Sharing Stories
18th of November 2006 A.D.
Mom is not happy to find someone has eavesdropped at the door, she is even less happy to find it is two someones in the form of Leech dressed in an old green hoody that she insists on wearing to bed between October and April and Mathew in old DBZ pajamas that were his deep dark uncool secret, the kind every thirteen year old had from their friends. Not that looking uncool is his main problem at the moment or Leech's for that matter. Mom had just spend the last half hour trying and failing to get some semblance of control of a conversation so out there it might as well have had green flame rocket boosters on it and at the end of it she did not even get to chew the offending party out. Well now... listening in at doors definitely was a problem and neither Matthew or Leech had been blessed with the ancient power of weaseling out of trouble.
Too bad for them, you think as you can still hear mom quite clearly from atop the stairs, but you endured that gauntlet when you were their age and they should too. Builds character, or at least it builds an understanding that you should leave when the guest is saying their goodbyes not wait to hear every last reaction. To be fair to the jawas you were never grounded over overhearing the Archangel Uriel explain the ins and outs of cosmic significance, the most you got was knight business.
For now bed. Sweet dreamless oblivion, only slightly marred by the question of what the Imperial Bedroom in the Palace of Serene Majesty looked like. With your luck there were probably 25 of them each with their own lovingly crafted feng shui to attune your mind to a different aspect of the cosmos.
19h of November 2006 A.D.
Regained 3 Essence -> Now at 15/15
Regained 1 Willpower -> Now at 8/9
After breezing or maybe hammering your way though schoolwork with the determination of someone who has more important things to do and really, really does not want Mrs Mendoza or someone getting suspicious of all those sick days you had to pull you phone Izzy and Alec to make sure they are OK. Then you have a long talk with Anna about things being peaceful for now, but that the Order should not drop its guard, refraining to mention the truce you made with the prehistoric horror that is Broken Seeker and definitely not talking about how you do it. Next up Isabela... whom you do talk about the Skinwalker flirting with because it was gross and icky and if you do not talk about it with someone it feels like you might vomit at an inopportune time.
To be honest even though you had phoned her because 'monster flirting' feels like something up her alley you had been half afraid she'd make a joke out of it or not get what the big deal was. Instead you get: "Wait a sec so I won't get overheard." And then to the background of birdsong to a walk deep in the gardens: "Ooof that sounds rough. Big 'elder showing you the ropes' energy there. I never got it as bad as some but you can't really avoid creeps talking
at you at big events. Like I get it, they are more jaded than the entire late-Roman Senate after twelve days of non-stop orgies, but that does not mean the rest of us want to hear about it. Or I had this old school Skavis corner me once talking about 'hunts' like she was the protagonist in off-
off brand National Geographic with nary a glimmer of self-awareness in in her dull, dead eyes. I wanted to shake her
so bad and scream at her 'we are the White Court not the Black!' But no I had to sit there like a good little poppet and listen to her talk about how children's emotions are
pure and that makes them the best. I couldn't look at a kindergarten for months."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stir up bad memories." you are not sure what else to say. Yesterday was nasty but not nearly as bad as what she is talking about.
"Who else am I going to talk about this shit with?" Isabela snorts. "Even if I had a lot of friends my age in the Families, which for the record I don't since I hang out Leinth and that makes me 'crazy' all they want to talk about is the First Kill, the ones that haven't done it yet are pestering me about how it feels and the ones who have are jealous about how controlled I am."
"I could maybe do something about that," you start, though where in the day you would even fit that you do not know.
Isabela is feeling particularly perceptive today because she shoots back: "Great and Mighty Overlady,
Molly, I know you are Catholic and all, but maybe spare those good works until after you kill the bat-monster from Conan times."
"Conan times?" you laugh.
"Duchess A
is prehistoric and come on, nine foot tall bat-monster that can squeeze itself in the form of a beautiful woman Tell me that doesn't sound like something Conan would fight? Probably just in his loincloth because he was planning to bang her."
The response does not help with getting the giggles under control, but you finally manage: "Isn't that standard Conan attire?"
"Not really," she says with the confidence of a nerd in her area of expertise, which to say the tone you use when talking Trek. "Howard did not really go into detail about his appearance often, but there are plenty of times when he makes it clear that Conan puts on his armor like a sensible warrior if he has the option. The comics almost always put him in a loincloth or near enough to one, probably because that is what the original pulp covers did." She drops her voice into a whisper. "Honestly I think a significant number of book and comics sales back in the day was because he was the best eye candy on offer if you were into guys."
The image of prim ladies in large hats sneaking pulp fiction into their voluminous handbags is a surprisingly effective scrubbing away lingering skinwalker induced ick. It occurs to you then that there is a certain place with not-quite-saurian behemoths Isabela could visit and when she gets bored of that there are five whole mega-cities to visit and stay in. But should you? As much fun as she would have what should you tell your subjects on this side of the veil about your inner world? Once they have been there they would be a target for anyone who wants to find out about the Fivefold Courts of Fate. On the third hand how could you deny them the very thing the world was named for... sanctuary?
Who do you tell about your inner world?
[] Thomas
[] Isabela
[] All the Jade Dogs
[] Write in
OOC: So I was going to make this the update in which you got to the station, but then Isabela rolled very well for the talk and I figured the vote flowed naturally here.