true naagloshii soak Agg, and can heal it in combat.
Many, not all, monsters take agg damage from fire.
Just like fairies take agg damage from cold iron. Doesn't make cold iron in general agg.
It's more likely that Naagloshii don't take agg from fire, but merely lethal.
Fire is generally agg for everyone IIRC. Including mortals.
W20 pg 255
Werewolf said:
Aggravated Damage
Aggravated damage comes from attacks that go against a werewolf's nature. All silver weapons, not just bullets, deal aggravated damage to werewolves, but not to humans. Fire, some Wyrm-tainted poisons, and the teeth and claws of werewolves and other supernatural creatures all deal aggravated damage.
Humans can't soak aggravated damage. Werewolves can soak aggravated damage with Stamina in any form except their breed form, with the exception of damage from silver. Garou cannot regenerate aggravated damage.
Aggravated Damage
Certain attacks are anathema to the undead. Fire and the rays of the sun inflict terrible wounds on the undead, as can the teeth and claws of other vampires (and werewolves or other supernatural creatures).
As mentioned, each level of aggravated damage should be marked with an "*" on the Health chart. Aggravated damage may not be soaked except with the Discipline of Fortitude. Moreover, aggravated damage is far more difficult to heal. A level of aggravated damage may be healed only with a full day of rest and the expenditure of five blood points (though a vampire may, at the end of the full day's rest, cure additional aggravated health levels by spending an additional five blood points and one Willpower point per extra aggravated health level to be healed). Worst of all, a vampire who loses his last health level due to aggravated damage meets Final Death — his eternal life ends at last, and he goes to whatever awaits him beyond the grave.
Mortals may ignore sunlight, but still take damage from fire, fangs, and claws. Aggravated damage to mortals is treated as lethal wounds instead.
Aggravated Damage
"Agg damage" represents the most horrific injuries a person can sustain: fire, acid, virulent toxins, vampire fangs, radiation, explosions, and similar physical atrocities. On a metaphysical level, such damage tears apart the Pattern that binds a living thing together... and so, it follows that Life 3 and Entropy 4 Effects inflict aggravated damage by unweaving that Pattern. Thankfully, Life 3 can also reweave a damaged Pattern; such treatment demands vulgar magick and a point of Quintessence per health level healed, but it's an improvement over dying.
Like lethal damage, aggravated damage cannot be soaked by most physical beings. Certain types of protection – armor plating, substances that have been hardened with Matter and Prime magick, or incredibly dense materials like lead vaults or steel bulkheads – can resist aggravated damage, but normal flesh cannot. Only time and magick can heal such harm; medical care provides long-term treatment but can't patch it up with short-term First Aid. (See the Patch 'Em Up option sidebar.)
In all other regards, treat aggravated damage as lethal damage. Marked with an asterisk, it deteriorates like lethal damage, takes a long time to heal, and must be stabilized if the injured character plans to survive major injury.
Note that Garou can usually soak agg with Stamina in at least some of their forms, they just cant regenerate it the way they regen lethal and bashing. Thats probably what I would think a Naagloshii would do.
2) Its a naagloshii.
We see it shapeshift into a spider the size of a subcompact car. It ripped Dresden through the floor of the Raith Manor to the floor underneath by apparently brute force alone.Its Strength is precisely as high as it chooses it to be.
You keep trying to one weird trick an Incarna-class spirit entity.
1) Its not an absolute defence the way charms are.
If you have 4 dice of countermagick and the opposition is a naagloshii throwing 15ish dice of offensive spellcasting, what exactly do you think is going to happen?
2)Doesnt really help you against a Senior Council-tier spellcaster.
1) Fire damage is agg.
We see Shagnasty soak Luccio's firespell, and the injury is gone just seconds later in the same fight scene.
Ergo, true naagloshii soak Agg, and can heal it in combat
Or is it that we don't see the injury because its a shape shifter. Maybe it had to spend limited resources to heal fire damage. You are extrapolating to much from a single scene.
Thats not true.
Giving a Senior Council-tier caster preptime against a bunch of killer robots that explicitly come with remotely-activated self-destruct devices....just doesnt go well for the side with killer robots.
Not all that much.
Dresden got his left hand essentially burned to a crisp with a homemade flamethrower.
And in a setting with magic, magical agg is pretty commonplace for anyone who can do evocation.
The same Damage 8 weapons.
Just with less ammo than the HITMark that had a mag size of 200, and all those weapons are now vulnerable to being disabled en masse because they dont benefit from magic resistance.
They do tho, they would still be made out of primium or will be covered by the innate protection of the robot or by their equipment. Like you don't see people techbaning harrys revolver or that mercenary guys guns.
Yeah. Though it's worth noting that this was during the Cold War proper, not some podunk WW2 early atomic whatsit.
The yield isn't given, but a relatively small portion of the US' nuclear tests happened in Nevada compared to the Pacific. Which is where Morgan claimed to have pulled this trick for reference. Most of those tests were double digit Kt devices, and there were a few on the 100-300 Kt range.
We don't know how much bang it takes to off a Naagoloshii, but the books make them look more like they're puzzle bosses. If you're not strong enough to flip the table so hard it leaves a few hundred feet of crater you're probably not going to come out ahead unless you know their tricks and/or have the ability to hold their oath breaking against them.
We're playing an exalt so we have way better odds than most, but it's not a casual sort of fight even for us.
I mean if we really wanted to take out both the vamp, and the naagloshii, we could just grab a briefcase nuke from our hell. Good luck soaking a hundred agg to the face. We could probably get one that does not even cause environmental side effects to.
Wonder if the plants, and animals count for the descendent count. If so, we would be up to the hundreds of billions. And if the bacteria also counts, the number would rise to mathematical notation needed to represent properly.
Update will be tomorrow because the next one will be a hell of a moment... literally. Even if it is not the focus Molly will have to explain the whole world-soul part of her existence and then Arthur is going to react to what.
I suppose from his perspective we did sort of bury the lead.
Starting with our CV is a good way to hammer home that we're working towards similar ends before they get distracted but they're probably way more interested in why this is Molly's new profile pic on Fivefold-Courts-of-Facebook:
If someone doesn't outright explain it, I don't believe the Merlin is actually going to understand the connection between the FCF and Molly's soul, regardless of what his divination reveals. It's just too much of an OCP for him and his current magical paradigm. Unless we choose to relieve his ignorance, which I don't necessarily think we should, he's going to make the same assumption Harry did, that we've inherited control of an heretofore unknown realm in the NeverNever, one of unusual size, stability, and population.
She made one comment about opening a door in her soul. That could be interpreted in a few different ways, and she could be wrong about what she believes is happening.
It has an 8 dice attack pool, and its weapons do 8 dice of base damage.
And its trying to attack a veiled opponent.
The math seems abundantly clear.
Veiled inflicts the Blind status debuff (+2DC to attackers) so where your normal attack would be at DC6 (standard) or DC7(challenging), its now at DC8 or DC9.
The floor beneath my feet abruptly exploded. I felt a steel cable wrap my ankle and pull, and then I was falling with a hideous stench filling my nose. I crashed down onto something that slowed my fall but gave way, and I went farther down still. The noise was hideous. Then the fall stopped abruptly, though I wasn't quite sure which way was up. About a hundred objects slammed into me all at the same time, pounding the wind out of my lungs.
I lay there stunned for a few seconds, struggling to remember how to breathe. The floor. The skinwalker had smashed its way up to me through the floor. It had pulled me down-but all the falling debris must have crashed through the floor the skinwalker had been standing on in turn.
I'd just fallen two stories amidst maybe a ton of debris, and managed to survive it. Talk about lucky.
And then, beneath my lower back, something moved.
The rubble shifted and a low growl began to reverberate up through it.
In a panic, I tried to force my dazed body to flee, but before I could figure out how it worked, a yellow-furred, too-long forearm exploded up out of the rubble. Quicker than you could say "the late Harry Dresden," its long, clawed fingers closed with terrible strength on my throat and shut off my air.
Turn Coat Chapter 25, Page 232-233
Believe the hype. And dont get into grapple range of that thing.
Incidentally, an Attribute 5, Brawl 5 Gurahl werebear in Crinos does roll 20 dice for grapple easily.
+5 Strength in Crinos form, and spending 5 points of Rage for Strength gives you Strength 15, Brawl 5, and Grapple is Str+Brawl.
Just so you know.
It doesnt instakill scrubs because its a lot more fun to tear through them with its hands.
When it takes you seriously as a threat from the beginning, we see the fight scene against Listens To Wind, where it opens up with a broad array of evocation magic at range even as it closes the distance.
Or is it that we don't see the injury because its a shape shifter. Maybe it had to spend limited resources to heal fire damage. You are extrapolating to much from a single scene.
Damage carries through between forms on shapeshifters.
We see this with the Alphas, including when Marcy took acid damage to a shoulder against the Fomor in the short story Aftermath. We see this with the hexenwulfen and the loup garou as well in Full Moon.
We even see this with Shagnasty, when damage inflicted by Listens to Wind carries through into its other form as it flees.
I certainly hope it has to spend limited resources on healing.
But we literally have no evidence for any of this.
Molly maxes out in Shintai at around Soak 14 (Stamina 4 + Steelskin 2-3 + VLE 6 + 1 Armor)
Now you come to the naagloshii.
You want to run it as a spirit?
The Armor charm of a WoD spirit adds its Gnosis to its Willpower to calculate its soak.
A Willpower 10, Gnosis 9 spirit is running around with 19 soak for the scene.
Or do you want to model it as an Attribute 7 Garou?
Crinos Form is Strength +4, Dexterity +1, Stamina +3.
Thats Stamina 10/Soak 10.
Thats before Gifts: Troll Gift(Rank 2) rolls Stamina + Primal Urge to add additional dice to soak. Luna's Armor(Rank 2) rolls Stamina + Survival to do the same thing. Steel Fur(Rank 2) rolls Stamina + Science to do the same thing.
Once again, you have an opponent rolling soak in the mid to high teens.
Or further, an Attribute 7 Gurahl? Crinos is +5 Strength, -1 Dexterity, +5 Stamina.
You now have a Strength 12, Dexterity 6, Stamina 12 werebear. They can apparently spend Rage for a 1:1 increase in Attributes OR buying HLs, so a Stamina 22 werebear or one with 17 HLs is legal.
And mage shields or other forms of magic havent even come into play.
HITMarks are robots, not cyborgs.
Some models have superficial organic/pseudoorganic parts for disguise and to mitigate Paradox, but none of that is a functional requirement. ATLAS units are full body replacement cyborgs. They are made from people; there's a human brain from a Mage in there.
Not that it matters, because there are Fomor by the canon rules that are frankly competitive.
If a Renfield can make them in the basement of a homeless shelter with a box full of scraps, I would say you have no room for complacency. And essentially every serious magic user we see in this setting can deal agg somehow.
Directly or indirectly.
Citation very much needed. The Technocracy couldnt afford to make firearms with primium even before the Avatar Storm.
Dresden uses a revolver specifically to avoid the threat of magic(his own or that of others) fucking up his gun.
Wardens carry swords as well as firearms for much the same reason(and also because they might sometimes fight in places where gunpowder stops working )
Not particularly, I suspect. Good chance they'd be a power up juice pack, like poor Kirby was against Shagnasty.
A naagloshii is a very high end opponent, to the best of my understanding.
In the Dresden Files, I only count a couple antagonists potentially on the same tier as a combat threat:
The Genoskwa Blood on His Soul, a War Path Bigfoot holding Ursiel's Coin.
The Shoggoth from War Cry
Elder Walkers
Demigods and elder spirits
Maybe a Lord of Outer Night
Drakul and Ethniu are both a tier or two above in threat level
Most of the Denarians appear to be below them; the power is available, but they havent learned to tap and use it
The grendelkin is definitely below this tier of opponent.
Maybe if we brought a full strike team of them.
Id be more likely to bring a veilled gunship with a strike team though, just to act as a threat in being.
Or a couple beefy spirits if I can.
BMI is a priority as soon as we buy Splintered Gale Incarnation.
It allows us to hide our aura, which means that as long as we have at least 1 clone out, people cant be sure which is Molly Prime and which is the clone.