Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

So, regarding Kingdom signature charm effect, does the world warping revert back when we drop shintai? I mean, I get that active effects and Lord of the Land control fade, but our Kingdom is not made from ectoplasm, it's actual matter. In order to revert physical changes imposed by the charms effect, a new change would be required.
So, regarding Kingdom signature charm effect, does the world warping revert back when we drop shintai? I mean, I get that active effects and Lord of the Land control fade, but our Kingdom is not made from ectoplasm, it's actual matter. In order to revert physical changes imposed by the charms effect, a new change would be required.
I do not see the extreme weather conditions or exotic effects lasting much beyond the charm but there should be no reason, by RaW that the changes will revert.
Also, regarding the signature, it changes an area of Essence X 500 yards or 1500 yards at E3.

That is roughly 1.5 km and changes as she moves. Her base movement is already boosted and she gains a x3 speed in shintai.

It would be entirely possible to create an entire city with this, have forests spring up or any other number of changes.
I do not see the extreme weather conditions or exotic effects lasting much beyond the charm but there should be no reason, by RaW that the changes will revert.
Weather conditions and exotic effects yes, but what about material objects? Stuff like superconducting river banks, uranium outcroppings, iron snow, advanced electronics embedded into walls made of exotic alloys?
So, regarding Kingdom signature charm effect, does the world warping revert back when we drop shintai? I mean, I get that active effects and Lord of the Land control fade, but our Kingdom is not made from ectoplasm, it's actual matter. In order to revert physical changes imposed by the charms effect, a new change would be required.

It does, if you want it to last that is where you need to perform sacrifices, there is a charm for that. When you are using that signature charm Molly is not actually changing the world around her to match her kingdom, she is doing dimensional shenanigans using that fact that her kingdom is contained in her soul and her soul can flow out of her body combined with the boost from shintai.
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It does, if you want it to last that is where you need to perform sacrifices, there is a charm for that. When you are using that signature charm Molly is not actually changing the world around her to match her kingdom, she is doing dimensional shenanigans using that fact that her kingdom is contained in her soul and her soul can flow out of her body combined with the boost from shintai. not how it works?

Signature Effect: When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists, the world around her within (Essence x 500) yards warps and twists, gaining many of the features of her Kingdom. Any time the Infernal uses a stunt incorporating the features of her Kingdom, she reduces the difficulty of that action by one.
So as per RaW, she is not bringing anything out but reshaping the outer world to reflect her inner world.

So any features, like buildings and other physical objects are not brought out but rather warped and twisted from existing stuff.

Goings like weather dissipated without thd existing components to power it, but once, say a mountain has been shaped into a building, it should stay in that shape.

To add to this take the Lanka Charm.

When the TTigers Brokke Free (••)
The Infernal tightens all of her muscles to the
screaming point, forcing space around her to contract
until it cracks and shatters in a perfect ring, fragment￾ing the logic of urban geography into a confusion of re￾cursive lanes, impossible intersections, broken bridges,
dead-end streets, and bottomless chasms.
System: The Infernal spends a turn concentrating
her will, spends 2 Essence, and rolls Charisma + Street￾wise against difficulty 7. Success breaks the landscape
in a ring encircling her present location: all roads,
paths, and other routes leading away from the Infernal
terminate precisely half a mile from where she stands
at the time of the Charm's activation.
Everyone outside the range of the Charm's effects
simply becomes lost if they try to enter into its bound￾aries; they take wrong turns, end up on streets they
shouldn't be on, and are otherwise endlessly routed
around the area. Seen from the air, the affected area
seems normal, but attempts to fly in (such as via he￾licopter) inevitably end with the intruders mistakenly
landing somewhere outside of the forbidden zone. No
sounds or signs of distress can be detected by those
outside of the Charm's boundaries, even if the entire
area within is vigorously burning down. Those caught
within the Charm's range find that its borders are
marked by impassable obstacles: streets that bend back
on themselves, impassable walls of rubble, infinitely
deep chasms beneath shattered bridges. This Charm's
effects persist for a number of hours equal to the suc￾cesses on is activation roll. It may only be activated
within a city or similar area developed for habitation.
This is another similar charm but it has a set Duration. Not so for the kingdom charm.
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So as per RaW, she is not bringing anything out but reshaping the outer world to reflect her inner world.

So any features, like buildings and other physical objects are not brought out but rather warped and twisted from existing stuff.

Goings like weather dissipated without thd existing components to power it, but once, say a mountain has been shaped into a building, it should stay in that shape.

To add to this take the Lanka Charm.

This is another similar charm but it has a set Duration. Not so for the kingdom charm.

Huh... I had thought it was temporary.

In that case sure the features stay, that is a good balance for not being able to go into Shintai as often as others can use their apocalyptic forms. If I made the call for RaW in one instance makes sense to use it in the other. Use responsibly :V not how it works?

So as per RaW, she is not bringing anything out but reshaping the outer world to reflect her inner world.

So any features, like buildings and other physical objects are not brought out but rather warped and twisted from existing stuff.

Goings like weather dissipated without thd existing components to power it, but once, say a mountain has been shaped into a building, it should stay in that shape.

To add to this take the Lanka Charm.

This is another similar charm but it has a set Duration. Not so for the kingdom charm.
You missed words in your quote: "while that form persists".
You missed words in your quote: "while that form persists".
Yeah, while the form persists the world keeps gaining features. Meaning if we run, the world around us warps to match.

The part was added so even if we are forced to retreat, the effect follows us and is not limited to the area where we went devil trigger.
Yeah, while the form persists the world keeps gaining features. Meaning if we run, the world around us warps to match.

The part was added so even if we are forced to retreat, the effect follows us and is not limited to the area where we went devil trigger.
Can't agree with you at all. It seems to me that world warps and twists while the form persists, when Shintai is over, the changes are reverted. This whole sentence signifies the starting point of the changes (when Infernal dons her form) and the duration of them (while the form persists).
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Huh... I had thought it was temporary.

In that case sure the features stay, that is a good balance for not being able to go into Shintai as often as others can use their apocalyptic forms. If I made the call for RaW in one instance makes sense to use it in the other. Use responsibly :V
Are you sure? Please, consider the meaning of the passage: «When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists».
Can't agree with you at all. It seems to me that world warps and twists while the form persists, when Shintai is over, the changes are reverted.
1. When Tigers broke free has a specific Duration mentioned in the charm. Kingdom does not.
2. The words used: When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists.

Why use "When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists"

Why not just say, while the Infernal is in shintai?

Because the effect is supposed to follow the Infernal and not be stationery.

That is the purpose of the charm. Persistent effect that follows the Infernal.
Why use "When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists"

Why not just say, while the Infernal is in shintai?
Because it sounds cool. See "dons".

Because the effect is supposed to follow the Infernal and not be stationery.

That is the purpose of the charm. Persistent effect that follows the Infernal.
Yes, it follows the Infernal, while she is in the Shintai form.
You missed words in your quote: "while that form persists".

One could certainly argue that it should twist back when you are no longer exerting influence on it and if this was the base world with multiple infernals with kingdom charms wandering around I would rule it that way for the sake of sanity, but this is not that world with 50 infernal exaltations on the loose, this is the world with one Infernal Exaltation and it is a big deal by background world-building elements. Also it gives you just one more thing to be concerned about. Sure you can turn this bit of natural park into an alien tropical jungle... but what happens with it afterwards? ;)

That is the kind of problem exalts should have.
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Because it sounds cool. See "dons".

Yes, it follows the Infernal, while she is in the Shintai form.
Tiger Charm Words.

This Charm's effects persist for a number of hours equal to the suc￾cesses on is activation roll.

Kingdom charm Words.

When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists, the world around her within (Essence x 500) yards warps and twists, gaining many of the features of her Kingdom.

One is clearly temporary while the other is not.

1. The Kjngdom charm changes the world.
2. It is the continious warping effect that lasts for the duration of the charm.
3. Once a thing is warped, or a feature has been shaped there is no reason ig should not stay so.
4. Shaping effects from 2E and 3E work similarly.
One could certainly argue that it should twist back when you are no longer exerting influence on it and if this was the base world with multiple infernals with kingdom charms wandering around I would rule it that way for the sake of sanity, but this is not that world with 50 infernal exaltations on the loose, this is the world with one Infernal Exaltation and it is a big deal by background world-building elements. Also it gives you just one more thing to be concerned about. Sure you can turn this bit of natural part into an alien tropical jungle... but what happens with it afterwards? ;)

That is the kind of problem exalts should have.
Also, even with 50 Infernals, how many will take Kingdom as Signature? Let zone take the Kingdom charm?

It is a PC capstone for a reason limited only to ghe Big Bad Infernal enemy. I do not see any other NPC gaining it.

You said it yourself, not all Infernals went down the path of the Devil Tiger.
One could certainly argue that it should twist back when you are no longer exerting influence on it and if this was the base world with multiple infernals with kingdom charms wandering around I would rule it that way for the sake of sanity, but this is not that world with 50 infernal exaltations on the loose, this is the world with one Infernal Exaltation and it is a big deal by background world-building elements. Also it gives you just one more thing to be concerned about. Sure you can turn this bit of natural part into an alien tropical jungle... but what happens with it afterwards? ;)

That is the kind of problem exalts should have.
I am sorry, DragonParadox, but I think that you are unnecessarily nerfing that charm while making it difficult to use. I think that the description is pretty clear on the effect and its duration.
Telling it to Thomas will make sure that through his Nemesis-girlfriend our most dangerous enemy will find out.

Telling it to everyone else just adds a minor danger on top of that, basically harmless.
What should some White Court Elder do with that knowledge, if they have it?
If you believe that's the case why are you voting to tell anyone?

It's not like this is a blood oath to silence or something, we can tell whoever we want whenever we want; this is just about who we tell right now, and informing Thomas early is just a matter of convenience.

More directly, we can tell Thomas not to share it with anyone, and breaking that instruction will drop his MiS access.
When the Infernal dons her Shintai form, and while that form persists, the world around her within (Essence x 500) yards warps and twists, gaining many of the features of her Kingdom.

One is clearly temporary while the other is not.

1. The Kjngdom charm changes the world.
2. It is the continious warping effect that lasts for the duration of the charm.
3. Once a thing is warped, or a feature has been shaped there is no reason ig should not stay so.
4. Shaping effects from 2E and 3E work similarly.
I think you continue to ignore the description of the duration of the charm. Please, refer to Barren Waste Infliction, which is aimed to create Hell on Earth, there are exact words about it.
Edit: but it is possible that I don't understand something, I think we will need the opinion of other players.
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I am sorry, DragonParadox, but I think that you are unnecessarily nerfing that charm while making it difficult to use. I think that the description is pretty clear on the effect and its duration.

OK, thinking about it I think this is iffy enough that I can put this to an OOC vote like I did with the XP, if you guys want dimensional shenanigans or actually warping reality. The world building I set up works for both.
I think you continue to ignore the description of the duration of the charm.

No, our disagreement is that you think what is warped becomes unwarped at the end of the shintai while I think that the continious warping effect ends but what is warped stays warped, which is consistent with 2E 3E AND ExWoD.
No, our disagreement is that you think what is warped becomes unwarped at the end of the shintai while I think that the continious warping effect ends but what is warped stays warped, which is consistent with 2E 3E AND ExWoD.
OK, because it seems that I edited my last post after you started answering, I reiterate that it is entirely possible that I am making a mistake, but I am pretty sure that there is another charm dedicated to the purpose of making Hell on Earth (Barren Waste Infliction).
I am sorry, DragonParadox, but I think that you are unnecessarily nerfing that charm while making it difficult to use. I think that the description is pretty clear on the effect and its duration.
Depends on the amount of control we have.

It also says some features after all; if we can choose to only bring the weather or something we can still make it work as a transient effect in places we don't want to fully transform.

We could also take regions that will basically self destruct after the fact. Hukapani forests for example will melt into useless slurry once the temperature shifts to earth normal again.

I can see where you're coming from, but it's also a neat effect and I think we could make it work to our advantage with some effort.


OK, because it seems that I edited my last post after you started answering, I reiterate that it is entirely possible that I am making a mistake, but I am pretty sure that there is another charm dedicated to the purpose of making Hell on Earth (Barren Waste Infliction).
We have something like three or four charms that all make fomori in slightly different ways. Function overlap doesn't necessarily imply anything.
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